May 3rd: Climate & Community Protection Act (CCPA) Event at the Rye Nature Center
- Environmental protection
- sustainability

Join State Senators Shelley Mayer & Todd Kaminsky (Prime Sponsor of CCPA) for a panel discussion of the Climate & Community Protection Act (CCPA).
Friday, May 3rd - 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
In the face of federal inaction on climate change, learn about personal efforts to tackle the problem in New York.
- State Senator Todd Kaminsky, Primse Sponsor of the CCPA
- Ryan Madden, Sustainability Organizer, Long Island Progressive Coalition & Steering Committee Member, NY Renews
- Ed Berry, Executive Board Member, Lower Hudson Sierra Club
- Ellen Conrad, Co-Founder & President of Bedford 2020
- Raya Salter, Principal Consultant, Imagine Power LLC
Rye Nature Center, 873 Boston Post Road, Rye, NY 10580
For more information, please call 914-934-5250 or email SMayer@nysenate.gov.
How a Bill Becomes Law
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Senator has new policy idea
Idea is drafted into a Bill
Bill undergoes committee process
Senate and Assembly pass bill
Bill is signed by Governor