
Congratulating Maggie Sardino upon the occasion of being named a 2023 Marshall Scholar

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Senate Resolution No. 728

BY: Senator MAY

CONGRATULATING Maggie Sardino upon the occasion of
being named a 2023 Marshall Scholar

WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to act, in accord
with its long-standing traditions, to honor the achievements of its
young citizens and leaders of tomorrow, whose character and
accomplishments exemplify the ideals and values cherished by this great
State and nation; and

WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is justly proud to congratulate
Maggie Sardino upon the occasion of being named a 2023 Marshall Scholar;

WHEREAS, Maggie Sardino, a senior majoring in writing and rhetoric
in the College of Arts and Sciences and citizenship and civic engagement
in the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, has been named
a 2023 Marshall Scholar; and

WHEREAS, Founded in 1953, the Marshall Scholarships finance young
Americans of high ability to study for a graduate degree at an
institution in the United Kingdom in any field of study; Maggie Sardino
was one of 40 students selected from around the country and is Syracuse
University's fifth Marshall Scholar; and

WHEREAS, The Marshall Scholarship selects students based on three
criteria: academic merit, leadership potential and ambassadorial
potential; Maggie Sardino's outstanding record of scholarly achievement,
leadership in the local community and ambassadorial temperament make her
an excellent fit for this esteemed honor; she has very clear plans for a
future dedicated to making storytelling a powerful mechanism for
peacebuilding and social justice in the United States and beyond; and

WHEREAS, Maggie Sardino will study in the U.K. for two years; during
the first year, she will pursue a master's degree in digital humanities
at King's College London, and during the second year, she will pursue a
master's degree in applied anthropology and community arts at
Goldsmiths, University of London; and

WHEREAS, Upon the completion of her studies in the U.K., Maggie
Sardino plans to pursue a Ph.D. in composition and cultural rhetoric
with an emphasis on public engagement and digital rhetoric; she then
plans to seek an academic position in writing and digital storytelling
and serve as a consultant to a community-based storytelling
organization; her ultimate goal is to lead a national nonprofit
organization that equips communities with traditional and digital
storytelling skills to foster social justice; and

WHEREAS, During her time at Syracuse University (SU), Maggie Sardino
has been a storyteller through the Narratio Fellowship program, a
storytelling workshop partnership between the College of Arts and
Sciences and Syracuse's Northside Learning Center, and the SU Globalists
publication; and

WHEREAS, As a research assistant with City Scripts, Maggie Sardino
wrote, directed, produced and co-edited a documentary on a public
housing complex in Syracuse, exploring current plans to replace the
complex with mixed-income housing; and

WHEREAS, As an organizer and presenter with The Most Beautiful
Home... Maybe, a national theatrical project focused on elevating the
perspectives of public housing residents and influencing housing policy,
Maggie Sardino co-designed and led community workshops around
place-based historical and personal narratives which empowered
communities to share their stories of home; and

WHEREAS, This extraordinary young woman has demonstrated how
absolutely critical it is that those whose voices are often decentered
and silenced have a platform to share their own stories; she is
steadfastly committed to ensuring marginalized communities have the
space and tools to share their own experiences and narratives, creating
a greater potential for cross cultural connections and for public policy
to be equitable; and

WHEREAS, Through the Engaged Humanities Network (EHN), Maggie
Sardino has had the opportunity to research how universities assess
their publicly engaged initiatives and how we can foster greater
connections across these types of initiatives; and

WHEREAS, Maggie Sardino is also a Coronat Scholar, Remembrance
Scholar, member of the Renee Crown University Honors Program, and 2022
Fulbright Canada Mitacs Globalink Scholar; through the Fulbright Mitacs
program, she worked on a digital humanities project at the University of
Victoria in British Columbia focused on making humanities scholarship
more open, inclusive and accessible to non-academic audiences; and

WHEREAS, Additionally, she helped to organize and facilitate the
2022 Digital Humanities Summer Institute, a gathering of hundreds of
scholars, faculty and staff from the arts, humanities, library and
archives communities to share cutting-edge digital humanities work; and

WHEREAS, Maggie Sardino may stand with pride in her achievements,
experiencing the satisfaction of her labors and the joy of her
accomplishments, eager to face the challenge of new experiences as she
continues her education; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
congratulate Maggie Sardino upon the occasion of being named a 2023
Marshall Scholar; and be it further

RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Maggie Sardino.


  • 12 / Apr / 2023
  • 18 / Apr / 2023
  • 18 / Apr / 2023

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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