
Commemorating the Finger Lakes' community's celebration of Lake Friendly Living, May 2024

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Senate Resolution No. 2395

BY: Senator MAY

COMMEMORATING the Finger Lakes' community's
celebration of Lake Friendly Living, May 2024

WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body that the
continuing welfare of the citizens of the State of New York is greatly
enriched and reliably served by the purposeful endeavors of
organizations which are committed to the preservation of our natural
environment and the enhancement of the appreciation of the distinctive
features of our surroundings, and to the economic well-being of the
areas in which they exist; and

WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to
commemorate the Finger Lakes' community's celebration of Lake Friendly
Living, May 2024; and

WHEREAS, Many of the New York State Finger Lakes provide clean, safe
drinking water for residents throughout Central New York, and many of
these waterbodies are designated as Class AA(T) protected waterbodies;

WHEREAS, In recent years, all of the New York State Finger Lakes
have experienced widespread harmful algae blooms due, in part, to
nutrients which promote the growth of algae and Cyanobacteria; and

WHEREAS, Harmful algae blooms throughout the Finger Lakes threaten
regional water quality and the health and safety of water consumers; and

WHEREAS, New York State Finger Lakes' watershed organizations are
looking to advance pollutant reduction strategies through land and water
conservation recommendations for residents, operations, and businesses
within their respective watersheds; and

WHEREAS, The Lake Friendly Living Coalition of the Finger Lakes
offers conservation recommendations for watershed residents through
pledge programming and spearheads annual public events during Lake
Friendly Awareness Month intended to further educate the public about a
variety of conservation initiatives being advanced throughout the
region; and

WHEREAS, It is incumbent upon all citizens to recognize and applaud
the efforts of organizations such as the Lake Friendly Living Coalition
of the Finger Lakes which work tirelessly on behalf of protecting our
natural surroundings for the benefit of present and future generations
of New Yorkers; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commemorate the Finger Lakes' community's celebration of Lake Friendly
Living, May 2024; and be it further

RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to the Lake Friendly Living Coalition of the Finger Lakes.


  • 08 / May / 2024
  • 14 / May / 2024
  • 14 / May / 2024

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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