Senate Bill S5529

2023-2024 Legislative Session

Relates to enabling public employers to offer certain temporary retirement incentives for certain public employees

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Current Bill Status - In Senate Committee Civil Service And Pensions Committee

  • Introduced
    • In Committee Assembly
    • In Committee Senate
    • On Floor Calendar Assembly
    • On Floor Calendar Senate
    • Passed Assembly
    • Passed Senate
  • Delivered to Governor
  • Signed By Governor

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Bill Amendments


2023-S5529 - Details

Current Committee:
Senate Civil Service And Pensions
Law Section:
Versions Introduced in Other Legislative Sessions:
2019-2020: S8801
2021-2022: S5559

2023-S5529 - Summary

Enables public employers to offer an age fifty-five with ten years of service or age fifty with twenty-five years of service temporary retirement incentives for certain public employees.

2023-S5529 - Sponsor Memo

2023-S5529 - Bill Text download pdf

                     S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                        2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                             I N  S E N A T E
                               March 7, 2023
 Introduced  by  Sen.  GRIFFO -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
   printed to be committed to the Committee on Civil Service and Pensions
 AN ACT in relation to enabling public employers to offer certain  tempo-
   rary retirement incentives for certain public employees
   Section 1. Legislative findings. The legislature  finds  and  declares
 that  the  state  is  experiencing economic difficulties and in order to
 avoid layoffs of public employees, a retirement incentive is  necessary.
 However, nothing in this act shall be construed to create an expectation
 of a future or continuing retirement benefit for any public employee who
 is  not  eligible  to receive and qualify for the retirement benefits in
 this act during the applicable time periods.
   § 2. Definitions. For purposes of this act, the following terms  shall
 have the following meanings:
   (a)  "Retirement system" means the New York state and local employees'
 retirement system, the New York state teachers' retirement  system,  the
 New  York  city  teachers' retirement system, the New York city board of
 education retirement system or the New York city  employees'  retirement
 system,  exclusive  of  the  retirement  plans  established  pursuant to
 sections 13-156 and 13-157 of the administrative code of the city of New
   (b) "State employer" means:
   (1) the executive branch of the state;
   (2) the state-operated institutions of the  state  university  of  New
   (3)  the  statutory and contract colleges operated pursuant to section
 357 of the education law;
   (4) the state university construction fund (hereinafter referred to in
 this act as the "fund");
  EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                       [ ] is old law to be omitted.
 S. 5529                             2


2023-S5529A (ACTIVE) - Details

Current Committee:
Senate Civil Service And Pensions
Law Section:
Versions Introduced in Other Legislative Sessions:
2019-2020: S8801
2021-2022: S5559

2023-S5529A (ACTIVE) - Summary

Enables public employers to offer an age fifty-five with ten years of service or age fifty with twenty-five years of service temporary retirement incentives for certain public employees.

2023-S5529A (ACTIVE) - Sponsor Memo

2023-S5529A (ACTIVE) - Bill Text download pdf

                     S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                        2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                             I N  S E N A T E
                               March 7, 2023
 Introduced  by  Sens. GRIFFO, LANZA, OBERACKER, RHOADS -- read twice and
   ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee  on
   Civil  Service  and  Pensions -- recommitted to the Committee on Civil
   Service and Pensions in accordance with  Senate  Rule  6,  sec.  8  --
   committee  discharged,  bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and
   recommitted to said committee
 AN ACT in relation to enabling public employers to offer certain  tempo-
   rary retirement incentives for certain public employees
   Section 1. Legislative findings. The legislature  finds  and  declares
 that  the  state  is  experiencing economic difficulties and in order to
 avoid layoffs of public employees, a retirement incentive is  necessary.
 However, nothing in this act shall be construed to create an expectation
 of a future or continuing retirement benefit for any public employee who
 is  not  eligible  to receive and qualify for the retirement benefits in
 this act during the applicable time periods.
   § 2. Definitions. For purposes of this act, the following terms  shall
 have the following meanings:
   (a)  "Retirement system" means the New York state and local employees'
 retirement system, the New York state teachers' retirement  system,  the
 New  York  city  teachers' retirement system, the New York city board of
 education retirement system or the New York city  employees'  retirement
 system,  exclusive  of  the  retirement  plans  established  pursuant to
 sections 13-156 and 13-157 of the administrative code of the city of New
   (b) "State employer" means:
   (1) the executive branch of the state;
   (2) the state-operated institutions of the  state  university  of  New
  EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                       [ ] is old law to be omitted.
 S. 5529--A                          2


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1 year ago

I strongly support this bill as well. I am having health issues. This would help tremendously.

1 year ago

This is so very necessary. We are stressed and have been overwhelmed since the covid pandemic. It would also save the state money by hiring new employees at entry level salaries.

1 year ago

I strongly support this Bill as a NYC Employee 33 years in vested, age 55, I hope this time Mayor Eric Adams can approve it for City Employees; if this Bill 5529 passes.

9 months ago

Maybe consider passing this bill and offering a part time option to return. This would reduce the fringe cost to employer.

9 months ago

I am in support of this bill to allow senior City workers to retire in order to hire new workers which will help with the City's budget crisis.

9 months ago

I support this bill in order to allow senior City workers to retire and hire new younger workers to have their opportunity which will help with the City fiscal budget crisis.

9 months ago

Please pass this i bill, I would like to retire and if it passes.

8 months ago

I strongly support this bill. It will save the state and county money by hiring newer employees at lower salaries.

8 months ago

Please pass this Bill, I am a city worker for 30 years and I would like to retire, Thank you.

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