
Reaffirming support for the Good Friday Agreement to ensure a lasting peace in Northern Ireland and commemorating its 25th Anniversary

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Senate Resolution No. 679

BY: Senator WEBER

REAFFIRMING support for the Good Friday Agreement
to ensure a lasting peace in Northern Ireland and
commemorating its 25th Anniversary

WHEREAS, The Good Friday Agreement, also known as the Belfast
Agreement, was signed on April 10, 1998; and

WHEREAS, The Good Friday Agreement ended decades of sectarian
violence and political instability in Northern Ireland, which had
claimed over 3,500 lives and left countless others injured and
traumatized and has allowed a generation to grow up in previously
unimagined peace; and

WHEREAS, The Good Friday Agreement established a power-sharing
government in Northern Ireland, with representation from all traditions
and communities; and

WHEREAS, The Good Friday Agreement enshrines human rights
protections, equality provisions, and a commitment to address the legacy
of the troubles with transparency, truth and justice; and

WHEREAS, The Good Friday Agreement has been widely recognized as a
landmark achievement in conflict resolution and a model for other
divided societies around the world; and

WHEREAS, The Good Friday Agreement is commemorating its 25th
anniversary in 2023, providing an opportunity to reflect on its
achievements and challenges, as well as its continuing relevance in a
changing political landscape; and

WHEREAS, The United States has played a crucial role in supporting
the Good Friday Agreement, with President Bill Clinton and his
administration helping to facilitate the negotiations and succeeding
administrations providing political and economic support for its
implementation; and

WHEREAS, The United States has a strategic interest in promoting
peace and stability in Northern Ireland and ensuring that the Good
Friday Agreement continues to be upheld and strengthened; and

WHEREAS, The Good Friday Agreement has faced challenges in recent
years, including Brexit, the suspension of the power-sharing government
due to the Democratic Unionist Party's refusal to participate in
government, and a British government proposal to create an unprecedented
amnesty for criminal activities of its forces, including murder,
committed during the Northern Ireland conflict in direct contravention
of the Good Friday Agreement; and

WHEREAS, The restoration of the devolved government in Northern
Ireland is crucial to the continued implementation of the Good Friday
Agreement and the effective governance of Northern Ireland; and

WHEREAS, The State of New York reaffirms its commitment to the Good
Friday Agreement, recognizing it as a cornerstone of peace and stability
in Northern Ireland; and

WHEREAS, In addition, the State of New York urges all parties in
Northern Ireland to restore the Stormont Government and, in the spirit
of the Good Friday Agreement, address the outstanding issues and
challenges through the peaceful institutions of democratic governance
and ensure that the vision for a shared peaceful and just future is
realized; and

WHEREAS, The State of New York calls on the United States government
to continue its support for the Good Friday Agreement and encourage its
Special Envoy to facilitate dialogue and cooperation between Northern
Ireland and the United States; and

WHEREAS, The State of New York recognizes the importance of the Good
Friday Agreement for promoting human rights, equality, and
reconciliation and pledges to support initiatives that advance these
values, including parity of esteem, conflict resolution, and the legacy
of the troubles; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
reaffirm support for the Good Friday Agreement to ensure a lasting peace
in Northern Ireland and to commemorate its 25th Anniversary.


  • 30 / Mar / 2023

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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