
Honoring Reverend Dr. James A. Thornton upon the occasion of his 18th Pastoral Anniversary

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Senate Resolution No. 2602

BY: Senator PARKER

HONORING Reverend Dr. James A. Thornton upon the
occasion of his 18th Pastoral Anniversary

WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to commend the
efforts of those individuals within the State of New York who give of
their time and energies in support of spiritual endeavors which aim to
benefit the community at large; and

WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to honor
Reverend Dr. James A. Thornton upon the occasion of his 18th Pastoral
Anniversary, celebrated on Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 305 East 21st Street
in Brooklyn, New York; and

WHEREAS, Attaining a wealth of knowledge, Reverend Dr. James A.
Thornton graduated from Fordham University and earned his Bachelor of
Arts degree; he then furthered his education and attended Fordham's
Graduate School of Business; and

WHEREAS, Reverend Dr. James A. Thornton received his Master of
Divinity Degree from New York Theological Seminary and his Doctorate of
Divinity Degree from United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio; the
thesis for his doctoral degree in Urban Ministry was "The Church
Bridging the Gap Between Public School and Community"; and

WHEREAS, Answering the call to ministry on October 18, 1987,
Reverend Dr. James A. Thornton delivered his trial sermon titled "I Am
Not Ashamed" before a congregation of the faithful; in 1988, he was
ordained to the ministry and accepted the position of Assistant to the
Pastor at the Salem Missionary Baptist Church; and

WHEREAS, In February of 1999, Reverend Dr. James A. Thornton was
unanimously elected Co-Pastor and successor, and in May 1999, he was
officially installed at the Salem Missionary Baptist Church; and

WHEREAS, On May 1, 2006, on the retirement of Pastor Boyd, after 45
years of faithful service, Reverend Dr. James A. Thornton assumed the
mantle of leadership as the sixth Pastor of the Salem Missionary Baptist
Church; and

WHEREAS, Devout in his faith and service, Reverend Dr. James A.
Thornton stands as the Director and Reorganizer of Salem's Afterschool
Enrichment Center, prioritizing the adage of the Negro College Fund; and

WHEREAS, Devoted to educating youth in the community, Reverend Dr.
James A. Thornton is currently an Adjunct Professor of Ethics at New
York Theological Seminary and an instructor for the National Baptist
Convention Congress of Christian Education; and

WHEREAS, As a graduate of the Lott Carey Convention's Pastoral
Excellence Program, Reverend Dr. James A. Thornton has brought the
Christian witness to the mission fields of Guyana, Jamaica, and South
Africa, and he has partnered with the Philadelphia-based 300 Chosen

Ministries, in the preaching and teaching of God's word on foreign
shores; and

WHEREAS, Reverend Dr. James A. Thornton has always given
enlightenment, guidance, and wisdom to the many entrusted to his care
and has administered abundantly and unstintingly to the spiritual and
corporal needs of all; and

WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body that when a person
of such noble aims and accomplishments is brought to our attention it is
appropriate to publicly and jubilantly proclaim and commend that
individual for the edification of others; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
honor Reverend Dr. James A. Thornton upon the occasion of his 18th
Pastoral Anniversary; and be it further

RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Reverend Dr. James A. Thornton.


  • 28 / May / 2024
  • 04 / Jun / 2024
  • 04 / Jun / 2024

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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