Senator Mattera's 2024 Legislative Questionnaire

leg questionnaire

Dear Constituent,

As your State Senator, my foremost commitment is to effectively represent and serve your interests. Your voice is a guiding force in this process and will assist me in making decisions on crucial matters. This questionnaire will help me understand your concerns and priorities so that I am able to best represent you during the 2024 Legislative Session.

I value every response and will make sure your voice is heard in Albany. The insights gathered will be crucial in shaping my legislative agenda and ensuring that it aligns with the needs and aspirations of our community. Your input is essential to building a better future for New York.

Your participation is greatly appreciated and I thank you in advance for taking the time to share your perspectives on the pressing issues that we face as a state.


Senator Mario R. Mattera

1. In your view, is New York State moving in the right direction? Your perspective is crucial for shaping our path forward.
2. Have recent inflation and rising costs for gas and daily essentials affected you or your family?
3. Are you worried about the increase in crime and the overall safety of our community?
4. Have reforms like cashless bail, clean slate and changes in parole laws impacted our community’s safety?
5. Should inmates aged 55+ who have served 15+ years be eligible for parole, irrespective of their crimes?
6. Do you support changing the criteria used by the Parole Board to make it easier for those in prison to be approved for parole?
7. Do you support the idea of a state-run, single-payer healthcare system in New York regardless of the excessive cost to taxpayers?
8. Do you support or oppose New York State being a sanctuary state and allowing those entering the country illegally to access public assistance?
9. The New York State Natural Gas Ban is set to take effect on December 31, 2025 requiring all new homes to be fully electric. Do you support this environmental policy even with the high cost to homeowners?
I believe it is crucial for environmental progress
But have concerns about implementation and impact
Unsure about its effects
But open to understanding its potential benefits
I am concerned about the negative impacts on our community
Ensuring Public Safety
Delivering Tax Relief
Government Transparency and Accountability
Expanding Broadband
Investing in Infrastructure
11. What is the most effective way for me to keep you informed about my work and initiatives?
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