S. 2802 2 A. 4002
The sum of $530,000,000, or so much thereof as may be
necessary, is hereby appropriated for payment by the
state comptroller for general obligation bonds issued in
connection with higher education construction, pure
waters, environmental quality, transportation capital
facilities, rail preservation, outdoor recreation devel-
opment, energy conservation through improved transporta-
tion, parks and recreation land acquisition, rebuild New
York through transportation infrastructure renewal and
accelerated capacity and transportation improvements of
the nineties, clean water/clean air, and rebuild and
renew New York transportation purposes, in accordance
with the following sub-schedule .......................... 530,000,000
Debt service payments ...................................... 525,000,000
Related expenses ............................................. 5,000,000
Total of sub-schedule ...................................... 530,000,000
The several sums, or so much thereof as may be sufficient
to accomplish in full the purposes designated by the
appropriations, are hereby appropriated and are, subject
to the issuance of certificates of approval of avail-
ability by the director of the budget, available for the
purpose of making payments for lease purchase obli-
gations, in accordance with the following schedule ......... 2,925,000
For payment to the Dormitory Authority for
the Judicial Institute at Pace University,
pursuant to chapter 613 of the laws of
1999, as amended ............................... 550,000
For payment of the lease purchase agreement
for Hampton Plaza .............................. 700,000
For payment of the lease purchase agreement
for the department of transportation
region one headquarters building in the
city of Schenectady .......................... 1,500,000
Total of debt service schedule ............... 2,750,000
For payment of related expenses, in accord-
ance with the following schedule.
Urban Development Corporation ..................... 50,000
Office of General Services ....................... 125,000
S. 2802 3 A. 4002
Total of related expenses schedule ............... 175,000
Total of schedules ............................. 2,925,000
The several sums, or so much thereof as may be sufficient
to accomplish in full the purposes designated by the
appropriations, are hereby appropriated and are, subject
to the issuance of certificates of approval of avail-
ability by the director of the budget, available for the
purpose of making payments for special contractual obli-
gations, in accordance with the following schedule ..... 1,662,050,000
For payment to the Triborough Bridge and
Tunnel Authority and the Urban Development
Corporation pursuant to the provisions of
an agreement of sublease between the
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority and
the state of New York for the Convention
Center project .............................. 43,000,000
For payment to the Urban Development Corpo-
ration pursuant to the provisions of an
agreement or agreements entered between
the State and the Urban Development Corpo-
ration to pay for bonds, notes, or other
obligations issued or entered into for
correctional facilities ..................... 67,000,000
For payment to the Urban Development Corpo-
ration pursuant to the provisions of an
agreement or agreements of lease and
sublease entered into between, but not
limited to, the Urban Development Corpo-
ration, the Office of General Services and
the Department of Correctional Services
for the rental of correctional facilities ... 21,000,000
For payment according to the following sub-
schedule to the Urban Development Corpo-
ration for project revenue bonds, pursuant
to the provisions of certain agreements of
lease between the entities designated on
the following sub-schedule and the state
of New York and the assignment of rent
thereof to the Urban Development Corpo-
ration ...................................... 16,000,000
Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti-
tute (Center for Industrial
Innovation) .................... 4,500,000
S. 2802 4 A. 4002
Syracuse University (Science
and Technology Center) ......... 2,800,000
Cornell University (Supercom-
puter Center) .................... 700,000
Columbia University (Telecom-
munications Center) ............ 5,000,000
Clarkson University .............. 1,100,000
University Grants 95 Refunding ... 1,900,000
Total of sub-schedule ......... 16,000,000
For payment to the Dormitory Authority, for
payment of bonds issued to finance the
Department of Health's David Axelrod
Institute for Public Health, pursuant to
the provisions of an agreement between the
Dormitory Authority and the Department of
Health ....................................... 6,000,000
For payment to the Dormitory Authority, for
payment of bonds issued to finance State
Department of Education facilities, pursu-
ant to an agreement between the Dormitory
Authority and the State Education Depart-
ment ......................................... 5,500,000
For payment to the Housing Finance Agency
and the Urban Development Corporation for
payment of bonds issued to finance the
State's housing programs .................... 34,000,000
For payment to the Metropolitan Transporta-
