27 Mar 2012

Energy and Telecommunications Meeting

Legislative Office Building

01:30 PM to 01:34 PM Archived Video

Senate Standing Committee on Energy and Telecommunications
Senator George D. Maziarz, Chair
1:30 PM, Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Room 709 LOB

Printed No. Sponsor Title
355 Robach An act to amend the energy law, in relation to energy efficiency performance standards for general purpose lighting products
Refer to Finance
Robach An act to amend the executive law, in relation to establishing a high-tech employment and training program within the New York state foundation for science, technology and innovation
Refer to Finance
Maziarz An act to amend the public authorities law, in relation to requiring the development of a generation attribute tracking system by the New York state energy research and development authority
4779 Golden An act to amend the state technology law, in relation to sending notices, bills and other communications by electronic means in a city with a population of one million or more
6670 Little An act to amend the public service law, in relation to remote net energy metering by farm and non-residential customer-generators using micro-hydroelectric generating equipment

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21 Jun

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