Senate Bill S3790

2009-2010 Legislative Session

Establishes the New York state automatic identification technology privacy task force

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Archive: Last Bill Status - In Senate Committee Consumer Protection Committee

  • Introduced
    • In Committee Assembly
    • In Committee Senate
    • On Floor Calendar Assembly
    • On Floor Calendar Senate
    • Passed Assembly
    • Passed Senate
  • Delivered to Governor
  • Signed By Governor

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Bill Amendments

2009-S3790 - Details

Current Committee:
Senate Consumer Protection

2009-S3790 - Summary

Establishes the New York state automatic identification technology privacy task force, to consist of: the chairperson of the consumer protection board, the secretary of state, the commissioner of education, the director of the office for technology, the attorney general, the mayor of the city of New York and 11 at-large members to be appointed by the governor and the legislative leaders; the task force shall report to the governor and the legislature regarding: existing state law, regulations, programs, policies, and practices related to the use of automatic identification technology; the privacy issues associated with the use of automatic identification technology by public and private entities; research on privacy issues associated with the use of automatic identification technology

2009-S3790 - Sponsor Memo

2009-S3790 - Bill Text download pdf

                    S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K


                       2009-2010 Regular Sessions

                            I N  S E N A T E

                              April 1, 2009

Introduced  by  Sen.  MONSERRATE  -- read twice and ordered printed, and
  when printed to be committed to the Committee on Consumer Protection

AN ACT to establish a task force on the privacy  implications  of  radio
  frequency identification technology


  Section 1. Legislative intent. The legislature finds that the right to
privacy is a personal and fundamental  right  protected  by  the  United
States  constitution.  The  legislature  additionally finds that systems
used to transmit the identity of an object or person using  radio  waves
or  other  wireless means, commonly referred to as radio frequency iden-
tification technology, are increasingly being used by public and private
entities, including retailers, manufacturers, and  hospitals.  Moreover,
the  legislature  recognizes  that as the price of radio frequency iden-
tification technology decreases, the employment of  this  technology  is
expected  to  increase  rapidly.  The  legislature recognizes that radio
frequency identification technology may  have  numerous  privacy  impli-
cations  affecting  consumers  and  the  general public. The legislature
further recognizes that radio frequency  identification  technology  may
have numerous applications beneficial to public and private entities and
shared  by  consumers  and the general public.   The legislature further
recognizes that  radio  frequency  identification  technology  needs  to
undergo  a  formal  technology  assessment. The legislature additionally
finds that an assessment of the need to review the privacy  implications
and  protections  and  practical  applications  of  this  technology  is
  S 2. The New York state radio frequency  identification  privacy  task
force is hereby established. The role of the task force includes, but is
not limited to:
  (a)  assessing  the  privacy  issues  associated with the use of radio
frequency identification technologies by public  and  private  entities,

 EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                      [ ] is old law to be omitted.

2009-S3790A (ACTIVE) - Details

Current Committee:
Senate Consumer Protection

2009-S3790A (ACTIVE) - Summary

Establishes the New York state automatic identification technology privacy task force, to consist of: the chairperson of the consumer protection board, the secretary of state, the commissioner of education, the director of the office for technology, the attorney general, the mayor of the city of New York and 11 at-large members to be appointed by the governor and the legislative leaders; the task force shall report to the governor and the legislature regarding: existing state law, regulations, programs, policies, and practices related to the use of automatic identification technology; the privacy issues associated with the use of automatic identification technology by public and private entities; research on privacy issues associated with the use of automatic identification technology

2009-S3790A (ACTIVE) - Sponsor Memo

2009-S3790A (ACTIVE) - Bill Text download pdf

                    S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K


                       2009-2010 Regular Sessions

                            I N  S E N A T E

                              April 1, 2009

Introduced  by  Sen.  MONSERRATE  -- read twice and ordered printed, and
  when printed to be committed to the Committee on  Consumer  Protection
  --  committee  discharged,  bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended
  and recommitted to said committee

AN ACT to establish the New York state automatic identification technol-
  ogy privacy task force


  Section 1. Legislative intent. The legislature finds that new technol-
ogies  can have a profound impact on people and social systems.  The use
of new technologies can be very beneficial, but care must  be  taken  to
ensure  that  such  technologies are used responsibly. Automated systems
used to identify, track,  record,  store  and  transfer  data,  commonly
referred  to  as  automatic  identification technology, are increasingly
being used by public and private entities, including retailers, manufac-
turers, and hospitals. The legislature recognizes that as the  price  of
automatic  identification  technology  decreases, the employment of this
technology is expected to  increase  rapidly.  The  legislature  further
recognizes  that  automatic identification technologies may have privacy
implications affecting consumers and the general public. The legislature
further recognizes that such technology has numerous applications  bene-
ficial  to  public and private entities and affecting both consumers and
the general public. The legislature further recognizes that  understand-
ing  various applications and potential privacy concerns regarding auto-
matic identification technology is an area that needs study  and  review
in  order  to  determine what protections, if any, are needed to protect
personal privacy.
  S 2. The New York state automatic  identification  technology  privacy
task  force  is hereby established. The role of the task force includes,
but is not limited to:

 EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                      [ ] is old law to be omitted.



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