
Congratulating Gladys Simmons Barney upon the occasion of celebrating her 100th Birthday

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Senate Resolution No. 1597

BY: Senator COMRIE

CONGRATULATING Gladys Simmons Barney upon the
occasion of celebrating her 100th Birthday

WHEREAS, Senior citizens bring a wealth of experience and knowledge
to the increasingly active roles they play in today's society; their
past contributions and future participation are a vital part of, and
valuable asset to, the fabric of community life and activity; and

WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to commemorate
and recognize certain milestones celebrated by citizens of this great
Empire State; and

WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to
congratulate Gladys Simmons Barney upon the occasion of her 100th
Birthday that was celebrated Wednesday, January 3, 2024; and

WHEREAS, Gladys Simmons was born to Victor and Annie Simmons in
Government Gate, Pembroke, Bermuda, on January 3, 1924; she is the third
of 12 children, six boys and six girls; she attended Central School in
Pembroke but was unable to continue her education in high school because
her parents could not afford the school's fees; and

WHEREAS, Although her dream to become a nurse seemed implausible in
an era when Black women had limited career options, Gladys Simmons'
mother was determined to help her daughter realize that dream through
assisting with household chores and aiding a neighborhood midwife with
deliveries and postnatal care which gave her a foundation for an
eventual career in nursing; and

WHEREAS, A teacher in Central School tutored Gladys Simmons and
other students after school to prepare them for the Cambridge Junior
Certificate examination; in 1943, after passing the examination, she
moved into the Cottage Hospital Nursing Home's dormitory, residing there
until graduating in 1947; she was one of five graduates that year and
one of a substantial number of Black women who trained at the nursing
school between 1936 and 1956; and

WHEREAS, Gladys Simmons was presented with her diploma by Sir Ralph
Leatham; this event was historic because it was the first time that a
governor had performed that role at the nursing home; the Government
sent the graduates to Lincoln Hospital in Bronx, New York, for an
additional year of training; and

WHEREAS, Returning to Bermuda in 1948, Gladys Simmons became a
private-duty nurse, caring for wealthy Bermudians in their homes; being
paid lucratively, she was able to afford trips to New York where she met
her future husband, George Barney, whom she married in 1951; and

WHEREAS, The couple settled in Corona, Queens, New York, later
moving to Cambria Heights where Gladys Simmons Barney has resided for 65
years; the Barneys were blessed with three sons, George, Jr., Mitchell,
and Anthony; and

WHEREAS, Gladys Simmons Barney worked at Lincoln Hospital for eight
years and Flushing Medical Center for 28 years; after her husband died
at the age of 53, she raised her family while working full-time,
assisted by her mother who would periodically fly to New York; and

WHEREAS, Gladys Simmons Barney retired in 1987; in 2017, she was
recognized for her contributions to the nursing profession at a dinner
to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Bermuda Nurses Association; in
Bermuda, she attended the Cup Match and renewed family ties; and

WHEREAS, Gladys Simmons Barney, with her zest for life, has inspired
and enhanced the lives of her family and friends; and

WHEREAS, This exceptional centenarian has experienced the incredible
joys and sorrows characteristic of and reserved for those with the
stamina and courage to savor a full life; and

WHEREAS, Gladys Simmons Barney has enriched the lives of those
around her through her joyous and sincere love for others and through
the vibrant charm and infinite wisdom which comes only from a fullness
of years; and

WHEREAS, It is the intent of this Legislative Body to publicly
recognize those who have reached such a remarkable age and who have
witnessed and celebrated the innovations, cultural developments, and
awesome achievements of this country during the last century, while
themselves contributing to the growth and excellence of this great
Empire State; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
congratulate Gladys Simmons Barney upon the occasion of celebrating her
100th Birthday; and be it further

RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Gladys Simmons Barney.


  • 08 / Jan / 2024
  • 17 / Jan / 2024
  • 17 / Jan / 2024

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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