Virtual Town Hall: Young People's Civic Engagement
- Absentee Voting
- civics education
- 2020 Census
- Civic Engagement
- Activism

Dear Neighbors:
As students head back to school, our office is hosting an interactive town hall on Young People's Civic Engagement for teens and young adults to provide concrete strategies about how to make a positive change in their community and throughout the state. We will discuss how to be an effective organizer and advocate, how to make your vote count, and ways to be involved in your community.
Please join us on Wednesday, September 23rd, from 7-8pm for our virtual town hall on Young People’s Civic Engagement, with:
- Jessica Wise, NYC Senior Program Associate, Generation Citizen
- Jamil Hamilton, Public Policy & Advocacy Manager, National Alliance on Mental Illness, NYC
- Aarati Cohly, Deputy Director of Strategic Planning & Executive Affairs, NYC Census
- Betty Kubovy-Weiss, Student Activist, Member of Manhattan Community Board 2
The town hall will be an interactive conversation with opportunities to ask questions and participate in real-time activities, streamed live via Zoom and Facebook Live, or you can dial-in by phone. Please visit bit.ly/CivicsTH to RSVP (and receive the Zoom link), submit questions or comments in advance, and request translation services.
Translation will be available in Spanish, Mandarin, and Cantonese via Zoom.
Tendremos traducción en español - bit.ly/CivicsTH
提供普通話及廣東話翻譯 - bit.ly/CivicsTH
A flyer for the event is available in English, in Spanish, and in Chinese, and posted on Twitter and Facebook. Please feel free to share this invitation with neighbors. Parents-- please encourage your children to attend!
I hope to see you on Wednesday, September 23. If we may be of any assistance in the meantime, please contact us at 212-298-5565 or kavanagh@nysenate.gov.
Brian Kavanagh
How a Bill Becomes Law
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Senator has new policy idea
Idea is drafted into a Bill
Bill undergoes committee process
Senate and Assembly pass bill
Bill is signed by Governor