tion Authority, pursuant to state service
contracts authorized by section 16 of
chapter 314 of the laws of 1981, section
42 of chapter 929 of the laws of 1986, as
amended by chapter 13 of the laws of 1987,
and section 34 of part O of chapter 61 of
the laws of 2000 ........................... 165,000,000
For payment to the State University
Construction Fund, for payment to the
Dormitory Authority, pursuant to paragraph
(e) of subdivision 19 of section 1680 of
the public authorities law, to pay for
bonds or notes issued by such authority,
pursuant to agreements between the State
University Construction Fund, State
University of New York and the Dormitory
Authority, relating to State University
education facilities. Notwithstanding the
provisions of section 40 of the state
finance law or any other provision of law
to the contrary, this appropriation shall
remain in full force and effect until
April 30, 2012 ............................. 310,000,000
For payment to the State University
Construction Fund, for payment to the
Dormitory Authority, in accordance with
S. 2802 5 A. 4002
subdivision 8 of section 6304 of the
education law, for bonds, notes, or other
obligations issued by such authority,
pursuant to an agreement or agreements
among the State University of New York,
various community colleges and their spon-
sors, and the Dormitory Authority for
educational facilities of community
colleges .................................... 28,000,000
For payment to the City University
Construction Fund for City University
senior colleges and for community col-
leges. Moneys hereby appropriated, or por-
tions thereof, are for payments net of all
interest and investment earnings on senior
and community college payments and other
excess earnings held by the City Universi-
ty Construction Fund, in accordance with
the following sub-schedule ................. 270,000,000
City University senior
colleges ..................... 240,000,000
City University community
colleges ...................... 30,000,000
Total of sub-schedule ........ 270,000,000
For payment to the Dormitory Authority,
pursuant to the provisions of a service
contract or contracts, for payment of
bonds or notes issued for the financing of
projects at the Albany County Airport ........ 4,000,000
For payment to the Dormitory Authority and
the Urban Development Corporation for
bonds issued for one or more facilities
provided for the department of audit and
control, the New York state and local
employees' retirement system, and the New
York state and local police and fire
retirement system and on behalf of the
departments or agencies having occupancy
or use of other state facilities and park-
ing facilities ............................... 1,200,000
For payment to the Dormitory Authority, for
payment of bonds issued to finance eligi-
ble child care facilities development
projects, pursuant to an agreement or
agreements between the Dormitory Authority
and the state ................................ 2,000,000
For payment to the Thruway Authority, pursu-
ant to section 380 of the public authori-
ties law, to pay for Local Highway and
S. 2802 6 A. 4002
Bridge Service Contract bonds or notes
issued by such authority pursuant to an
agreement between the Thruway Authority
and the state .............................. 205,000,000
For payment to the Environmental Facilities
Corporation to pay for bonds or notes
issued by such authority pursuant to an
agreement between the Environmental Facil-
ities Corporation and the Office of Parks,
Recreation and Historic Preservation ......... 1,800,000
For payment to the Environmental Facilities
Corporation, pursuant to subdivision 1 of
section 1290 of the public authorities
law, to pay for bonds or notes issued by
such authority pursuant to a lease agree-
ment between the Environmental Facilities
Corporation and the Office of Parks,
Recreation and Historic Preservation
relating to the financing of Riverbank
State Park ................................... 5,000,000
For payment to the Environmental Facilities
Corporation for bonds and notes issued by
such authority, pursuant to an agreement
between the Environmental Facilities
Corporation and the Office of Mental
Health relating to the financing of a
Waste water treatment facility for Pilgrim
Psychiatric Center ............................. 950,000
For payment to the Environmental Facilities
Corporation, for payment of bonds issued
to finance eligible pipeline for jobs
projects, pursuant to an agreement or
agreements between the Environmental
Facilities Corporation and the State ......... 1,800,000
For payment to the Environmental Facilities
Corporation, for payment of bonds issued
to finance environmental infrastructure
projects, pursuant to an agreement or
agreements between the Environmental
Facilities Corporation and the State ........ 18,000,000
For payment according to the following sub-
schedule for bonds issued to finance
consolidated service contract refundings ... 428,000,000
Urban Development Corporation .. 342,000,000
Dormitory Authority ............. 86,000,000
Total of sub-schedule ........ 428,000,000
Total of debt service schedule ............. 1,633,250,000
S. 2802 7 A. 4002
For payment of related expenses in accord-
ance with the following schedule.
