09 Mar 2015

Corporations, Authorities and Commissions Meeting

Legislative Office Building

01:30 PM Archived Video

Senate Standing Committee on Corporations, Authorities and Commissions
Senator Michael Ranzenhofer, Chair
1:30 PM, Monday, March 9, 2015
Room 610 LOB

Printed No.





An act to amend the public authorities law, in relation to prohibiting the formation of a subsidiary of a public authority without prior permission of the legislature



An act to amend the not-for-profit corporation law, in relation to the regulation of cemetery corporations

Refer to Finance


An act to amend the New York state urban development corporation act, in relation to creating the New York state innovative energy and environmental technology program



An act to repeal chapter 154 of the laws of 1921 relating to the port authority of New York and New Jersey; to repeal chapter 43 of the laws 1922 relating to the development of the port of New York; to repeal chapter 47 of the laws of 1931 relating to bridges and tunnels in New York and New Jersey; to repeal chapter 882 of the laws of 1953 relating to waterfront employment and air freight industry regulation; to repeal chapter 700 of the laws of 1927 relating to the veto power of the governor; to repeal chapter 48 of the laws of 1931 regulating the use of revenues received by the port of New York authority from or in connection with the operation of terminal and transportation facilities relating thereto; to repeal chapter 553 of the laws of 1931 relating to payment of a fair and reasonable sum by the port authority; to repeal chapter 876 of the laws of 1935 relating to the payment of a fair and reasonable sum for a change in grade; to repeal chapter 203 of the laws of 1938 relating to the sale of real property acquired by the port authority; to repeal chapter 163 of the laws of 1945 relating to motor truck terminals; to repeal chapter 352 of the laws of 1946 relating to monies for preliminary studies upon the interstate vehicular bridges known as the Outerbridge crossing, the Goethals bridge and the Bayonne bridge; to repeal chapter 443 of the laws of 1946 relating to the financing and effectuating of a motor bus terminal by the port authority; to repeal chapter 631 of the laws of 1947 relating to the development of marine terminals by the port authority; to repeal chapter 802 of the laws of 1947 relating to the financing of air terminals by the port authority; to repeal chapter 819 of the laws of 1947 relating to the port authority's ability to exercise the right of eminent domain; to repeal chapter 301 of the laws of 1950 relating to suits against the port authority; to repeal chapter 774 of the laws of 1950 relating to the rules and regulations governing traffic on vehicular crossings operated by the port authority; to repeal chapter 206 of the laws of 1951 relating to traffic regulations for air and marine terminals; to repeal chapter 207 of the laws of 1951 relating to penalties for violation of rules and regulations; to repeal chapter 142 of the laws of 1953 relating to smoking regulations for air and marine terminals; to repeal chapter 143 of the laws of 1953 relating to suits on leases at International Airport; to repeal chapter 808 of the laws of 1955, relating to the Narrows bridge; to repeal chapter 444 of the laws of 1956 relating to New Jersey turnpike connections; to repeal chapter 638 of the laws of 1959, relating to the purchase, financing and rental of commuter railroad cars by the port of New York authority and agreeing with the state of New Jersey with respect thereto; to repeal chapter 209 of the laws of 1962, relating to the financing and effectuation by the port of New York authority of a port development project, consisting of the Hudson tubes, the Hudson tubes extensions and a world trade center; to repeal chapter 665 of the laws of 1964, relating to the operation within the state of New York of the Hudson tubes and the Hudson tubes extensions; to repeal chapter 474 of the laws of 1971, relating to the authorization of the port of New York authority to provide access by mass transportation facilities to air terminals; to repeal chapter 651 of the laws of 1978, relating to the further coordination, facilitation, promotion, preservation and protection of trade and commerce in and through the port of New York district through the financing and effectuation of industrial development projects therein by the port authority of New York and New Jersey, and agreeing with the state of New Jersey with respect thereto; to repeal chapter 12 of the laws of 1979, relating to the acquisition, development, financing and transfer of buses and related facilities by the port authority of New York and New Jersey and the utilization thereof; and relating to constituting chapter 40-A of the consolidated laws, in relation to the port authority of New York and New Jersey


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24 Feb

09 Feb

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