April 9, 2012
Introduced by Sen. McDONALD -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
printed to be committed to the Committee on Local Government
AN ACT authorizing the county of Saratoga to discontinue for reforesta-
tion purposes the use of certain lands and to convey such lands
Section 1. Notwithstanding section 219 of the county law to the
contrary, the county of Saratoga is hereby authorized, acting by and
through its county board of supervisors and upon such terms and condi-
tions as determined by such board of supervisors, to discontinue the use
of the lands described in section two of this act acquired for refores-
tation proposes. The authorization contained in this act shall be effec-
tive only upon acquisition by the county of Saratoga of the parcel as
described in section three of this act, which is currently vacant prop-
erty not used by the public for reforestation or recreational purposes,
for reforestation purposes.
S 2. The real property authorized to be conveyed by the county of
Saratoga to the town of Moreau for a water pump station pursuant to
section one of this act shall be bounded and described as follows:
Moreau, county of Saratoga, state of New York lying along the northerly
line of Spier Falls Road, County Road No. 24, approximately 0.5 miles
west of the westerly line of the Adirondack Northway, I-87 being further
bounded and described as follows:
Commencing at a point marked with a leaning iron pipe found at the
point of intersection of the northerly line of Spier Falls Road, County
Road No. 24 with the common division line of lands now or formerly
Edward J. Raab and Loretta M. Raab as conveyed in Book 850 of Deeds at
Page 379 to the east and lands of Saratoga County as conveyed in Book
368 of Deeds at Page 35 to the west; Thence from said Point of Commence-
ment along said northerly line of Spier Falls Road the following two (2)
courses and distances: 1) North 82 deg. 01 min. 30 sec. West, 225.32
feet to the point of curvature; and 2) Along a curve to the right an arc
length of 88.62 feet to the Point of Beginning of the hereinafter
EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
[ ] is old law to be omitted.
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described parcel of land, said curve having a radius of 452.50 feet and
a chord bearing of North 76 deg. 24 min. 40 sec. West, 88.48 feet;
Thence from said Point of Beginning continuing along said northerly line
along a curve to the right an arc length of 60.08 feet to a point, said
curve having a radius of 452.50 feet and a chord bearing of North 67
deg. 00 min. 00 sec. West, 60.03 feet; Thence through said lands of
Saratoga County the following three (3) courses and distance: 1) North
24 deg. 51 min. 00 sec. East, 60.00 feet to a point; 2) South 65 deg. 09
min. 00 sec. East, 60.00 feet to a point; and 3) South 24 deg. 51 min.
00 sec. West, 58.06 feet to the point or place of beginning containing
0.082 plus or minus acres or 3,582 plus or minus square feet of land.
Said parcel made subject to any and all enforceable covenants, condi-
tions, easements and restrictions of record.
S 3. The authorization provided in section one of this act shall be
effective only upon the condition that on or before the alienation and
conveyance of the easement for a water pump station described in section
two of this act, the county of Saratoga shall acquire and dedicate real
property for reforestation purposes, of equal or greater fair market
value to the lands being alienated. In the event that the lands to be
acquired by the county of Saratoga for reforestation purposes pursuant
to this act are not equal to or greater than the fair market value of
the lands to be alienated by the county of Saratoga, the county shall
dedicate the difference between the fair market value of the lands to be
alienated and the fair market value of the lands to be acquired for the
dedication of additional lands for reforestation purposes. The addi-
tional real property to be acquired and dedicated for reforestation
purposes, being more particularly bound and described as follows:
ALL that certain piece or parcel of land situate and being in the town
of Corinth, county of Saratoga, state of New York, being a portion of
the premises or property owned by the county of Saratoga, and further
being a portion of Great Lot 4, Sub-lot 2 of the Twenty-Fourth Allotment
in the Kayaderosseras Patent, bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point at the southwest corner of lands of the grantor
County of Saratoga thence northerly along the division line of the Coun-
ty of Saratoga on the East and the lands of Lyme Adirondack Timberlands
II, LLC on the West, North 07 degrees 32 minutes 04 seconds West (66)'
sixty-six feet to a point on said division line, thence Easterly through
the lands of the County of Saratoga North 82 degrees 27 minutes 56
seconds East (66)' sixty-six feet to a point, thence southerly through
the lands of the County of Saratoga South 07 degrees 32 minutes 56
seconds East to a point on the south bounds of the County of Saratoga,
thence Westerly along the division line of the County of Saratoga on the
North and the lands of Lyme Adirondack Timberlands II, LLC on the South,
South 82 degrees 27 minutes 56 seconds West (66)' sixty six feet to the
point and place of beginning. Containing one tenth (1/10) of an acre of
land more or less.
Together with an easement and right of way (deed book 1052 at page
792) for all ordinary purposes of ingress and egress, in common with
others, following the existing wood road as now used and located and
which is shown generally upon a map entitled "Map Showing Location of
Right of Way and 5.739 Acre Parcel of Land Proposed to be Conveyed to
the Van Curler Broadcasting Co. Located on Spruce Mountain", made by
Leslie W. Coulter, Surveyor, dated August 1, 1957 said map filed in the
Saratoga County Clerks office in highway map book 15 at page 60.
This one tenth (1/10) of an acre piece of land is Subject to the
following: 1) Rights granted to the Conservation Department by Interna-
S. 6905 3
tional Paper Company found in deed book 815 at page 595. 2) Adirondack
Park Agency permit found in Miscellaneous records book 25 at page 590.
3) Mineral rights reserved to International Paper Realty Corporation
found in deed book 1052 at page 787. 4) Lease agreement to Niagara
Mohawk Power Corporation by the County of Saratoga as a second agreement
dated 25th day of October 2007.
Said one tenth (1/10) of an acre parcel being a portion of lands
granted to the County of Saratoga by the International Paper Realty
Corporation dated 11th day of November, 1983 and recorded in the Sarato-
ga County Clerks office on April 3, 1984 in deed book 1052 at page 787.
S 4. This act shall take effect immediately.