Urban Development Corporation .................. 5,000,000
Housing Finance Agency ......................... 4,000,000
Dormitory Authority ........................... 13,000,000
Dormitory Authority Capital Expenses ........... 5,000,000
Environmental Facilities Corporation ............. 300,000
Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority ......... 1,000,000
Thruway Authority ................................ 500,000
Total of related expenses schedule ............ 28,800,000
Total of schedules ......................... 1,662,050,000
The several sums, or so much thereof as may
be necessary, are hereby appropriated for
payment to the dormitory authority, the
environmental facilities corporation, the
housing finance agency, the thruway
authority, and the urban development
corporation and are, subject to the issu-
ance of certificates of approval of avail-
ability by the director of the budget,
available for the purpose of making
financing agreement payments related to
personal income tax revenue bond obli-
gations, as authorized pursuant to article
5-C of the state finance law and in
accordance with the following schedule ... 2,408,350,000
Economic Development and Housing ............. 385,000,000
Education .................................... 470,000,000
Environment .................................. 105,000,000
General Purpose .............................. 940,000,000
Healthcare .................................... 15,000,000
State Facilities and Equipment ............... 200,000,000
Transportation ............................... 275,000,000
Total of schedule .......................... 2,390,000,000
For payment of related expenses in accord-
ance with the following schedule.
Urban Development Corporation .................. 2,000,000
S. 2802 8 A. 4002
Housing Finance Agency ......................... 2,500,000
Dormitory Authority ........................... 12,000,000
Dormitory Authority Capital Expenses ............. 800,000
Environmental Facilities Corporation ............. 800,000
Thruway Authority ................................ 250,000
Total of schedule ............................. 18,350,000
Total of schedules ......................... 2,408,350,000
Total of schedule ........................................ 4,603,325,000
The sum of $15,500,000, or so much thereof as may be
necessary, is hereby appropriated for payment by the
state comptroller of principal and interest on general
obligation bonds issued in connection with state housing
(low cost, middle income and urban renewal) ............... 15,500,000
For debt service and related expenses in accordance with
the following schedule .................................... 34,800,000
The sum of $30,000,000, or so much thereof as may be
necessary of operating revenues received from department
of health facilities other than the New York City Veter-
ans' Home, is hereby appropriated for payment by the
state comptroller of all obligations under the terms of
agreements between the health department and the dormi-
tory authority ............................................ 30,000,000
The sum of $2,000,000, or so much thereof as may be neces-
sary of operating revenues received from the New York
City Veterans' Home, is hereby appropriated for payment
by the state comptroller of all obligations under the
terms of agreements between the health department and
the dormitory authority .................................... 2,000,000
Related expenses ............................................... 800,000
Capital expenses ............................................. 2,000,000
Total of schedule ......................................... 34,800,000
The sum of $105,300,000, or so much thereof as may be
necessary, is hereby appropriated for payment by the
S. 2802 9 A. 4002
state comptroller of all obligations under the terms of
agreements between the state university of New York and
the dormitory authority and refunds to students for room
rental and college fee overpayments, in accordance with
the following schedule ................................... 105,300,000
Debt service payments ....................................... 95,000,000
Related expenses ............................................... 800,000
Capital expenses ............................................. 9,500,000
Total of schedule .......................................... 105,300,000
The sum of $353,000,000, or so much thereof as may be
necessary, is hereby appropriated for payment by the
state comptroller of all obligations of the dormitory
authority, as successor to the facilities development
corporation and the medical care facilities finance
agency pursuant to chapter 83 of the laws of 1995, under
the terms of any lease, sublease, or other financing
agreement with the department of mental hygiene, in
accordance with the following schedule ................... 353,000,000
Debt service payments ...................................... 345,000,000
Related expenses ............................................. 8,000,000
Total of schedule .......................................... 353,000,000
The sum of $392,000,000, or so much thereof as may be
necessary, is hereby appropriated for payment of all
obligations, including but not limited to reserve fund
credit facilities, to the local government assistance
corporation pursuant to a certificate or certificates
filed by the chairman of the corporation with the state
comptroller and the governor, pursuant to subdivision 1
of section 3240 of the public authorities law, in
accordance with the following schedule ................... 392,000,000
Debt service payments ...................................... 385,000,000
Related expenses ............................................. 7,000,000
S. 2802 10 A. 4002
Total of schedule .......................................... 392,000,000
The sum of $30,500,000, or so much thereof as may be
