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under the oversight and direction of the state division of veterans
affairs, and its director, individually, and as chair of the management
board, for each such veterans cemetery so constructed and established.
2. The establishment of the first New York state veterans cemetery.
(a) The division, in cooperation with the United States department of
veterans affairs, and in consultation with, [and upon the support of]
the department of state division of cemeteries, is hereby directed to
conduct an investigation and study on the issue of the construction and
establishment of the first New York state veterans cemetery. Such inves-
tigation and study shall include, but not be limited to:
(i) Potential site locations for such cemetery, with full consider-
ation as to the needs of the veterans population;
(ii) The size of the cemetery and types of grave sites;
(iii) The number of annual interments at the cemetery;
(iv) Transportation accessibility to the cemetery by veterans, their
families and the general public;
(v) Costs for construction of the cemetery;
(vi) Costs of operation of the cemetery, including but not limited to
staffing costs to maintain the cemetery;
(vii) Scalability of the cemetery for future growth and expansion;
(viii) Potential for funding for the cemetery from federal, local and
private sources;
(ix) Cost of maintenance;
(x) Data on the population that would be served by the site;
(xi) The average age of the population in the area covered;
(xii) The mortality rate of the veteran population for the area;
(xiii) Surrounding land use;
(xiv) Topography of the land;
(xv) Site characteristics;
(xvi) Cost of land acquisition;
(xvii) The location of existing cemeteries including but not limited
to national veterans' cemeteries, county veterans' cemeteries, ceme-
teries that have plots devoted to veterans, not-for-profit cemeteries
and any other burial ground devoted to veterans and any other type of
burial grounds devoted to the interment of human remains that is of
public record; and
(xviii) Such other and further items as the director of the division
deems necessary for the first state veterans cemetery to be successful.
A report of the investigation and study conclusions shall be delivered
to the governor, the temporary president of the senate, the speaker of
the assembly and the chair of the senate committee on veterans, homeland
security and military affairs, and the chair of the assembly committee
on veterans' affairs by no later than one hundred eighty days after the
division has commenced the conduct of the investigation and study.
(b) [Prior to the commencement of the investigation and study pursuant
to paragraph (a) of this subdivision, the director of the division of
veterans' affairs, the director of the division of the budget, the
director of the department of state's division of cemeteries, and the
office of the state comptroller must certify to the governor, the tempo-
rary president of the senate, the speaker of the assembly, the chair of
the senate finance committee and the chair of the assembly ways and
means committee that the veterans remembrance and cemetery maintenance
and operation fund, created pursuant to section ninety-seven-mmmm of the
state finance law, contains moneys sufficient, adjusted to reflect
projected future inflation, to fund the operation, maintenance and the
provision of perpetual care of a state veterans' cemetery for a period
A. 6132 3
of not less than fifteen years, provided that such amount shall not
include any amount that shall be reimbursed or contributed to the ceme-
tery from the government of the United States or any amount that would
be recoverable by the cemetery pursuant to a charge of fee for the
provision of a grave site for a non-veteran spouse or family member. In
making such a certification, the director of the division of veterans'
affairs, the director of the division of the budget, the director of the
department of state's division of cemeteries, and the office of the
state comptroller shall consider, but are not limited to, the following
(i) physical attributes of the veterans cemetery, including size,
location, and terrain;
(ii) management and operation, including staffing costs, cost of
equipment and equipment maintenance, and security costs;
(iii) relevant state and federal requirements and specifications for
interment and perpetual care;
(iv) estimates provided by the United States department of veterans
(v) any other fiscal cost, charge or assessment that would be incurred
by the cemetery.
(c) By no] NO later than ninety days following the issuance of the
report, pursuant to the rules and regulations issued under paragraph
[(h)] (F) of this subdivision, the director shall issue, on behalf of
the division, a request for proposals for any local government desiring
to have the first state veterans cemetery located within its political
subdivision. Such request for proposals shall be returnable to the
division by no later than sixty days following the issuance of the
request for proposals.
