2011-2012 Regular Sessions
May 2, 2011
Introduced by Sen. GRIFFO -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
printed to be committed to the Committee on Banks
AN ACT to amend the banking law, in relation to the definition of bank
holding company
Section 1. Subdivision 2 of section 142-a of the banking law, as
amended by chapter 217 of the laws of 2010, is amended to read as
2. As used in this section, the term "control" means the possession,
directly or indirectly, of the power to direct or cause the direction of
the management and policies of a banking institution, whether through
the ownership of voting stock of such banking institution, the ownership
of voting stock of any company which possesses such power or otherwise.
Control shall be presumed to exist if any company, directly or indirect-
ly, owns, controls or holds with the power to vote ten per centum or
more of the voting stock of any banking institution or of any company
which owns, controls or holds with power to vote ten percent or more of
the voting stock of such banking institution, but no person shall be
deemed to control a banking institution solely by reason of his being an
officer or director of such banking institution or company. As used in
this section, the terms "bank holding company" and "banking institution"
shall have the meanings as defined in section one hundred forty-one of
this article, except that the definition of "bank holding company" is
modified to change the phrase "a banking institution" wherever it
appears therein to "[one] TWO or more banking institutions" and the
definition of "banking institution" is modified to add a national bank-
ing association, the principal office of which is located in this state.
S 2. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 of section 105 of the banking law,
as amended by chapter 217 of the laws of 2010, is amended to read as
EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
[ ] is old law to be omitted.
S. 5004 2
(a) No bank or trust company or officer, director, agent or employee
thereof, shall transact any part of its usual business of banking at any
place other than its principal office, except that a bank or trust
company may open and occupy one or more branch offices at any location
in the state, provided: (i) that the requirements of section twenty-nine
of this chapter are met and (ii) that, except for the city or village in
which its principal office is located, in no event shall a branch be
opened and occupied pursuant to this subdivision in a city or village
with a population of fifty thousand or less in which is already located
the principal office of another bank, trust company or national banking
association, other than a bank holding company, if such bank holding
company is a banking institution, or a banking subsidiary of a bank
holding company (as such terms "bank holding company", "banking institu-
tion" and "banking subsidiary" are defined in section one hundred
forty-one of this chapter) except that the definition of "bank holding
company" is modified to change the phrase "a banking institution" wher-
ever it appears therein to "[one] TWO or more banking institutions" and
the definition of "banking institution" is modified to add a national
banking association, the principal office of which institution is
located in this state, except, in the case of a conversion pursuant to
the provisions of this article, branch offices occupied immediately
prior thereto or except for the purpose of acquiring by merger, sale or
otherwise the business and property of a bank, trust company or national
banking association, whether in liquidation or doing business in the
usual course.
S 3. Paragraph (c) of subdivision 2 of section 240 of the banking law,
as amended by chapter 217 of the laws of 2010, is amended to read as
(c) Except for the city or village in which its principal office is
located, no branch office may be opened and occupied pursuant to para-
graph (a) of this subdivision in any city or village with a population
of fifty thousand or less and in which is already located the principal
office of a bank, trust company or national banking association, other
than a bank holding company, if such bank holding company is a banking
institution, or a banking subsidiary of a bank holding company, as such
terms "bank holding company", "banking institution" and "banking subsid-
iary" are defined in section one hundred forty-one of this chapter
except that the definition of "bank holding company" is modified to
change the phrase "a banking institution" wherever it appears therein to
"[one] TWO or more banking institutions" and the definition of "banking
institution" is modified to add a national banking association, the
principal office of which institution is located in this state.
S 4. Paragraph (b) of subdivision 2 of section 396 of the banking law,
as amended by chapter 217 of the laws of 2010, is amended to read as
(b) Except for the city or village in which its principal office is
located, no branch office may hereafter be opened and occupied pursuant
to paragraph (a) of this subdivision in any city or village with a popu-
lation of less than thirty thousand and in which is already located the
principal office of a bank, trust company or national banking associ-
ation, other than a bank holding company, if such bank holding company
is a banking institution, or a banking subsidiary of a bank holding
company, as such terms "bank holding company", "banking institution" and
"banking subsidiary" are defined in section one hundred forty-one of
this chapter except that the definition of "bank holding company" is
modified to change the phrase "a banking institution" wherever it
S. 5004 3
appears therein to "[one] TWO or more banking institutions" and the
definition of "banking institution" is modified to add a national bank-
ing association, the principal office of which institution is located in
this state.
S 5. This act shall take effect immediately.