Senate Resolution No. 183
MEMORIALIZING Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim
March 30, 2023, as Doctors' Day in the State of New
WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to recognize
official days that are set aside to recognize certain professionals who
affect the lives of citizens of New York State; and
WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to
memorialize Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim March 30, 2023, as
Doctors' Day in the State of New York, in conjunction with the
observance of National Doctors' Day; and
WHEREAS, The annual observance of Doctors' Day provides an
opportunity for the people of the Empire State to recognize the vital
contributions of physicians who practice in communities large and small
throughout New York State; and
WHEREAS, The idea for National Doctors' Day came from Eudora Brown
Almond, wife of Dr. Charles B. Almond, and the date chosen was the
anniversary of the first use of general anesthesia in surgery which was
performed on March 30, 1842, in Jefferson, Georgia, by Dr. Crawford Long
who used ether to anesthetize a patient; and
WHEREAS, On March 28, 1933, the first Doctors' Day was observed in
Winder, Georgia, with cards mailed to the physicians and their wives,
flowers were placed on graves of deceased doctors, including Dr. Long,
and a formal dinner was held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. William T.
Randolph; and
WHEREAS, After the Barrow County Alliance adopted Eudora Brown
Almond's resolution to pay tribute to the doctors, the plan was
presented to the Georgia State Medical Alliance in 1933, by Mrs. E. R.
Harris of Winder, president of the Barrow County Alliance; and
WHEREAS, On May 10, 1934, the resolution was adopted at the annual
state meeting in Augusta, Georgia, and was introduced to the Women's
Alliance of the Southern Medical Association at its 29th annual meeting
held in St. Louis, Missouri; and
WHEREAS, During the 101st United States Congress, the United States
Senate and House of Representatives passed S.J. RES. No. 366, which
former President Bush signed on October 30, 1990, thereby creating
Public Law 101-473, designating Doctors' Day as a national holiday to be
celebrated on March 30th; and
WHEREAS, Years later, Dr. Marion Mass along with Dr. Kimberly
Jackson and Dr. Christina Lang applied to officially have physicians day
changed to physicians week, which was accepted in March of 2017; and
WHEREAS, In 2017, Physicians Working Together (PWT) sponsored a
series of articles in observance of National Physicians week which were
hosted on KevinMD; and
WHEREAS, The following year, PWT along with Openxmed sponsored a
free online conference focusing on physician well-being and support, and
in 2019, these two vital organizations funded a scholarship program for
medical students and residents; and
WHEREAS, Today, we continue to celebrate medical advances like using
ether anesthesia and thank all doctors everywhere who have spent so much
time and energy mastering their respective field of expertise; and
WHEREAS, It is appropriate for the citizens of New York State to
recognize that the quality of life in the communities across this great
State of New York is enriched by the diligence and compassionate
commitment of those individuals whose singular purpose is the care and
welfare of others; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
memorialize Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim March 30, 2023, as
Doctors' Day in the State of New York; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to The Honorable Kathy Hochul, Governor of the State of New