Family Support and Transition Resource Fair sponsored by the Richard H. Hungerford PTA and the Staten Island Developmental Disabilities Council
100 Essex Drive
Staten Island,
- Disability
Family Support and Transition Resource Fair
Free Admission – Free Childcare
Continental Breakfast
Saturday, October 22, 2011
10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
100 Essex Drive, Staten Island, NY
(Jerome Parker Campus off Richmond Hill Rd)
Additional parking located at the SI Mall
Free Shuttle Service at Marsh Avenue and West Port Street
10:00 am: Continental Breakfast & Coffee
10:00 am - 1:00 pm: Resource Fair - Visit over 50 Vendor Tables
10:30 am - 11:30 am: Welcome and Keynote: Dr. Mary McInerney, Principal, Richard H. Hungerford School: Christine D. Cea, Ph.D., Chairperson, SI Developmental Disabilities Council; James F. Moran, Acting Executive Deputy Commissioner, OPWDD
11:30 am - 1:00 pm: Information Sessions
An opportunity for parents, family members, individuals with developmental disabilities and professionals to learn about OPWDD and how to access the various programs and services for persons of all ages, including young adults who are preparing for graduation and transitioning to adult life.
Transition Services
Transition planning helps to: Ensure that linkages with adult services are created to support students who need them after leaving school. Introduce individuals to supportive or competitive employment, volunteer work, an adult day or training program, postsecondary education or whatever is necessary to provide a meaningful life after high school. More importantly it makes possible for students to fulfill the dreams and visions they have about who they are, what they want in life, and the path to follow to achieve their goals.
The providers participating in this Fair offer unique and exciting programs and services for those individuals who are preparing to graduate. Come meet with the experts and get your questions answered.
Family Support Services
Providing at-home care for loved ones with a developmental disability presents a host of unique challenges. To give caregivers a helping hand, the Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) Family Support Services program provides a range of supports including respite programs and reimbursement for certain goods and services. Take advantage and visit the many agency representatives to learn about OPWDD Family Support Services Program.
Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (formerly known as OMRDD) provides access to services for people with developmental disabilities. OPWDD operates a network of Developmental Disabilities Services Offices (DDSOs) that administer locally based programs. Staten Islanders should contact the SIDDSO (718-982-1904) as a first step toward receiving the services they want and need. Services for persons who are eligible are provided through a network of public and private providers, all of whom work cooperatively to assure that high quality care that appropriately meets the needs of the individual is provided
Fun for all ages. Includes movies in the auditorium, snacks, music, arts & crafts, reading, games and goody bags. Enjoy the fair while we take care!
Pre-registration for childcare is required by Oct. 19th.
There are no exceptions. This is to ensure appropriate level of care. To pre-register call (718) 983-5276 or contactsiddc@siddc.org
How a Bill Becomes Law
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Senator has new policy idea
Idea is drafted into a Bill
Bill undergoes committee process
Senate and Assembly pass bill
Bill is signed by Governor