
Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the Community Resource Center in Mamaroneck, New York

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Senate Resolution No. 550

BY: Senator MAYER

COMMEMORATING the 25th Anniversary of the
Community Resource Center in Mamaroneck, New York

WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to foster the
health and well-being of its citizens and engage in a conscientious
commitment to advancing the empowerment and advocacy for individuals of
immigrant status and low-income families across this great State of New
York; and

WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to
commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the Community Resource Center in
Mamaroneck, New York to be celebrated on Thursday, March 30, 2023, at
the St. Thomas Church with a 25th Birthday Party for the Center; and

WHEREAS, Individuals and organizations devoted to improving the
quality of life for others, enabling them to build lives of dignity and
self-worth are deserving of the highest praise and recognition; and

WHEREAS, From time to time, society calls upon these individuals and
organizations to be recognized for the significance of their
contributions and efforts to assist others in developing the skills
necessary to be successful, productive citizens; and

WHEREAS, Since their founding in 1998, the Community Resource
Center, formerly the Hispanic Resource Center, has provided resources
and advocacy to empower immigrant and low-income families to help them
become self-reliant and thriving members of the community; and

WHEREAS, The Community Resource Center's vision is to help
Westchester County become a community that embraces diversity and
provides opportunities for all its residents; and

WHEREAS, Having grown from a community initiative and referral
organization to one that provides comprehensive direct client services
and programs, the Community Resource Center provides a myriad of
educational programs, case management and referral services, and
advocates for immigrants and low-income families in need; and

WHEREAS, In the past year, the Community Resource Center has served
nearly 4,000 adults, youth, and children in three primary areas: case
management and social services, educational programs and workshops, and
worker center, which aids those seeking employment through job
placement; and

WHEREAS, With unwavering commitment to its community, the Community
Resource Center listens to its clients and their families to help create
a plan for individuals to live out the life they imagine for themselves;

WHEREAS, This occasion presents an opportunity for this Legislative
Body to recognize and pay tribute to the Community Resource Center for
their commendable commitment to the Mamaroneck, New York community;

effectively carrying out its important mission, the Community Resource
Center has demonstrated the value of supporting individuals of immigrant
status and low-income families for over 25 years; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the Community Resource Center of
Mamaroneck, New York; and be it further

RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to the Community Resource Center of Mamaroneck, New York.


  • 10 / Mar / 2023
  • 15 / Mar / 2023
  • 15 / Mar / 2023

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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