Copyright Policy

Text, Pictures and Graphics, Third-Party submissions, Senate Seal and Logo, and Senate generated Video on Senate websites are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license are defined as follows:
Text: A Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative "CC-By-NC-ND" with CC Plus "CC+" license. The CC+ waives attribution requirements and allows for the creation of derivative works and commercial usage provided that such derivative works and commercial usage do not relate to political fundraising.
Pictures & Graphics: A Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative "CC-By-NC-ND" with CC Plus "CC+" license. The CC+ waives attribution requirements and allows for the creation of derivative works and commercial usage provided that such derivative works and commercial usage do not relate to political fundraising.
Third Party Submissions "3rd Party Submissions": A Creative Commons Attribution "CC-By" license. Please read our Terms of Participation.
Official Senate Seal & Logo: Continuation of the existing Senate copyright.
Video Not Containing Senate Floor Committee Hearing Proceedings: A Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative "CC-By-NC-ND" with CC Plus "CC+" license. The CC+ waives attribution requirements and allows for the creation of derivative works and commercial usage provided that such derivative works and commercial usage do not relate to political fundraising.
Video Containing Senate Floor, Committee Hearing Proceedings: The Senate Rules shall govern until such time as a C-SPAN model is implemented. See Senate Rules, Rule XV: Televising Senate Session
Section 1. Any televised proceedings of sessions of the Senate shall be made available for statewide television broadcast, pursuant to the following:
a. All televised proceedings of the Senate session shall be unedited, except that only accredited news organizations, educational institutions, and public affairs documentary programs may utilize any portion of the Senate television feed.
b. No portion of the televised proceedings (either live or taped) authorized pursuant to this section may be utilized for:
(1) campaign or political purposes or to promote or oppose a ballot issue or the candidacy of any person for any elective office; or (2) any paid commercial advertisements.
Section 2. The televised proceedings of sessions of the Senate as provided for in section one of this Rule, in any form, shall be deemed the property of the New York State Senate.