Assembly Bill A6681

2011-2012 Legislative Session

Designates rescue dogs as the official state dog

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Archive: Last Bill Status - In Assembly Committee

  • Introduced
    • In Committee Assembly
    • In Committee Senate
    • On Floor Calendar Assembly
    • On Floor Calendar Senate
    • Passed Assembly
    • Passed Senate
  • Delivered to Governor
  • Signed By Governor

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2011-A6681 (ACTIVE) - Details

See Senate Version of this Bill:
Current Committee:
Assembly Governmental Operations
Law Section:
State Law
Laws Affected:
Add ยง84-a, State L
Versions Introduced in 2013-2014 Legislative Session:

2011-A6681 (ACTIVE) - Summary

Designates rescue dogs as the official state dog.

2011-A6681 (ACTIVE) - Bill Text download pdf

                    S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K


                       2011-2012 Regular Sessions

                          I N  A S S E M B L Y

                             March 24, 2011

Introduced  by M. of A. KELLNER -- read once and referred to the Commit-
  tee on Governmental Operations

AN ACT to amend the state law, in relation to designating rescue dogs as
  the official state dog


  Section 1.  Legislative intent. Throughout history, art and literature
have  depicted  humans in all walks of life and social strata with dogs,
illustrating their widespread acceptance in everyday  life.  Some  reli-
gions  even incorporated them into their worship. Indeed, dogs have long
been admired for the purity of their  character  traits,  with  military
annals  documenting  the  wartime bravery and courage of dogs in the K-9
  Closer to home, our own culture is  populated  with  examples  of  the
well-established  place  dogs have found in our hearts and homes. People
of all ages, but particularly the elderly and  the  young,  enjoy  their
companionship. For single people, dogs offer a welcome relief from lone-
liness.  For  children,  an  animal  in  the home contributes warmth and
unconditional love, and teaches responsibility and consideration for the
needs of another creature. Those who suffer from disease or injury expe-
rience a therapeutic, even spiritual, benefit from their presence.
  Dogs do so much good for the community: they give us a sense of  opti-
mism,  safeguard  us  from depression and loneliness, and break down the
barriers that isolate us from one another. Their presence  improves  our
health, protects us from danger, and teaches us about caring and respon-
sibility. And they ask for so little in return.
  Sadly,  as  many as 4 million dogs enter animal shelters in the United
States each year.  Over 90 percent of these dogs are savable.   Most  of
them  are simply victims of circumstance, ending up in a shelter through
no fault of their own: a person moves, a couple divorces, a job is lost,

 EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                      [ ] is old law to be omitted.



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