A. 492 2
of Olive, County of Ulster and State of New York, being bounded and
described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point in the center of Watson Hollow Road (County Route
42) at the westerly corner of lands now or formerly of Lisa Hubbard as
described in Liber 4214 of deeds at page 47, and runs thence along said
lands South 48°44'45" East 494.90 feet to a found rebar set in a pile of
stones on the westerly boundary of lands now or formerly of Denis J.
Moran & Judith A. Moran as described in Liber 554 of deeds at page 335,
said last mentioned course at distances of 20.00 feet and 250.00 feet
passes through 5/8 inch diameter rebars with a plastic cap inscribed
"Brooks & Brooks---Property Line" set, thence along said lands of Moran
the following five courses and distances:
1) South 22°11'37" West 270.37 feet to a found 1/2 inch diameter metal
pipe set at the northerly end of a stone wall,
2) along said wall South 03°12'32" East 220.04 feet to a cornered 8
inch diameter Birch tree,
3) South 42°52'59" East 198.81 feet to a found 2 foot diameter pile of
4) South 38°10'19" East 433.80 feet to a found stone on end in a 2
foot diameter pile of stones and
5) South 25°58'16" East 1,179.61 feet to a found 2 foot diameter pile
of stones at the northwesterly corner of lands of the State of New York
as described in Liber 551 of deeds at page 573, thence along said lands
of the State of New York South 26°19'42" East 659.82 feet to a found 4
foot diameter pile of stones, thence continuing along said lands of the
State of New York South 57°23'00" West 1,099.28 feet to a found 5 foot
diameter pile of stones at the southeasterly corner of lands now or
formerly of Corrine E. Lopez as described in Liber 5198 of deeds at page
248, thence along said lands the following two courses and distances:
1) North 37°59'13" West 2,528.23 feet to a 5/8 inch diameter rebar
with a plastic cap inscribed "Brooks & Brooks" in a pile of stones to be
set and
2) North 02°14'19" East 150.00 feet to the center of the Bush Kill in
the southeasterly line of lands now or formerly of Margaret & Rijk Riet-
veld as described in Liber 3797 of deeds at page 221, said last
mentioned course at a distance of 105.67 feet passes through a 5/8 inch
diameter rebars with a plastic cap inscribed "Brooks & Brooks---Property
Line" set, thence along said lands the following two courses and
1) Along the center of said Kill North 33°14'19" East 149.00 feet to a
point and
2) North 42°18'27" West 440.37 feet to the center of said Watson
Hollow Road said last mentioned course at a distance of 47.3 feet passes
through a found rebar and a distance of 414.2 feet passes through a
found metal pipe,
thence along the center of said road North 43°06'00" East 50.16 feet to
a northwesterly corner of lands now or formerly of Amanda C. Insall as
described in Liber 5681 of deeds at page 86, thence along said lands the
following four courses and distances:
1) South 42°18'27" East 430.18 feet to the center of said Bush Kill,
said last mentioned course at a distance of 26.0 feet and 390.4 feet
passes through found rebars,
2) The remaining four courses and distances being along the center of
said Kill North 31°49'38" East 86.57 feet,
3) North 39°53'17" East 80.20 feet and
A. 492 3
4) North 45°37'33" East 192.47 feet to the southwesterly corner of
lands now or formerly of R. Todd Green and Amie M. Green as described
in Liber 5652 at page 104, thence along said lands, along the center of
said Kill the following five courses and distances:
1) North 59°48'03" East 141.90 feet,
2) North 64°39'25" East 92.25 feet,
3) North 50°04'04" East 66.80 feet,
4) North 43°32'40" East 126.57 feet and
5) North 18°42'39" East 242.58 feet,
thence leaving the said Kill continuing along said lands of Green, North
50°35'36" West 313.44 feet to the center of said Watson Hollow Road,
said last mentioned course at a distance of 39.4 feet passes through a
found rebar and at a distance of 284.7 feet passes through a found
rebar, thence along the center of said road the following six courses
and distances:
1) North 67°45'42" East 39.49 feet,
2) North 65°01'26" East 86.26 feet,
3) North 60°36'28" East 74.13 feet,
4) North 56°38'48" East 171.43 feet,
5) North 55°53'24" East 88.54 feet,
6) North 56°37'12" East 73.82 feet to the point of beginning.