necessary, is hereby appropriated for payment by the
state comptroller to the dormitory authority for the
purpose of meeting the terms of any contractual agree-
ments between the dormitory authority and participating
special act school districts listed in chapter 566 of
the laws of 1967, as amended, state-supported schools
for blind and deaf students and children with other
handicapping conditions pursuant to article 85 of the
education law, and private not-for-profit schools
approved by the commissioner of education pursuant to
article 89 of the education law, in accordance with the
following schedule ........................................ 30,500,000
Debt service payments ....................................... 30,000,000
Related expenses ............................................... 250,000
Capital expenses ............................................... 250,000
Total of schedule ........................................... 30,500,000
The sum of $960,250,000, or so much thereof as may be
necessary, is hereby appropriated to pay for bonds or
notes as required under dedicated highway and bridge
trust fund cooperative agreements under section 10-e of
the highway law, in accordance with the following sched-
ule ...................................................... 960,250,000
Debt service payments ...................................... 960,000,000
Related expenses ............................................... 250,000
Total of schedule .......................................... 960,250,000
The sum of $250,000,000, or so much thereof as may be
necessary, is hereby appropriated from the debt
reduction reserve fund for the purposes of principal,
interest, and related expenses, for retiring or defeas-
ing bonds previously issued, including any accrued
S. 2802 11 A. 4002
interest or other expenses related thereto, for any
state-related bonding program or programs and for trans-
fer, upon request of the director of the budget, to
various capital projects funds as designated by the
director of the budget for the funding of capital
projects, equipment acquisitions, or similar expenses
which have been authorized by law to be financed through
the issuance of bonds, notes, or other obligations ....... 250,000,000
S 2. The several sums specified in this section, or so much thereof as
may be sufficient to accomplish in full the purposes designated by the
appropriations, are hereby appropriated to be paid as herein provided
for the funds and purposes specified and are made available for the
fiscal year beginning April 1, 2011.
The sum of $20,000,000, or so much thereof as may be
necessary, is hereby appropriated from the general fund
to the credit of the state purposes account solely for
the purpose of making payments of rebates to the federal
government to maintain the exemption from federal income
taxation of the interest paid to the holders of state
obligations issued pursuant to sections 55 and 57 of the
state finance law ......................................... 20,000,000
The sum of $225,000,000, or so much thereof as may be
necessary, is hereby appropriated from the general fund
to the credit of the state purposes account solely for
the purpose of redeeming general obligation bonds issued
by the state of New York, provided, however, that the
amount to be expended from this appropriation shall be
limited to the amount, as determined by the comptroller,
to be necessary to maintain the exemption from federal
taxation of the interest paid to the holders of state
obligations issued pursuant to sections 55 and 57 of the
state finance law ........................................ 225,000,000
For payment of principal and interest, including but not
limited to reserve fund credit facilities, on variable
rate obligations and interest rate exchange and similar
agreements for state-supported debt or for transfer to
any other appropriation, in accordance with the follow-
ing schedule ........................................... 1,500,000,000
Debt service payments .................................... 1,000,000,000
S. 2802 12 A. 4002
Related expenses ........................................... 100,000,000
Interest rate exchange and similar agreements .............. 400,000,000
Total of schedule ........................................ 1,500,000,000
For payment to the dormitory authority, as successor to
the medical care facilities finance agency pursuant to
chapter 83 of the laws of 1995, for payment of principal
interest, and related expenses on bonds or notes issued
pursuant to the provisions of section 7-a of the New
York state medical care facilities finance agency act,
as amended, which provide that the service contract
payments will be made to meet the debt service payments
due if the funds and accounts established under the bond
resolution, the secured hospital debt service reserve
fund, and the secured hospital capital reserve fund are
inadequate, in accordance with the following schedule ..... 84,000,000
Debt service payments ....................................... 83,000,000
Related expenses ............................................. 1,000,000
Total of schedule ........................................... 84,000,000
For payment to the tobacco settlement financing corpo-
ration, for payment of bonds or notes issued pursuant to
the provisions of part D3 of chapter 62 of the laws of
2003 which provides that contingency contract payments
will be made to meet the debt service payments due if
the funds and accounts established under the bond inden-
tures, the debt service accounts, the debt service
reserve accounts and the supplemental accounts are inad-
equate, in accordance with the following schedule ........ 306,000,000
Debt service payments ...................................... 305,000,000
Related expenses ............................................. 1,000,000
Total of schedule .......................................... 306,000,000