Easterly along the said northerly sideline of Fulton Street 883.90',
along the same northerly sideline of Fulton Street to a point, thence,
On a line in a general northerly direction having an interior angle of
84°14'59" with the previous course 72.29' to a point known as the Point
of Beginning, thence,
1) On a line in a general westerly direction having an interior angle
of 89°57'01" with the previous course 55.94' to a point, thence,
2) On a line in a general Northerly direction having an interior angle
of 79°17'17" with the previous course 65.85' to a point, thence,
3) On a line in a general easterly direction having an interior angle
of 100°47'48" with the previous course 23.82' to a point, thence,
4) On a line in a general northerly direction having an interior angle
of 270°17'30" with the previous course 18.55' to a point, thence,
5) On a line in a general easterly direction having an interior angle
of 89°14'48" with the previous course 112.13' to a point, thence,
6) On a line in a general southerly direction having an interior angle
of f 70°59'29" with the previous course 18.01' to a point, thence,
7) On a line in a general westerly direction having an interior angle
of 109°20'10" with the previous course 45.81' to a point, thence,
8) On a line in a general southerly direction having an interior angle
of 270°00'00" with the previous course 17.40' to a point, thence,
9) On a line in a general westerly direction having an interior angle
of 90°00'00" with the previous course 40.29' to a point, thence,
10) On a line in a general southerly direction having an interior
angle of 270°00'00" with the previous course 48.23' to the Point of
Said parcel described above contains 5,836 square feet (0.13 acres) of
land more or less.
Area B: acquisition of property rights on Tax Lot 1 in Block 1546,
Borough of Brooklyn:
Beginning at the Point of Commencement, (N=186378.8532,
E=1009899.0749) (NAD83 / NAVD88) at the corner formed by the inter-
section of the northerly line of Fulton Street, an eighty feet width
right of way, and the north-easterly line of Eastern Parkway, a one-hun-
dred-and ten-feet width right of way, running thence,
Easterly along the said northerly line of Fulton Street 1011.31', to a
point of curvature on the same northerly sideline of Fulton Street,
Along the arc, having a curve to the left, a radius of 70 feet, delta
of 102°54'18", and an arc distance of 125.72 feet to the point of
tangency along the westerly line of Van Sinderen Avenue, a one-hundred
foot width right of way, thence,
Along the same westerly sideline of Van Sinderen Avenue in a general
northerly direction, from the point of tangency 53.99' along the same
westerly line of Van Sinderen Avenue, to a point, thence,
On a line in a general westerly direction having an interior angle of
97°09'24" with the previous course 45.92' to the Point of Beginning,
1) On a line in a general westerly direction having an interior angle
of 180°00'00" with the previous course [38.50'] 35.80' to a point,
2) On a line in a general northerly direction having an interior angle
of 90°00'00" with the previous course 18.75' to a point, thence,
3) On a line in a general easterly direction having an interior angle
of 90°00'00" with the previous course 0.90' to a point, thence,
A. 6667 3
4) On a line in a general northerly direction having an interior angle
of 250°39'50" with the previous course 51.96' to a point, thence,
5) On a line in a general easterly direction having an interior angle
of 89°54'43" with the previous course 13.21' to a point, thence,
6) On a line in a general northerly direction having an interior angle
of 270°09'15" with the previous course 1.50' to a point, thence,
7) On a line in a general easterly direction having an interior angle
of 89°42'05" with the previous course 19.98' to a point, thence,
8) On a line in a general southerly direction having an interior angle
of 116°54'23" with the previous course 9.83' to a point, thence,
9) On a line in a general southerly direction having an interior angle
of 153°20'13" with the previous course 10.30' to a point, thence,
10) On a line in a general easterly direction having an interior angle
of 285°10'47" with the previous course 1.53' to a point, thence,
11) On a line in a general southerly direction having an interior
angle of 74°53'38" with the previous course 40.81' to the Point of
Said parcel described above contains 2,485 square feet (0.06 acres) of
land more or less.
§ 5. The lands hereby authorized to be discontinued temporarily as
parklands by section one of this act and granted as temporary easements
to serve as construction staging areas for the duration of construction
are bounded and described as follows:
Area E: Temporary Construction Easement on Tax Lot 1 in Block 1546,
Borough of Brooklyn:
Beginning at the Point of Commencement, (N=186378.8532,
E=1009899.0749) (NAD83) at the corner formed by the intersection of the
northerly sideline of Fulton Street, an eighty feet width right of way,
and the easterly sideline of Eastern Parkway, a one-hundred- and ten-
feet width right of way, running thence,
Easterly along the said northerly sideline of Fulton Street 883.90',
to the Point of Beginning along the same northerly sideline of Fulton
Street, thence,
1) On a line in a general northerly direction having an interior angle
of 84°15'59 with the previous course 72.29' to a point, thence,
2) On a line in a general westerly direction having an interior angle
of 89°57'02" with the previous course 55.94' to a point, thence,
3) On a line in a general northerly direction having an interior angle
of 280°42'43 with the previous course 65.85' to a point, thence,
4) On a line in a general easterly direction having an interior angle
of 259°12'12" with the previous course 23.82' to a point, thence,
5) On a line in a general northerly direction having an interior angle
of 89°42'30" with the previous course 18.55' to a point, thence,
6) On a line in a general westerly direction having an interior angle
of 90°45'12" with the previous course 42.04' to a point, thence,
7) On a line in a general southerly direction having an interior angle
of 89°48'43" with the previous course 97.30' to a point, thence,
8) On a line in a general easterly direction having an interior angle
of 90°00'11" with the previous course 7.38' to a point, thence,
9) On a line in a general southerly direction having an interior angle
of 280°27'29" with the previous course 39.17' to a point, thence,
10) On a line in a general southerly direction having an interior
angle of 169°22'25" with the previous course 13.72' to a point, thence,
11) On a line in a general easterly direction having an interior angle
of 95°46'34" with the previous course 62.48' along the northerly line of
Fulton Street to the Point of Beginning.
