
Commending Class of 2024 Valedictorian Sofia Martini and Salutatorian Claire Tao of North Shore High School, in recognition of their outstanding accomplishments

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Senate Resolution No. 2444


COMMENDING Class of 2024 Valedictorian Sofia
Martini and Salutatorian Claire Tao of North Shore
High School, in recognition of their outstanding

WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to act in accord
with its long-standing traditions, to honor the youth of today, the
leaders of tomorrow, whose character and achievements exemplify the
ideals and values cherished by this great State and Nation; and

WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is justly proud to commend Class of
2024 Valedictorian Sofia Martini and Salutatorian Claire Tao of North
Shore High School, in recognition of their outstanding accomplishments;

WHEREAS, A high-achieving scholar, Sofia Martini has received a
myriad of awards, including the Harvard College Book Prize, Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute Medal, Bausch and Lomb Science Award, Long Island
Science Congress Honors Award, Junior Award for Excellence in Social
Studies, American Citizenship Award, and Excellence in Mathematics
Department Award; and

WHEREAS, With a goal to pursue a career in the healthcare industry,
Sofia Martini is president of National Honor Society, president of Mu
Alpha Theta, and a member of the World Language Honor Society and Rho
Kappa; she has participated in the Science Research Program and her
research attempts to explore genomic diversity and potential virulence
factors in the genomes of various Histophilus somni strains, which is a
gram-negative bacteria that causes systemic disease in bovines; and

WHEREAS, A Varsity Scholar Athlete, Sofia Martini has played on the
Varsity Soccer and Lacrosse teams since eighth grade and freshman year
respectively; her team recognitions include Varsity Soccer All-County,
Varsity Soccer All-County Honorable Mention, and Varsity Lacrosse
All-Conference; and

WHEREAS, Volunteering at the local library and in PAL Lacrosse
clinics, Sofia Martini received the Community Service Merit Award; and

WHEREAS, Recently recognized as a National Merit Semifinalist,
Claire Tao is a member of the National Honor Society and Mu Alpha Theta,
National Math Honors Society; and

WHEREAS, Fluent in Mandarin, Claire Tao is high-performing and
actively involved in her school; she has a passion for science and has
performed her science research at the Albert Einstein College of
Medicine, focusing on glioblastoma and immune system receptors; and

WHEREAS, Involved in a myriad of extracurricular activities, Claire
Tao served as president of the High School Portfolio Club, vice
president of the Micro and Anatomy Club, and a member of the Chamber
Orchestra and Mathletes; and

WHEREAS, With a goal to pursue a career in medicine and find a
target for glioblastoma, Claire Tao has worked at a physician's clinic
and a physical therapy clinic; and

WHEREAS, Valedictorian Sofia Martini and Salutatorian Claire Tao
represent the best of developed potential inherent in our most precious
resource, our youth; their achievements have brought enduring honor to
their families and communities and should be recognized and saluted; and

WHEREAS, As Valedictorian Sofia Martini and Salutatorian Claire Tao
take leave of North Shore High School, they bestow a legacy of academic
achievement, school involvement and community service to which others
may aspire; and

WHEREAS, Valedictorian Sofia Martini and Salutatorian Claire Tao may
now stand with pride as they assess their achievements, experience the
satisfaction of their labors and the joy of their accomplishments, eager
to face the new experiences of a challenging world; now, therefore, be

RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commend Class of 2024 Valedictorian Sofia Martini and Salutatorian
Claire Tao of North Shore High School, in recognition of their
outstanding accomplishments; and be it further

RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Valedictorian Sofia Martini and Salutatorian Claire Tao.


  • 13 / May / 2024
  • 21 / May / 2024
  • 21 / May / 2024

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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