07 Jun 2011

Cities Meeting

Legislative Office Building

01:00 PM to 01:05 PM Archived Video

Senate Standing Committee on Cities
Senator Andrew Lanza, Chair
1:00 PM, Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Room 916 LOB

Printed No.





An act to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to the use of bicycles for commercial purposes



An act to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to suspending certain licenses for failure to answer appearance tickets or pay fines to the New York city taxi and limousine commission



An act to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to establishing maximum age requirements for New York city correctional officers



An act to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to the rate of regular interest used in the actuarial valuation of liabilities for the purpose of calculating contributions to the New York city employees' retirement system, the New York city teachers' retirement system, the police pension fund, subchapter two, the fire department pension fund, subchapter two and the board of education retirement system of such city by public employers and other obligors required to make employer contributions to such retirement systems, the crediting of special interest and additional interest to members of such retirement systems, and the allowance of supplementary interest on the funds of such retirement systems



An act to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to enforcement of environmental control board judgments as tax liens

past Cities 1 committee events

09 May

26 Apr

22 Mar

28 Feb

18 May

27 Apr

09 Mar

14 Jan

29 May

21 May

30 Apr

09 Apr

12 Mar

12 Feb

31 May

01 May

20 Mar

28 Feb

30 Jan

17 Jan

06 Jun

23 May

02 May

21 Mar

07 Mar

31 Jan

01 Jun

24 May

04 May

01 Mar

09 Jun

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

4:30 PM

02 Jun

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Senate Capitol Building

6:00 PM

19 May

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Senate Capitol Building

9:15 PM

12 May

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

4:30 PM

22 Apr

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

4:30 PM

31 Mar

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

9:00 PM

03 Mar

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

5:30 PM

29 May

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

4:30 PM

13 May

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

4:30 PM

06 May

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

4:30 PM

04 Mar

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

5:30 PM

30 May

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

4:30 PM

21 May

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

4:30 PM

23 Apr

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

4:30 PM

12 Mar

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

4:30 PM

05 Jun

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

4:37 PM

01 May

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

4:30 PM

20 Mar

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

4:30 PM

06 Mar

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

5:30 PM

18 Jan

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

6:30 PM

10 May

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

4:30 PM

05 Apr

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

4:30 PM

08 Mar

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building

5:30 PM

14 Feb

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Senate Capitol Building

6:00 PM

08 Jun

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Legislative Office Building, Room 610

2:00 PM

25 May

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Room 610 in the LOB

2:00 PM

11 May

Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

New York State Legislative Office Building

2:00 PM

27 Apr

4/27/2010: Senate Committee on Cities

NYS Capitol Building

Room 610, Legislative Office Building

2:00 PM

23 Mar

3/23/2010: Senate Committee on Cities

NYS Capitol Building

Room 610, Legislative Office Building

2:00 PM

09 Mar

3/09/2010: Senate Committee on Cities

NYS Capitol Building

Room 610, Legislative Office Building

3:00 PM

23 Feb

2/23/2010: Cities Meeting

NYS Capitol Building

Room 609, Legislative Office Building

3:00 PM

09 Feb

2/09/2010: Cities

NYS Capitol Building

Room 609, Legislative Office Building

3:00 PM

Cities 1 committee news

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