07 Mar 2023
Joint - Public Hearing: To receive testimony on how to identify and examine best practices for integrating doulas into New York’s maternal healthcare system
Hearing Room A, Van Buren
01:00 PM Archived Video
Joint – Senate Standing Committee on Health
Chair: Senator Gustavo Rivera
and Senate Standing Committee on Mental Health
Chair: Senator Samra G. Brouk
Public Hearing: To receive testimony on how to identify and examine best
practices for integrating doulas into New York’s maternal
healthcare system, as well as recommendations for policies that
provide sustainable Medicaid reimbursement rates for doulas
Place: Van Buren Hearing Room A, Legislative Office Building,
2nd Floor, Albany New York
Time: 1:00 P.M.
Contact: Shaniya Morrison (518) 455-2218
Media Contact: Emily Goldsmith (585) 223-1800