Senator Serrano Provides Free Legal Clinic in East Harlem

José M. Serrano

August 9, 2015

(East Harlem, NY)- Senator Serrano partnered with The Mobile Legal Help Center to provide a free legal clinic during his off-site constituent hours in East Harlem. Through a partnership between the New York Legal Assistance Group and the New York State Courts' Access to Justice Program, The Mobile Legal Help Center provides free legal assistance on civil issues related to housing (tenant only), foreclosure, public benefits, disability benefits, healthcare benefits, identity theft, immigration, domestic violence, and more. 

"We often encounter constituents at my District Office who are seeking legal assistance, but don't know where to turn," said Senator Serrano. "I am happy to sponsor events like this mobile legal help center, which allow my constituents to speak with a legal representative and get answers to their urgent questions. Many thanks to New York Legal Assistance Group and the NYS Courts' Access to Justice Program for providing free one-on-one legal assistance to my constituents."