Veterans Job and Resource Fair

330 Beach 90th Street
Rockaway Beach,

JOBS and Resources for Veterans! We Have Huge Opportunities Awaiting You
New York State Senator and Marine Corps Veteran James Sanders Jr. (D-Rochdale Village, Far Rockaway) will host a Veterans Job & Resource Fair on March 20, 2017 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. at the Daniel M. O'Connell American Legion Post 272 (Knights of Columbus), 330 Beach 90th Street, Rockaway Beach, NY 11693.
This event is conducted with Assembly Member Stacey Pheffer Amato.
It is sponsored by Veteran Movers NYC.
All members of the U.S. Armed Forces are invited to attend.
Space is limited, so please RSVP, by calling Senator Sanders' District Office at 718-523-3069.
Featured vendors will include:
Alliance Computing Solutions
American Legion (Daniel M. O’Connell Post 272)
Black Veterans For Social Justice
Calverton National Cemetery
COCOON Homecare Reborn
CVO Home for Female Veterans Inc.
CVS Health
Easter Seals
Electrical Contractors of New York (Local union #3 I.B.E.W, AFL-CIO)
Helmets to Hardhats
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Jericho Project
Knights of Columbus
Metropolitan Transit Authority
Non-Traditional Employment for Women
NYC Board of Elections
NYC Department of Correction
NYC Department of Veterans’ Services
NYS Comptroller’s Office of Unclaimed Funds
Queens College
Queens Legal Services
Richmond Hill Army Recruitment Center
Royal Care
Skanska Walsh
U.S. Border and Customs Patrol
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Postal Service (USPS)
Veteran Movers NYC
Special Features:
Tax Tips & Advice from the IRS
Search for Unclaimed Funds on the Spot
Legal Assistance from a VA-Certified Lawyer
Lunch will be served
Bring your resume and DD-214 form
Onsite parking is available
Venue is handicapped accessible
How a Bill Becomes Law
Learn More-
Senator has new policy idea
Idea is drafted into a Bill
Bill undergoes committee process
Senate and Assembly pass bill
Bill is signed by Governor