[(d)] (C) No later than sixty days following the deadline for the
return of requests for proposals pursuant to paragraph [(c)] (B) of this
subdivision, the director, in consultation with the management board of
the first New York state veterans cemetery, shall select a site for the
first New York state veterans cemetery. In selecting such site, the
director shall consider:
(i) The investigation and study, and the report produced by the same,
pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subdivision;
(ii) The submitted responses to the requests for proposals issued
pursuant to paragraph (b) of this subdivision;
(iii) The guidelines for receipt of federal funding specified in
section 2408 of title 38 of the United States code, part 39 of title 38
of the code of federal regulations, and any other relevant federal stat-
ute or regulation;
(iv) The possibility of funding from private individuals, corporations
or foundations; and
(v) Any other consideration that would facilitate the successful oper-
ation of the first New York state veterans cemetery.
[(e)] (D) No later than thirty days following the selection of the
site pursuant to paragraph [(d)] (C) of this subdivision, the director,
in consultation with the management board of the first New York state
veterans cemetery, shall commence the application process for funding
from the government of the United States, in accordance with the grant
requirements specified in section 2408 of title 38 of the United States
code, part 39 of title 38 of the code of federal regulations, and any
other relevant federal statute or regulation, for the purpose of seeking
funds to support the construction, establishment, expansion, improve-
ment, support, operation, maintenance and the provision of perpetual
A. 6132 4
care of New York state's first veterans cemetery. Such grant application
shall be based on a site selected pursuant to paragraph [(d)] (C) of
this subdivision, and shall be consistent with the guidelines for
receipt of federal funding pursuant to the relevant provisions of feder-
al law.
[(f)] (E) A management board for the first New York state veterans
cemetery shall be appointed pursuant to subdivision three of this
[(g) Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize the divi-
sion of veterans' affairs to commence an investigation and study pursu-
ant to paragraph (a) of this subdivision, issuing a request for
proposals pursuant to paragraph (c) of this subdivision, selecting a
site for the first New York state veterans cemetery pursuant to para-
graph (d) of this subdivision, or submitting any application for funding
from the government of the United States in accordance with the grant
requirements specified in section 2408 of title 38 of the United States
code, part 30 of title 38 of the code of federal regulations, and other
relevant federal statutes or regulations, for the purpose of seeking
funds to support the construction, establishment, expansion, improve-
ment, support, operation, maintenance and the provision of perpetual
care of New York state's first veterans cemetery pursuant to paragraph
(e) of this subdivision until the funds in the veterans remembrance and
cemetery maintenance and operation fund have been certified pursuant to
paragraph (b) of this subdivision.
(h)] (F) The director shall promulgate rules and regulations govern-
(i) The guidelines and standards for the construction, establishment,
expansion, improvement, support, operation, maintenance and the
provision of perpetual care for a state veterans cemetery. Such guide-
lines shall include, but not be limited to:
(1) The size and terrain of the cemetery;
(2) The management and operation of the cemetery, including but not
limited to:
(A) Hours of operation;
(B) Employees, employee relations, and employee duties;
(C) The conduct and practice of events, ceremonies and programs;
(D) The filing and compliance of the cemetery with state and federal
regulators; and
(E) Such other and further operational and management practices and
procedures as the director shall determine to be necessary for the
successful operation of a state veterans cemetery.
(3) The layout of plots;
(4) The locations of building and infrastructure, including but not
limited to:
(A) Electrical lines and facilities;
(B) Waterlines, irrigation systems, and drainage facilities;
(C) Trees, flowers and other plantings;
(D) Non gravesite memorials, gravesite memorials, mausoleums, colum-
barium niches, headstones, grave markers, indoor interment facilities,
committal-service shelters, signage, flag poles, and other memorial
gathering spaces or infrastructure;
(E) Roadways, pedestrian pathways, parking sites, curbs and curb cuts;
(F) Ponds, lakes and other water sites;
(G) Retaining walls, gates, fences, security systems or other devices
for cemetery protection; and
A. 6132 5
(H) Any other buildings, structures or infrastructure necessary for
the safe, efficient and effective operation of the cemetery;
(5) The qualifications for interment, consistent with the provisions
of state and federal law and any requirements pursuant to the receipt of
federal, state, local or private funds;
(6) The location and placement of interments;
(7) Consistent with the provisions of state and federal law and any
requirements pursuant to the receipt of federal, state, local or private
funds, the financial management of the cemetery, including but not
limited to:
(A) The procedures for the protection and implementation of the ceme-
tery's annual budget;
(B) The seeking, collecting, deposit and expenditure of operating
funds pursuant to the cemetery's budget;
(C) The seeking, collecting, deposit and expenditure of capital funds
pursuant to the cemetery's capital plan;
(D) The seeking, collecting, deposit and expenditure of emergency
funds to address an unexpected event;
(E) The assessment, charging, collection and deposit of fees and
(F) The management of cemetery finances, both current and future, with
respect to investments; and
(G) Such other and further procedures and activities concerning the
