Senate Bill S7175

2009-2010 Legislative Session

Authorizes commissioner of general services to sell and convey certain lands to the town of Alden, county of Erie

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Archive: Last Bill Status - In Senate Committee Investigations And Government Operations Committee

  • Introduced
    • In Committee Assembly
    • In Committee Senate
    • On Floor Calendar Assembly
    • On Floor Calendar Senate
    • Passed Assembly
    • Passed Senate
  • Delivered to Governor
  • Signed By Governor

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Bill Amendments

2009-S7175 - Details

Current Committee:
Senate Investigations And Government Operations
Law Section:
Conveyance of State Land

2009-S7175 - Summary

Authorizes commissioner of general services to sell and convey certain lands to the town of Alden, county of Erie.

2009-S7175 - Sponsor Memo

2009-S7175 - Bill Text download pdf

                    S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K


                            I N  S E N A T E

                             March 18, 2010

Introduced  by  Sen.  VOLKER -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
  printed to be committed to the Committee on Investigations and Govern-
  ment Operations

AN ACT authorizing the commissioner of  general  services  to  sell  and
  convey certain lands to the town of Alden, county of Erie


  Section 1. The commissioner of general services, upon the  consent  of
the  department of correctional services, is authorized and empowered to
sell and convey to the town of Alden certain state  lands  described  in
section  two of this act. Conveyance of said lands is to be made at such
time and upon terms and  conditions,  including  consideration,  as  the
commissioner of general services may fix and determine.
  S  2.  The  lands  authorized  by this act to be conveyed constitute a
portion of the Wende Correctional Facility  and  are  more  particularly
described as follows:
  ALL  that piece or parcel of land situate in the Town of Alden, County
of Erie, and State of New York being part of Lot No.  38,  Township  11,
Range  5  of  the Holland Land Company's Survey, being generally bounded
and described as follows:
  BOUNDED on the north by the southerly line of Walden Avenue (732  feet
±); on the east by the easterly line of Lot No. 38 (1105 feet ±); on the
south  by  lands now or formerly of CSX Corporation (415 feet ±) and; on
the west by the easterly line of Wende Road (995 feet ±), containing  15
acres, more or less.
  S  3.  The  description  in section two of this act of the lands to be
conveyed is not intended to be a legal description, but is intended only
to identify the premises to be conveyed. As a condition of purchase  the
town  of  Alden shall submit to the commissioner of general services for
approval an accurate survey  and  description  of  the  lands  generally
described  in  section two of this act, which may be used in the convey-
ance thereof.
  S 4. The commissioner of general services shall not  grant  the  lands
described in section two of this act unless application is made therefor
by  the  town  of Alden within one year after the effective date of this
  S 5. This act shall take effect immediately.

2009-S7175A (ACTIVE) - Details

Current Committee:
Senate Investigations And Government Operations
Law Section:
Conveyance of State Land

2009-S7175A (ACTIVE) - Summary

Authorizes commissioner of general services to sell and convey certain lands to the town of Alden, county of Erie.

2009-S7175A (ACTIVE) - Sponsor Memo

2009-S7175A (ACTIVE) - Bill Text download pdf

                    S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K


                            I N  S E N A T E

                             March 18, 2010

Introduced  by  Sen.  VOLKER -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
  printed to be committed to the Committee on Investigations and Govern-
  ment  Operations  --  committee  discharged,  bill  amended,   ordered
  reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee

AN  ACT  authorizing  the  commissioner  of general services to sell and
  convey certain lands to the town of Alden, county of Erie


  Section  1.  The commissioner of general services, upon the consent of
the department of correctional services, is authorized and empowered  to
sell and convey for fair market value to the town of Alden certain state
lands  described in section two of this act. Conveyance of said lands is
to be made at such time and upon terms and conditions, including consid-
eration, as the commissioner of general services may fix and determine.
  S 2. The lands authorized by this act  to  be  conveyed  constitute  a
portion  of  the  Wende  Correctional Facility and are more particularly
described as follows:
  ALL that piece or parcel of land situate in the Town of Alden,  County
of  Erie,  and  State of New York being part of Lot No. 38, Township 11,
Range 5 of the Holland Land Company's Survey,  being  generally  bounded
and described as follows:
  BOUNDED  on the north by the southerly line of Walden Avenue (732 feet
±); on the east by the easterly line of Lot No. 38 (1105 feet ±); on the
south by lands now or formerly of CSX Corporation (415 feet ±)  and;  on
the  west by the easterly line of Wende Road (995 feet ±), containing 15
acres, more or less.
  S 3. The description in section two of this act of  the  lands  to  be
conveyed is not intended to be a legal description, but is intended only
to  identify the premises to be conveyed. As a condition of purchase the
town of Alden shall submit to the commissioner of general  services  for
approval  an  accurate  survey  and  description  of the lands generally
described in section two of this act, which may be used in  the  convey-
ance thereof.

 EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                      [ ] is old law to be omitted.


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