CONTAINING Ninety-three and ninety-one hundredths (93.91) Acres.
BEARINGS are with reference to Magnetic North 2000.
Town of Olive, County of Ulster and State of New York being designated
as Lot 2 as shown on a map entitled "Final Map of lot line revision and
subdivision of lands of Pamela Trippel" last revised June 17th 2017 by
Brooks & Brooks, Land Surveyors, P.C., filed in the County Clerk's
Office on July 19th 2017 as map number 17-131 A and 17-131 B, said lot
being bounded and described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point in the center of the County Highway known as
Watson Hollow Road (County Route 42) in the northeasterly line of lands
now or formerly of Jean Marie Duffy as described in Liber 5304 of deeds
at page 286 and runs thence from said point of beginning along said land
of Duffy generally along the center of a stone wall the following five
courses and distances:
1. North 49°44'29" West 228.07 feet,
2. North 44°49'02" West 148.60 feet,
3. North 70°14'11" West 12.82 feet,
4. South 83°02'58" West 167.66 feet, and leaving said wall
5. North 56°37'50" West 433.96 feet to a southeasterly corner of lands
now or formerly of Ashokan Conservative Club, Inc. as described in Liber
1202 of deeds at page 246 marked by a set 5/8 inch diameter rebar with a
"Brooks & Brooks" plastic cap set at the northeast end of a stone wall,
thence along said lands generally along a blazed line North 54°46'14"
West 2,841.36 feet to the southeasterly line of lands now or formerly of
Frank L. Parslow as described in Liber 5269 of deeds at page 328 marked
by a found pile of stones on a large rock, thence along said lands,
generally along a blazed line North 17°39'31" East 1,174.80 feet to the
southwesterly corner of lands now or formerly of Julian and Evelyn A.
Morton as described in Liber 1258 of deeds at page 715 being marked by
set 5/8 inch diameter rebar with a "Brooks & Brooks" plastic cap in a
pile of stones at the base of a 15 inch diameter Maple tree, thence
along said lands, generally along a blazed line South 72°00'13" East
3,513.64 feet to the northerly corner of Lot 2 as shown on the above
referenced filed map marked by a set "PK" nail in a drill hole in a
A. 492 4
rock, thence along said Lot 2 generally along a blazed line the follow-
ing four courses and distances:
1. South 52°13'39" West 175.00 feet to a set 5/8 inch diameter rebar
with a "Brooks & Brooks" plastic cap in a pile of stones,
2. South 59°59'13" West 215.00 feet, to a set 5/8 inch diameter rebar
with a "Brooks & Brooks" plastic cap in a pile of stones,
3. South 33°59'19" West 1,475.88 feet to a set 5/8 inch diameter rebar
with a "Brooks & Brooks" plastic cap in a pile of stones and
4. South 44°49'02" East 550.90 feet to the westerly corner of a 6.56
acre lot as shown on the above referenced filed map marked by a set 5/8
inch diameter rebar with a "Brooks & Brooks" plastic cap in a pile of
stones, thence along said 6.56 acre lot, generally along a blazed line
the following two courses and distances:
1. South 44°49'02" East 138.57 feet to a set 5/8 inch diameter rebar
with a "Brooks & Brooks" plastic cap and
2. South 49°44'29" East 228.73 feet to the center of the aforemen-
tioned Watson Hollow Road, said last mentioned course at a distance of
203.73 feet passes through a set 5/8 inch diameter rebar with a "Brooks
& Brooks" plastic cap, thence along the center of said road South
43°06'00" West 100.12 feet to the point of beginning.
CONTAINING One hundred twenty and twelve hundredths (120.12) acres.
