Assembly Bill A9949

Signed By Governor
2009-2010 Legislative Session

Relates to procurement lobbying

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Archive: Last Bill Status - Signed by Governor

  • Introduced
    • In Committee Assembly
    • In Committee Senate
    • On Floor Calendar Assembly
    • On Floor Calendar Senate
    • Passed Assembly
    • Passed Senate
  • Delivered to Governor
  • Signed By Governor

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Bill Amendments


2009-A9949 - Details

Law Section:
State Finance Law
Laws Affected:
Amd §1-c, Leg L; amd §§139-j & 139-k, St Fin L; amd §16, Chap 1 of 2005

2009-A9949 - Summary

Relates to procurement lobbying.

2009-A9949 - Sponsor Memo

2009-A9949 - Bill Text download pdf

                    S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K


                          I N  A S S E M B L Y

                            February 17, 2010

Introduced  by M. of A. DESTITO -- read once and referred to the Commit-
  tee on Governmental Operations

AN ACT to amend the state finance law, in relation to procurement lobby-
  ing; and to amend chapter 1 of the laws of  2005  amending  the  state
  finance  law  and  other  laws relating to restricting contacts in the
  procurement process and the recording of contacts relating thereto, in
  relation to extending the effectiveness of certain provisions thereof


  Section  1. Legislative findings and statement of intent. The legisla-
ture hereby finds and declares that it is important to the well-being of
the state and its citizens to preserve and enhance  both  the  integrity
and  efficiency  by  which  New York state entities, including executive
agencies, public authorities, localities, the legislature, and the judi-
ciary procure goods and services. In order to use the  revenues  of  the
state  effectively  and  to maximize value from such procurements to the
residents of the state, the procurement laws of the state seek to struc-
ture the procurement process so that there  is  broad-based  competition
for  state  procurements,  which promotes both lower costs for necessary
purchases and greater value. The laws governing procurement also  should
authorize  and encourage the entities conducting procurements to use new
technology and practices that would allow  the  state  to  procure  more
efficiently.  At  the  same  time,  both  vendors who participate in the
procurement process and the residents of the state should feel confident
that the process is fair and that decisions are made on the merits,  not
on  the  basis of favoritism or past relationships. Finally, because the
state is a major purchaser of goods and services, it is  appropriate  to
use  its  purchasing  power  to  promote the inclusion in our economy of
groups of people who historically have not  fully  participated  in  it,
including  people  with  disabilities and minority and women-owned busi-
nesses, and to support the continued foundation of a healthy economy  by
encouraging  the  participation  in state purchasing of small businesses
and the wide distribution of the economic benefits of such participation
throughout the state.

 EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                      [ ] is old law to be omitted.


2009-A9949A (ACTIVE) - Details

Law Section:
State Finance Law
Laws Affected:
Amd §1-c, Leg L; amd §§139-j & 139-k, St Fin L; amd §16, Chap 1 of 2005

2009-A9949A (ACTIVE) - Summary

Relates to procurement lobbying.

2009-A9949A (ACTIVE) - Sponsor Memo

2009-A9949A (ACTIVE) - Bill Text download pdf

                    S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K


                          I N  A S S E M B L Y

                            February 17, 2010

Introduced  by M. of A. DESTITO, HOOPER -- read once and referred to the
  Committee on Governmental Operations -- reported and referred  to  the
  Committee  on  Codes  --  committee  discharged, bill amended, ordered
  reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee

AN ACT to amend the legislative  law  and  the  state  finance  law,  in
  relation  to  procurement lobbying; and to amend chapter 1 of the laws
  of 2005 amending the state finance law  and  other  laws  relating  to
  restricting  contacts  in the procurement process and the recording of
  contacts relating thereto, in relation to extending the  effectiveness
  of certain provisions thereof


  Section 1. Legislative findings and statement of intent. The  legisla-
ture hereby finds and declares that it is important to the well-being of
the  state  and  its citizens to preserve and enhance both the integrity
and efficiency by which New York  state  entities,  including  executive
agencies, public authorities, localities, the legislature, and the judi-
ciary  procure  goods  and services. In order to use the revenues of the
state effectively and to maximize value from such  procurements  to  the
residents of the state, the procurement laws of the state seek to struc-
ture  the  procurement  process so that there is broad-based competition
for state procurements, which promotes both lower  costs  for  necessary
purchases  and greater value. The laws governing procurement also should
authorize and encourage the entities conducting procurements to use  new
technology  and  practices  that  would  allow the state to procure more
efficiently. At the same time,  both  vendors  who  participate  in  the
procurement process and the residents of the state should feel confident
that  the process is fair and that decisions are made on the merits, not
on the basis of favoritism or past relationships.
  The legislature further finds that in 2005, the legislature  responded
to  widespread  concerns  that  the  procurement process was on occasion
subject to pressures that distorted the  evaluation  of  the  merits  of
procurement  bids  and proposals. It enacted laws to allow anyone inter-
ested in a particular procurement to examine the communications  between

 EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                      [ ] is old law to be omitted.


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