Senator Salazar's District Office Grand Opening
- District Office
RSVP at bit.ly/SalazarGrandOpening
[English below]
Por favor acompáñenos a mi y a nuestro equipo en la gran inauguración de nuestra nueva oficina permanente en el Distrito! El Domingo, 1 de Deciembre de 2-6 de la tarde . Estamos muy emocionados para darles la bienvenida a la comunidad del Norte de Brooklyn en nuestra nueva oficina ubicada en 212 Evergreen Avenue en Bushwick.
Niños de todas las edades son muy bienvenidos!
Please join me and my staff for the grand opening of our permanent District Office! On December 1st, we’re so excited to welcome the North Brooklyn community to our brand new space at 212 Evergreen Avenue in Bushwick.
Children of all ages are very welcome to attend.
Please RSVP so we can plan for how many people will attend: bit.ly/SalazarGrandOpening
How a Bill Becomes Law
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Senator has new policy idea
Idea is drafted into a Bill
Bill undergoes committee process
Senate and Assembly pass bill
Bill is signed by Governor