Assembly Bill A10522B

2023-2024 Legislative Session

Relates to authorizing the state university of New York at Stony Brook to lease certain lands for the purpose of constructing a facility to support research and development of semiconductor chips

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Current Bill Status - In Assembly Committee

  • Introduced
    • In Committee Assembly
    • In Committee Senate
    • On Floor Calendar Assembly
    • On Floor Calendar Senate
    • Passed Assembly
    • Passed Senate
  • Delivered to Governor
  • Signed By Governor

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Bill Amendments

2023-A10522 - Details

See Senate Version of this Bill:
Current Committee:
Assembly Higher Education
Law Section:
New York State University

2023-A10522 - Summary

Authorizes the state university of New York at Stony Brook to lease certain lands for the purpose of developing a facility to support research and development to address the national semiconductor chip shortage and related environmental sustainability issues.

2023-A10522 - Bill Text download pdf

                     S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                           I N  A S S E M B L Y
                               May 31, 2024
 Introduced  by  COMMITTEE  ON RULES -- (at request of M. of A. Stern) --
   read once and referred to the Committee on Higher Education
 AN ACT relating to authorizing the state university of New York at Stony
   Brook to lease certain lands for the purpose of constructing a facili-
   ty to support research and development to address the  national  semi-
   conductor  chip  shortage  and  related  environmental  sustainability
   Section  1. Legislative findings. The legislature finds that the State
 University of New York  at  Stony  Brook  ("Stony  Brook")  created  the
 Research  and Development Park in order to support the cross-pollination
 of ground-breaking research and cutting edge technology in  the  private
 sector to benefit the students, faculty and staff as well as the broader
 community. Now, Stony Brook has determined there is an opportunity for a
 private  entity  to construct an additional facility in the Research and
 Development Park, which would provide needed  additional  facilities  to
 support  the research and development needs of faculty, staff, students,
 and the community and seeks to use approximately 8  acres  of  underuti-
 lized  land  on  Stony  Brook's Research and Development Park to build a
 facility to address these research and development  needs,  as  well  as
 engage in its private commercial research, development and manufacturing
 of  tools to fabricate semiconductor chips, other memory storage devices
 or any future technology developed to hold data for later retrieval. The
 private entity, which provides new technology to aid in the  manufacture
 of  semiconductor  chips,  would address the national semiconductor chip
 shortage and related environmental sustainability issues,  fulfilling  a
 necessary  and  vital state and federal public purpose.  The legislature
 further finds that granting the trustees of the State University of  New
 York  the  authority  and  power to lease and otherwise contract to make
 available grounds and facilities of the campus of the  State  University
 of  New  York  at  Stony Brook available in this manner will ensure such
 land is utilized for the benefit of  Stony  Brook  and  the  surrounding
  EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                       [ ] is old law to be omitted.

2023-A10522A - Details

See Senate Version of this Bill:
Current Committee:
Assembly Higher Education
Law Section:
New York State University

2023-A10522A - Summary

Authorizes the state university of New York at Stony Brook to lease certain lands for the purpose of developing a facility to support research and development to address the national semiconductor chip shortage and related environmental sustainability issues.

2023-A10522A - Bill Text download pdf

                     S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                           I N  A S S E M B L Y
                               May 31, 2024
 Introduced  by  COMMITTEE  ON RULES -- (at request of M. of A. Stern) --
   read once and referred to the Committee on Higher Education -- commit-
   tee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and  recom-
   mitted to said committee
 AN ACT relating to authorizing the state university of New York at Stony
   Brook to lease certain lands for the purpose of constructing a facili-
   ty  to  support research and development to address the national semi-
   conductor  chip  shortage  and  related  environmental  sustainability
   Section 1. Legislative findings. The legislature finds that the  state
 university  of  New  York  at  Stony  Brook  ("Stony Brook") created the
 Research and Development Park in order to support the  cross-pollination
 of  ground-breaking  research and cutting edge technology in the private
 sector to benefit the students, faculty and staff as well as the broader
 community. Now, Stony Brook has determined there is an  opportunity  for
 Veeco  to  construct an additional facility in the Research and Develop-
 ment Park, which would provide needed additional facilities  to  support
 the  research and development needs of faculty, staff, students, and the
 community and seeks to use approximately 8 acres of  underutilized  land
 on  Stony  Brook's  Research and Development Park to build a facility to
 address these research and development needs, as well as engage  in  its
 private  commercial  research, development and manufacturing of tools to
 fabricate semiconductor chips,  other  memory  storage  devices  or  any
 future  technology  developed  to  hold data for later retrieval. Veeco,
 which provides new technology to aid in the manufacture of semiconductor
 chips, would  address  the  national  semiconductor  chip  shortage  and
 related  environmental sustainability issues, fulfilling a necessary and
 vital state and federal public purpose.  The legislature  further  finds
 that  granting  the  trustees  of  the  state university of New York the
 authority and power to lease and otherwise contract  to  make  available
 grounds and facilities of the campus of the state university of New York
 at  Stony  Brook  available  in  this  manner  will  ensure such land is
 utilized for the benefit of Stony Brook and the surrounding community.
   § 2. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the state  univer-
 sity  of  New  York  trustees  are authorized and empowered, without any

2023-A10522B (ACTIVE) - Details

See Senate Version of this Bill:
Current Committee:
Assembly Higher Education
Law Section:
New York State University

2023-A10522B (ACTIVE) - Summary

Authorizes the state university of New York at Stony Brook to lease certain lands for the purpose of developing a facility to support research and development to address the national semiconductor chip shortage and related environmental sustainability issues.

2023-A10522B (ACTIVE) - Bill Text download pdf

                     S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                           I N  A S S E M B L Y
                               May 31, 2024
 Introduced  by  COMMITTEE  ON RULES -- (at request of M. of A. Stern) --
   read once and referred to the Committee on Higher Education -- commit-
   tee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and  recom-
   mitted  to  said  committee -- again reported from said committee with
   amendments, ordered reprinted  as  amended  and  recommitted  to  said

 AN ACT relating to authorizing the state university of New York at Stony
   Brook to lease certain lands for the purpose of constructing a facili-
   ty  to  support research and development to address the national semi-
   conductor  chip  shortage  and  related  environmental  sustainability
   Section 1. Legislative findings. The legislature finds that the  state
 university  of  New  York  at  Stony  Brook  ("Stony Brook") created the
 Research and Development Park in order to support the  cross-pollination
 of  ground-breaking  research and cutting edge technology in the private
 sector to benefit the students, faculty and staff as well as the broader
 community. Now, Stony Brook has determined there is an  opportunity  for
 Veeco  to  construct an additional facility in the Research and Develop-
 ment Park, which would provide needed additional facilities  to  support
 the  research and development needs of faculty, staff, students, and the
 community and seeks to use approximately 8 acres of  underutilized  land
 on  Stony  Brook's  Research and Development Park to build a facility to
 address these research and development needs, as well as engage  in  its
 private  commercial  research, development and manufacturing of tools to
 fabricate semiconductor chips,  other  memory  storage  devices  or  any
 future  technology  developed  to  hold data for later retrieval. Veeco,
 which provides new technology to aid in the manufacture of semiconductor
 chips, would  address  the  national  semiconductor  chip  shortage  and
 related  environmental sustainability issues, fulfilling a necessary and
 vital state and federal public purpose.  The legislature  further  finds
 that  granting  the  trustees  of  the  state university of New York the
 authority and power to lease and otherwise contract  to  make  available
  EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                       [ ] is old law to be omitted.


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