About Former Senator Carl L. Marcellino's
5th Senate District (Parts of Nassau and Suffolk Counties)
Senator Carl Louis Marcellino was elected to represent the Fifth Senate District on March 14, 1995 and serves as Majority Whip and Chairman of the Senate Education Committee.
From 1995 to 2008 he served in the capacity of the Chairman of the Senate Environmental Conservation Committee. Senator Marcellino has built a reputation as the champion of significant environmental legislation and has written over 100 environmental laws. His efforts have been recognized by the League of Conservation Voters and the Sierra Club, he has received numerous environmental awards including being named "Conservationist of the Year," by the Adirondack Council. He was the recipient of the "Honorary Sol Feinstone Environmental Award" from The State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, and was named "Legislator of the Year" by both the Environmental Advocates and the Neighborhood Network. Senator Marcellino was honored by the New York State Bar Association and granted a legislative leadership award by the National Brownfield Association.
Senator Marcellino's environmental accomplishments include being the prime sponsor of the landmark Brownfield/Superfund Reform Law, the Pesticide Notification Law and the Nation's first law phasing out the groundwater contaminate MTBE from gasoline. He was the sponsor of the Clean Air/Clean Water Bond Act, laws enacting tax credits for alternative fuel vehicles, net electric metering to encourage solar power usage, emissions testing for heavy duty diesel vehicles, the ban on lead sinkers, and the Acid Rain Prevention Act.
In 2011, Senator Marcellino was named Chairman of the Senate Investigations and Government Operations Committee. During his time as Chairman, Senator Marcellino held numerous hearings on critical issues facing Long Island and all of New York State. In 2011, the Committee investigated proposed consolidation of State Agencies, the serious and recurring financial problems at the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) and the Long Island Power Authority’s (LIPA) response to Tropical Storm Irene. In 2012, the Committee examined our State’s boating safety laws, excessive executive compensation at not-for-profit organizations and the use of automated sales suppression devices in evading State Sales Tax collection. In 2013, the Committee convened hearings to consider how best to rebuild after Superstorm Sandy, review the proposed privatization of LIPA and five separate hearing across the State to discuss ideas to update tax policy, reduce the burden on taxpayers and create jobs.
In 2015, Senator Marcellino returned to his roots in the field of education and was named Chairman of the Senate Education Committee. The Senator’s top priority was to increase education aid across the State and permanently eliminate the Gap Elimination Adjustment (GEA). Since becoming Chair, aid to education has increased by $2 billion or 13%. The GEA was completely abolished in 2016.
Outside the environmental arena, Senator Marcellino has also sponsored numerous laws that have protected the health and safety of all New Yorkers. He worked tirelessly to see that his legislation banning the use of hand held cell phones while driving in New York State became the first law of its kind in the United States. He was the prime sponsor of the "Stephanie's Law" which made it a felony to engage in video voyeurism, the Unpaid Wages Prohibition Act, the disability registry that provides vital information to aid in rescues and evacuations, and the permanent COLA bill, granting retirees from state service annual cost-of-living adjustments. Senator Marcellino also established the Breast Cancer Science Board and Breast Cancer Registry.
Senator Marcellino is currently the Majority Whip of the Senate Majority Conference and proudly serves as a member of the Senate Committees on Finance, Rules, Labor, Environmental Protection and Cultural Affairs, Tourism, Parks and Recreation
In addition to his legislative agenda, Senator Marcellino has been instrumental in implementing important environmental benefits for his Senate District. He obtained state funding to purchase and make accessible five acres of waterfront property in the Town of Oyster Bay, preserved for open space 300 acres of land at SUNY Old Westbury and 51 acres of the Underhill Property in Nassau County.
Senator Marcellino was Chairman of the Oyster Bay Western Waterfront Committee, founding member of the State Advisory Board of the National Environmental Policy Institute, former President of the New York Conference of Italian American State Legislators and was Chairman of the National Council of State Governments.
Senator Marcellino was born on December 23, 1942 in Brooklyn, New York and attended public schools in Queens. He earned both Bachelor of Arts and Master of Science degrees from New York University and a Professional Diploma in Administration and Supervision from St. John's University. After a 20 year career as a science teacher and administrator in the New York City School system, Senator Marcellino was elected as the Oyster Bay Town Clerk, a position he held until his Senate election.
Senator Marcellino and his wife, Patricia Marcellino, Ed.D, Professor Emeritus at Adelphi University are long time Syosset residents and have two children, Jean and Carl.
Last edited by Senator Carl L. Marcellino's staff prior to last day in office.