Ranzenhofer Sponsors E-Recycling Free Drop-off Event

Senator Michael Ranzenhofer

May 13, 2016

Western New York residents will have an opportunity to recycle their old electronics– televisions, computers and more– during a free drop-off event sponsored by State Senator Michael H. Ranzenhofer.

Senator Ranzenhofer’s E-Recycling Event is scheduled for Saturday, May 21st from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Eastern Hills Mall, 4545 Transit Road.

“I encourage residents to recycle all of their old electronics collecting dust in the basement and garage.  A lot of electronics go to a landfill each year, and properly disposing these items makes a positive impact on the environment.  Together, we can do our part to keep our landfills free of hazardous e-waste,” said Ranzenhofer.

The event is in conjunction with Sunnking Electronics Recycling and Time Warner Cable.

“We are delighted to participate in this great event,” said Mark Fitchett, Time Warner Cable AVP of Operations for Western NY. “Together with the help of our community partners, we’re making an impact on the environment by keeping a significant amount of e-waste out of our landfills and giving residents a safe and convenient way to get rid of their old electronics.”

The following items will be accepted to recycle: 
•    Televisions (CRT, LCD, LED, Plasma, 3D)
•    Computers (Desktops & Laptops)
•    Computer Monitors (CRT, LCD, LED)
•    Printers (Ink or Toner)
•    Ink/Toner Cartridges
•    Telephones, Cell Phones & Chargers
•    Answering Machines
•    Tablets
•    MP3 Players
•    Copiers/Fax Machines
•    Scanners
•    Radios/CD Players
•    Circuit Boards
•    Typewriters
•    GPS Units
•    Cables, Wires, Power Cords, Power Strips
•    Microwave Ovens (Non-PCB)
•    Keyboards, Webcams, Speakers
•    Storage Devices (External Hard Drives, Solid State Drives, SD Cards, Memory Cards, Card Readers)
•    Rechargeable Dry Cell Batteries (Nickel Cadmium – NiCad, Nickel Metal Hydride, NiMH, Lithium Ion – Li-ion)

The following items cannot be accepted:
•    Any device containing liquid mercury (thermostats, switches, medical devices, thermometers)
•    Freon containing materials (Refrigerators, Air Conditioners, De-Humidifiers)
•    CRTs (Cathode Ray Tube) TVs & Monitors Containing Broken Glass
•    Bare CRTs (Cathode Ray Tube) TVs & Monitors that do not contain the outer casing
•    Household Hazardous Waste Materials
•    Yard Equipment
•    CDs, DVDs, VHS Tapes, Cassette Tapes
•    Gas-Powered Equipment
•    Items Leaking Fluid
•    Radioactive Materials
•    PCB Containing Materials
•    Large Appliances (Stoves, Washers, Dryers, Dishwashers)
•    Dry Cell Batteries (Absolyte, Alkaline, Mercury, Zinc Air With Mercury, Lithium Primary, Lithium Thionyl Chloride, Button Cells, Lead Acid Gel)
•    West Cell Batteries (Zinc Air, Zinc Air with Mercury, Nickel Iron, Nickel Cadmium)

Visit http://www.sunnking.com/consumer-business/acceptable-materials/ for the most up-to-date list of acceptable materials.  Residents can contact Senator Ranzenhofer’s District Office at (716) 631-8695 for more information. 

The event will benefit student clubs at Williamsville North, South and East High Schools.
