
Mourning the death of Herbert F. Geller, distinguished veteran, and devoted member of his community

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Assembly Resolution No. 927

BY: M. of A. Burdick

MOURNING the death of Herbert F. Geller,
distinguished veteran, and devoted member of his

WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to pay tribute to
citizens of the State of New York whose lifework and civic endeavors
served to enhance the quality of life in their communities and this
great Empire State; and

WHEREAS, Herbert F. Geller of North Salem, New York, died on
Thursday, February 29, 2024, at the age of 102; and

WHEREAS, Herbert F. Geller distinguished himself in his profession
and by his sincere dedication and substantial contribution to the
welfare of his community; and

WHEREAS, Born on December 9, 1921, to the late Samuel and May
Geller, Herbert F. Geller was a first-generation Jewish American; and

WHEREAS, Herbert F. Geller joined the Signal Corps and the Committee
to Defend America by Aiding the Allies; when Pearl Harbor was attacked,
he enlisted in the U.S. Army where he went on to train as a radio
repairman at Camp Crowder in Missouri and then was assigned to the new
Army Air Corps and deployed to England; and

WHEREAS, After the war ended, he manned a radio tower in
ally-occupied Germany; Herbert F. Geller rose to the esteemed rank of
Corporal and was honorably discharged in 1946; and

WHEREAS, Upon his discharge from the United States military, Herbert
F. Geller went on to study journalism at Long Island University in
Brooklyn and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, ultimately receiving
his bachelor's degree; and

WHEREAS, Herbert F. Geller married the love of his life, Gloria
Feldman, on October 7, 1956; and

WHEREAS, Following a move to Mt. Kisco, New York, Herbert F. Geller
worked as a patent trader, then later became a writer and editor for the
Bridgeport Post where he was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for his
series on the bicentennial; and

WHEREAS, Further demonstrating his innate skill for writing, Herbert
F. Geller also enjoyed being a playwright, and wrote the musical "Who
Built the World," about the struggles of Irish immigrants; and

WHEREAS, Herbert F. Geller was a leader of the North Salem American
Legion and was heavily involved in Westchester County and local politics
throughout his life, often campaigning for causes and candidates he
believed in; and

WHEREAS, Active in his community, Herbert F. Geller was the
president of his neighborhood's Candlewood Lake Association for over 20

years, and led the Memorial Day Parade for North Salem for over 30
years; and

WHEREAS, Herbert F. Geller was inducted into the New York State
Veterans Hall of Fame in 2011 for his dedicated service to the United
States Armed Forces; and

WHEREAS, Herbert F. Geller's commitment to excellence, and his
spirit of humanity, carried over into all fields of enterprise,
including charitable and civic endeavors; and

WHEREAS, Herbert F. Geller is survived by his daughters, JeriAnn,
Sharon, and Nisa; his sons-in-law, Dr. William Zinn and Jeffrey
Tannenbaum; his grandchildren, Ariel, Grant, Benji, Isabella, Oriana,
Joseph and Samuel; his grandson-in-law, Ben Starkweather; his
great-grandson, Gabriel Starkweather; eight nieces and nephews; eight
great-nieces and nephews; and his beloved caretakers, Minerva Rodriguez
and Dora, Flory, and Margarita Morales; and

WHEREAS, Herbert F. Geller was predeceased by his wife, Gloria and
his sister, Erna Beth Drucker; and

WHEREAS, Armed with a humanistic spirit and imbued with a sense of
compassion, Herbert F. Geller leaves behind a legacy which will long
endure the passage of time and will remain as a comforting memory to all
he served and befriended; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
mourn the death of Herbert F. Geller; and be it further

RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to the family of Herbert F. Geller.


  • 11 / Mar / 2024
  • 11 / Mar / 2024

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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