Senator Sanders Wants to Protect You From Fires - Join Our Info Sesssion with FDNY

Don't forget to join Senator Sanders and Assembly Member Jenifer Rajkumar as we partner with the FDNY for an important virtual info session on how you can protect yourself and your family from fires. The information you learn might save your life one day, so don't miss it! Tell your friends and neighbors.
Topic: Fire Safety Meeting with FDNY for the Community
Time: Feb 25, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 832 0616 5951
Passcode: 368069
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Meeting ID: 832 0616 5951
Passcode: 368069
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How a Bill Becomes Law
Learn More-
Senator has new policy idea
Idea is drafted into a Bill
Bill undergoes committee process
Senate and Assembly pass bill
Bill is signed by Governor