***PRESS CONFERENCE*** Senator James Sanders Jr. to Introduce Comprehensive Search Warrant Reform Legislation in New York State, End Abuse of No Knock Warrants

Senator James Sanders Jr. will be joined by his colleagues in government, Senator Brian Benjamin and Assembly Member Daniel O’Donnell, as well as national organization Campaign Zero, to announce the introduction of comprehensive search warrant reform legislation in New York State, specifically as it relates to no-knock warrants. The press conference will take place on Thursday, December 17, 2020 at 11 a.m. on Facebook Live at www.facebook.com/StateSenatorJamesJr/
Press who would like to ask questions at the press conference must RSVP with Senator Sanders' Office in advance by emailing costella@nysenate.gov and amcostella@gmail.com
Senator Sanders' groundbreaking legislation will serve as a national model for reform, addressing systemic abuses in the execution of search warrants that have cost lives, undermined trust, and caused incalculable damage across our State and the Country. The legislation, developed in collaboration with pioneering police reform activists and experts at Campaign Zero, will end the use of “no knock” and nighttime search raids in all but the most extreme and dangerous circumstances; ban the use of non-uniformed officers and flashbang/concussion grenades; improve transparency and accountability in the search warrant application process; and establish a robust uniform data collection system for search warrants statewide.
"We must stop the over militarization of our communities," Sanders said. "The abuse of no-knock warrants disproportionally affects black and brown people and can often result in death as was seen in the tragic cases of Breonna Taylor, Alberta Spruill and too many others. Today, we are putting forth the most comprehensive, groundbreaking legislation in the nation when it comes to these police raids, which should only be used under extreme circumstances and with accountability."
Speakers will include:
State Senator James Sanders Jr. - Chief Sponsor in the Senate
State Senator Brian Benjamin - Co-Prime Sponsor in the Senate
Assembly Member Daniel O‘Donnell - Chief Sponsor in Assembly
Dr. Peter Kraska, Leading Criminal Justice Scholar
DeRay MeKesson & Katie Ryan, Campaign Zero, police reform campaign
Dr. Hazel Dukes, President of the NAACP NYS Conference
Donna Lieberman, Executive Director, New York Civil Liberties Union
How a Bill Becomes Law
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Senator has new policy idea
Idea is drafted into a Bill
Bill undergoes committee process
Senate and Assembly pass bill
Bill is signed by Governor