BEARINGS are with reference to Ulster County filed map number 11610,
Magnetic North 2009.
Paradox Tract, Town of Moriah, County of Essex and State of New York
located on the southerly side of Ensign Pond Road (and also known as
County Route 4):
BEGINNING at a point located in the northeast corner of the parcel
being herein conveyed and said point being in the center of the Ensign
Pond Road proceeding South 09°23'51" West 25 feet to an iron rod, thence
proceeding South 09°23'51" West 866.05 feet to a drill hole and plug on
a ledge marker with stones and being the southeast corner of the parcel
herein, thence proceeding North 81°02'03" West 1044.36 feet to a drill
hole and plug on a ledge marked with iron and stones and marking the
southwest corner of the parcel herein, thence proceeding North 10°55'50"
East 917 feet more or less to a point in the center of the Ensign Pond
Road, thence proceeding along the center line of Ensign Pond Road as it
winds and turns 1075 feet more or less to the point or place of begin-
CONTAINING Twenty one and fifty seven hundredths (21.57) acres.
BEARINGS are with reference to Survey dated January 28, 1983 by Martin
B. Thompson, Land Surveyor.
portion of Lots 363 and 364 and all of Lots 345, 344, 317, 328, 318 and
327 of the Paradox Tract in the Town of Moriah, County of Essex and
State of New York and being described as follows:
BEGINNING in the center of the Essex County Highway Route 4, the
Ensign Pond Road, at the westerly bounds of lands reputedly owned by
Albert Saboski, Jr. and Kellie J. Saboski as found recorded in Liber
1034 at page 139 of the Essex County Clerk's Office, thence South
15°18'41" East, along the westerly bounds of said Saboski, 46.4 feet to
a 1 inch iron pipe, thence South 07°23'29" West, along said bounds,
807.7 feet to a 1 inch iron pipe and stones, thence North 67°38'50"
East, along the southerly bounds of Saboski, 1,230.4 feet to a bolt
found set in ledgerock with stones piled around in the easterly bounds
of said Lot 364, thence South 06°24'58" East, along the bounds of Lot
A. 492 5
364, a distance of 722.6 feet to a 1/2 inch iron pipe set in stones at
the corner of Lots 364, 365, 344 and 343 Paradox Tract, thence South
07°49'38" East, along the easterly bounds of said Lots 344, 328 and 327,
a distance of 8,121.6 feet to a hole drilled in rock with stones piled
at the corner of Lots 327, 326, 335 and 334 Paradox Tract, thence South
83°27'05" West, along the southerly bounds of said Lots 327 and 318, a
distance of 5,874.4 feet to a capped 1/2 inch re-rod set in stones at
the corner of Lots 318, 319, 314 and 315 Paradox Tract, thence North
06°59'36" West, along the westerly bounds of Lots 318, 317 and 345, a
distance of 8,143.7 feet to a capped 1/2 inch re-rod set in stones at
the corner of Lots 363, 345, 346 and 362 Paradox Tract, thence North
83°35' East, along the northerly bounds of said Lot 345, a distance of
363.0 feet to a capped hole drilled in ledgerock at the southwest corner
of lands reputedly owned by Anna Koehnke, thence North 83°29'20" East,
continuing along said southerly bounds of Lot 363 and lands of Anna
Keohnke, 1,044.0 feet to another capped hole drilled in ledgerock in a
pile of stones, thence North 06°03'56" West, along the easterly bounds
of said Keohnke, 865.9 feet to a capped 1/2 inch re-rod and stones,
thence continuing North 06°03'56" West, along said bounds, 25.0 feet to
the center of the Ensign Pond Road, thence easterly, along the center of
said road, as it winds and turns, 3,468 feet, more or less, to the point
of beginning.
CONTAINING One thousand one hundred eighty four and eight tenths
(1,184.8) acres of land.
BEARINGS are with reference to True North at 74°20' West Longitude,
Distances and acres are with reference to New York State Plane Coordi-
nate System, East Zone.
§ 4. This act shall take effect immediately.