Senator Lee Zeldin Hosts 3rd Annual Black History Month Celebration

Lee M. Zeldin

February 24, 2014

February 24, 2014

Contact: Kara Cumoletti (518) 455-3570 or

On Friday, February 21, Senator Lee Zeldin (R,C,I-Shirley) hosted his 3rd Annual Black History Month Awards Ceremony at the Brentwood Public Library to recognize six honorees who have made innumerable contributions to the Third Senatorial District.

The evening featured a keynote address by Dr. Shaun L. McKay, Ed.D, distinguished tributes, and a performance by dancers from the local 3-D Dance Studio.

"These honorees are the pillars from which so many in our communities draw their strength,” said Senator Zeldin. “They have brought immeasurable value to each of their respective fields and it was an honor to have the opportunity to recognize and thank them for all that they do.”

Senator Zeldin is pictured above (from left to right) with Bill Menendez of the Brentwood Public Library, Bishop Donald Hudson (honoree), Kelly Schaefer, Brenden Burns (honoree), Tracy Todd Hunter (honoree), Raymond Mayo (honoree), Monique McCray (honoree), Warren Young (honoree),and Library Director, Tom Tarantowicz, as well as the dancers from 3-D Dance Studio.

