08 Mar 2011

Rules Meeting

Senate Capitol Building

04:15 PM to 04:18 PM Archived Video

Senate Standing Committee on Rules
Senator Dean G. Skelos, Chair
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Off The Floor-Room 332 CAP

This meeting will be called off the floor.

*All Bills will be reported direct to 3rd Reading.*


Printed No.





An act to amend the economic development law and the public authorities law, in relation to the creation of the recharge New York power program; and to amend the economic development law, the public authorities law, the tax law, chapter 316 of the laws of 1997 amending the public authorities law and other laws relating to the provision of low cost power to foster statewide economic development, and chapter 645 of the laws of 2006 amending the economic development law and other laws relating to reauthorizing the power authority of the state of New York to make contributions to the general fund, in relation to extending the expiration of the power for jobs program and the energy cost savings benefit program; to amend chapter 477 of the laws of 2009, amending the public authorities law relating to energy efficiency and clean energy initiatives of the power authority of the state of New York, in relation to making such provisions permanent and to repeal subdivision 16 of section 1005 of the public authorities law relating to energy audits


past Rules committee events

04 Mar

27 Jan

21 Jan

13 Jan

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