financial management of the cemetery;
(8) The provision of perpetual care for the cemetery, including but
not limited to:
(A) The frequency, standards and methods for the beautification and
maintenance of grounds, memorials, gravesites, buildings, ceremonial
sites, or other locations within, or upon the curtilage of the cemetery;
(B) The frequency, standards and methods for the provision of flags,
patriotic and military symbols, and other honorary items, at each
gravesite and throughout the cemetery; and
(C) Such other and further standards as are necessary to assure the
proper perpetual care of the cemetery in a manner befitting the highest
level of honor and respect deserving to those veterans and their fami-
lies interred in the cemetery;
(9) Guidelines and standards for the procurement of land for the ceme-
tery providing that the state veterans cemetery, and all the property
upon which it resides shall be owned in fee simple absolute by the state
of New York;
(10) Guidelines and standards for the practices and procedures for the
construction and establishment of a state veterans cemetery, including
contracting and purchasing for construction services, professional
services, legal services, architectural services, consulting services,
as well as the procurement of materials, all consistent with the rele-
vant provisions of federal, state and local law, the regulations promul-
gated thereunder, and the requirements contained in the grants awarded
or pursued from the federal government, or any source of private fund-
(11) Guidelines and standards for the practices and procedures for the
expansion and improvement of a state veterans cemetery, including
contracting and purchasing for construction services, professional
services, legal services, architectural services, consulting services,
as well as the procurement of materials, all consistent with the rele-
vant provisions of federal, state and local law, the regulations promul-
gated thereunder, and the requirements contained in the grants awarded
A. 6132 6
or pursued from the federal government, or any source of private fund-
(12) Any other guidelines and standards that would facilitate the
successful construction, establishment, expansion, improvement, support,
operation, maintenance and the provision of perpetual care for the state
veterans cemetery;
(ii) Guidelines and standards for the request for proposals for any
local government desiring to have the first state veterans cemetery
located within its political subdivision, pursuant to paragraph (b) of
this subdivision, including, but not limited to:
(1) The form, requirements and standards required for submission of a
response to the request for proposals;
(2) The requirement, if the director so elects, that a response shall
require the local government to agree to contract with the state of New
York that all costs for construction, establishment, expansion, improve-
ment, support, operation, maintenance and the provision of perpetual
care of the veterans cemetery shall be the sole responsibility of, and
paid by the local government, and that to the extent such costs are not
paid or reimbursed by the government of the United States, or a private
individual, corporation or foundation;
(3) The requirement that the local government will comply with all
state and federal statutes and regulations concerning the construction,
establishment, expansion, improvement, support, operation, maintenance
and the provision of perpetual care of the state veterans cemetery, and
shall satisfy any and all applicable state and federal standards and
requirements for the perpetual care of the state veterans cemetery;
(4) That the state veterans cemetery, and all the property upon which
it resides shall be owned in fee simple absolute by the state of New
(5) That all lands upon which such cemetery is constructed and estab-
lished shall be used solely for state veterans cemetery purposes, and
for the purpose of providing the honor and remembrance of veterans and
their service through ceremonies and programs;
(6) The requirement that a response shall require the local government
to agree to authorize the state of New York, in the event that the local
government fails to perform its obligations under the contract with the
state of New York, that the state director of the division of veterans'
affairs shall certify to the comptroller any unpaid amounts or any
amounts necessary for the state to assume the obligations which the
local government failed to perform, and the comptroller shall, to the
extent not otherwise prohibited by law, withhold such amount from any
state aid or other amount payable to such local government; to the
extent that sufficient funds are not available for such withholding, the
state may pursue any and all available legal remedies to enforce the
terms of the contract entered into between the state and a local govern-
ment pursuant to this subdivision; and
(7) Such other and further requirements as the director may deem
prudent in the facilitation of the successful siting and operation of a
state veterans cemetery in the jurisdiction of the local government; and
(iii) Such other and further guidelines and standards as are necessary
for the successful construction, establishment, expansion, improvement,
support, operation, maintenance and the provision of perpetual care for
a state veterans cemetery;
[(i) Upon the approval of the application for funding from the govern-
ment of the United States, made pursuant to paragraph (e) of this subdi-
vision, the director, upon consultation with the management board,]
A. 6132 7
shall commence the process of construction and establishment of the
first state veterans cemetery. Such process shall be consistent with the
relevant provisions of local, state and federal law, and the rules and
regulations established pursuant to paragraph [(h)] (F) of this subdivi-
3. Management boards of New York state veterans cemeteries. (a) For
each New York state veterans cemetery there shall be a management board.