A. 6667 4
Said parcel containing 5,752 square feet (0.13 acres) of land more or
Area F: temporary construction easement on Tax Lot 1 in Block 1546,
Borough of Brooklyn:
Beginning at the Point of Commencement, (N=186378.8532,
E=1009899.0749) (NAD83) at the corner formed by the intersection of the
northerly sideline of Fulton Street, an eighty feet width right of way,
and the easterly sideline of Eastern Parkway, a one-hundred- and ten-
feet width right of way, running thence,
North-easterly along the said easterly sideline of Eastern Parkway, a
one-hundred- and ten-feet width right of way, 70.74' to a point in the
same easterly sideline of Eastern Parkway and the Southerly sideline of
Truxton Street, a 70 feet width right of way, thence,
Along the southerly line of Truxton Street in a general easterly
direction having an interior angle of 142°03'22" with the previous
course 932.30' along the same said southerly line of Truxton Street to
the Point of Beginning, thence,
1) On a line in a general southerly direction having an interior angle
of 63°43'34" with the previous course 101.74' to a point, thence,
2) On a line in a general easterly direction having an interior angle
of 70°59'29" with the previous course 29.61' to a point, thence,
3) On a line in a general northerly direction having an interior angle
of 109°00'31" with the previous course 53.82' to a point, thence,
4) On a line in a general easterly direction having an interior angle
of 270°00'00" with the previous course 27.92' to a point, thence,
5) On a line in a general southerly direction having an interior angle
of 270°00'00" with the previous course 10.07, to a point, thence,
6) On a line in a general easterly direction having an interior angle
of 90°05'17" with the previous course 13.21' to a point, thence,
7) On a line in a general northerly direction having an interior angle
of 89°50'45" with the previous course 1.50' to a point, thence,
8) On a line in a general easterly direction having an interior angle
of 270°17'55" with the previous course 19.98' to a point, thence,
9) On a line in a general southerly direction having an interior angle
of 243°05'37" with the previous course 9.83' to a point, thence,
10) On a line in a general southerly direction having an interior
angle of 206°39'47" with the previous course 10.30' to a point, thence,
11) On a line in a general easterly direction having an interior angle
of 74°49'13" with the previous course 1.53' to a point, thence,
12) On a line in a general southerly direction having an interior
angle of 285°06'22" with the previous course 40.81' to a point, thence,
13) On a line in a general easterly direction having an interior angle
of 70°44'54" with the previous course 45.92, to a point along the
westerly sideline of Van Sinderen Avenue, a one-hundred feet width right
of way, thence,
14) Along the westerly sideline of Van Sinderen Avenue in a general
northerly direction having an interior angle of 82°50'36" with the
previous course 73.34' to the point of curvature along the same westerly
sideline of Van Sinderen, now opened at one-hundred feet wide, thence,
15) Along the arc, having a curve to the left, a radius of 70 feet,
delta of 89°46'03", arc distance of 109.69' feet to the point of tangen-
cy along the southerly sideline of Truxton Street, a seventy feet width
right of way, thence,
16) Along the southerly sideline of Truxton Street from the point of
tangency in a general [easterly] WESTERLY direction 13.42' to the Point
of Beginning.
A. 6667 5
Said parcel containing 8,564 square feet (0.20 acres) of land more or
§ 6. The lands hereby authorized to be dedicated as parklands by the
city of New York on the terms set forth in section two of this act are
located in the county of Kings, city and state of New York and bounded
and described as follows:
Portion of Sackman Street abutting Tax Lot 1 in Block 1546, Borough of
Beginning at the Point of Commencement, (N=186378.8532,
E=1009899.0749) (NAD83) at the corner formed by the intersection of the
northerly line of Fulton Street, an eighty feet width right of way, and
the north-easterly line of Eastern Parkway, a one-hundred- and ten-feet
width right of way, running thence,
Easterly along the said northerly sideline of Fulton Street 466.90' to
the Point of Beginning on the same northerly sideline of Fulton Street,
and the easterly sideline of Sackman Street, thence,
1) Along the easterly sideline of Sackman Street in a general norther-
ly direction having an interior angle of 74°27'51" with the previous
course [124.23'] 146.23' to a point along the southerly sideline of
Truxton Street a 70' width right of way, thence,
2) Along the southerly sideline of Truxton Street in a general wester-
ly direction having an interior angle of 92°50'53" with the previous
course 80.10' to a point on the same southerly sideline of Truxton
Street and the westerly sideline of Sackman street, thence,
3) Along the westerly sideline of Sackman Street in a general souther-
ly direction having an interior angle of 87°09'07" with the previous
course 127.97' to a point along the westerly sideline of Sackman Street
and the northerly sideline of Fulton Street, thence,
4) Along the northerly sideline of Fulton Street in a general easterly
direction having an interior angle of 105°32'08" with the previous
course 83.03' to the Point of Beginning.
Said parcel containing 10,968 square feet (0.25 acres) of land more or
§ 2. This act shall take effect immediately.