Each such management board shall consist of nine members, including the
director of the division who shall serve as chair, and four members,
appointed by the governor. Of such four members, not fewer than two
shall be a veteran of the United States army, the United States navy,
the United States air force, the United States marines, the New York
army national guard, the New York air national guard, the New York naval
militia, or a member who has served in a theater of combat operations of
the United States coast guard or the United States merchant marine. Two
members shall be appointed by the temporary president of the senate, and
two members shall be appointed by the speaker of the state assembly. At
least one of the members appointed by the temporary president of the
senate and at least one of the members appointed by the speaker of the
assembly shall be a veteran of the United States army, the United States
navy, the United States air force, the United States marines, the New
York army national guard, the New York air national guard, the New York
naval militia, or a member who has served in a theater of combat oper-
ations of the United States coast guard or the United States merchant
marine. No member shall receive any compensation for his or her service,
but members who are not state officials may be reimbursed for their
actual and necessary expenses, including travel expenses incurred in
performance of their duties. The management board may consult with any
federal, state or local entity for the purposes of advancing its
purposes, mission and duties.
(b) The management board shall advise, by majority vote, the director
on issues concerning the construction, establishment, expansion,
improvement, support, operation, maintenance and the provision of
perpetual care for the veterans cemetery, including but not limited to
issues of financial concern, employment relations, cemetery policy,
cemetery events and programs, and such other and further issues as the
board and director shall deem important.
4. Additional state veterans cemeteries. (a) Not later than [ten]
THREE years after the construction and establishment of the first New
York state veterans cemetery, and every ten years thereafter, the divi-
sion, in cooperation with the United States department of veterans
affairs, shall conduct an investigation and study on the issue of the
construction and establishment of additional New York state veterans
cemeteries. Such investigation and study shall consider, but not be
limited to, the study parameters established pursuant to paragraph (a)
of subdivision two of this section. A report of the investigation and
study required to be conducted pursuant to this subdivision shall be
delivered to the governor, the temporary president of the senate, the
speaker of the assembly and the chair of the senate committee on veter-
ans, homeland security and military affairs, and the chair of the assem-
bly committee on veterans' affairs, by no later than ninety days after
the division has commenced the conduct of the investigation and study;
(b) The report of the investigation and study required to be conducted
pursuant to this subdivision shall provide a determination by the direc-
tor as to whether the state should construct and establish one or more
A. 6132 8
additional veterans cemeteries, and shall state the reasoning and basis
for such determination; and
(c) The division may, at the discretion of the director, at any time
after five years from the completion of construction of the most recent-
ly constructed and established state veterans cemetery, in cooperation
with the United States department of veterans affairs, conduct an inves-
tigation and study on the issue of the construction and establishment of
additional New York state veterans cemeteries. A report of the investi-
gation and study required to be conducted shall be delivered to the
governor, the temporary president of the senate, the speaker of the
assembly and the chair of the senate committee on veterans, homeland
security and military affairs, and the chair of the assembly committee
on veterans' affairs, by no later than ninety days after the division
has commenced the conduct of the investigation and study.
(d) If the director, pursuant to the investigation and study conducted
pursuant to this subdivision, determines that there shall be an addi-
tional state veterans cemetery in New York state, the director shall
provide for the construction and establishment of such new veterans
cemetery pursuant to the same guidelines and standards for the
construction and establishment of the first state veterans cemetery
under this section.
5. Expansion and improvement of existing state veterans cemeteries.
The director, in consultation with the management board of a state
veterans cemetery, may provide for the expansion and/or improvement of
the cemetery. Such expansion and improvement shall be conducted in
accordance with the rules and regulations of the division under para-
graph [(h)] (F) of subdivision two of this section.
S 2. This act shall take effect immediately.