Senate Bill S6852

2023-2024 Legislative Session

Requires landlord to grant access to engineer or architect hired by tenants to inspect major capital improvements in certain multiple dwellings

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Current Bill Status - In Senate Committee Rules Committee

  • Introduced
    • In Committee Assembly
    • In Committee Senate
    • On Floor Calendar Assembly
    • On Floor Calendar Senate
    • Passed Assembly
    • Passed Senate
  • Delivered to Governor
  • Signed By Governor

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Bill Amendments


2023-S6852 - Details

Current Committee:
Senate Rules
Law Section:
New York City Administrative Code
Laws Affected:
Amd §§26-405 & 26-511, NYC Ad Cd; amd §6, Emerg Ten Prot Act of 1974
Versions Introduced in Other Legislative Sessions:
2009-2010: S1443
2011-2012: S1282
2013-2014: S837, S86
2015-2016: S3581, S1721
2017-2018: S3643, S3874
2019-2020: S4818
2021-2022: S5387

2023-S6852 - Summary

Provides that no landlord shall deny access to a licensed professional engineer or licensed registered architect hired by any tenant or tenant association representing tenants of a multiple dwelling of six units or more for the purpose of conducting an inspection of a major capital improvement for which an application for a maximum rent adjustment has been filed by the landlord; provides that such inspection shall be conducted after notice to the landlord and during normal business hours; provides for the filing of such inspection report by such tenants with the New York city rent agency or the state division of housing and community renewal for consideration in such application's determination.

2023-S6852 - Sponsor Memo

2023-S6852 - Bill Text download pdf

                     S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                        2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                             I N  S E N A T E
                               May 11, 2023
 Introduced by Sens. PARKER, SEPULVEDA -- read twice and ordered printed,
   and  when  printed  to  be  committed  to  the  Committee  on Housing,
   Construction and Community Development
 AN ACT to amend the administrative code of the city of New York and  the
   emergency  tenant protection act of nineteen seventy-four, in relation
   to inspection of major capital improvements for which  rent  increases
   are  requested and in relation to extending the provisions of the rent
   stabilization law
   Section 1. Subparagraph (g) of paragraph 1 of subdivision g of section
 26-405 of the administrative code of the city of New York, as amended by
 section  27 of part Q chapter 39 of the laws of 2019, is amended to read
 as follows:
   (g) There has been since July first, nineteen hundred seventy, a major
 capital improvement essential for the  preservation  energy  efficiency,
 functionality,  or infrastructure of the entire building, improvement of
 the structure including heating, windows, plumbing and roofing but shall
 not be for operational costs or unnecessary cosmetic  improvements.  The
 temporary  increase  based  upon  a major capital improvement under this
 subparagraph for any order of the commissioner issued after [the  effec-
 tive  date  of  the  chapter  of  the laws of two thousand nineteen that
 amended this subparagraph] JUNE 14, 2014 shall be in  an  amount  suffi-
 cient to amortize the cost of the improvements pursuant to this subpara-
 graph  [(g)] over a twelve-year period for buildings with thirty-five or
 fewer units or a twelve and one-half year period for buildings with more
 than thirty-five units, and shall be removed from  the  legal  regulated
 rent  thirty years from the date the increase became effective inclusive
 of any increases granted by the applicable rent guidelines board. Tempo-
 rary major capital improvement increases shall be  collectible  prospec-
 tively on the first day of the first month beginning sixty days from the
  EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                       [ ] is old law to be omitted.


2023-S6852A (ACTIVE) - Details

Current Committee:
Senate Rules
Law Section:
New York City Administrative Code
Laws Affected:
Amd §§26-405 & 26-511, NYC Ad Cd; amd §6, Emerg Ten Prot Act of 1974
Versions Introduced in Other Legislative Sessions:
2009-2010: S1443
2011-2012: S1282
2013-2014: S837, S86
2015-2016: S3581, S1721
2017-2018: S3643, S3874
2019-2020: S4818
2021-2022: S5387

2023-S6852A (ACTIVE) - Summary

Provides that no landlord shall deny access to a licensed professional engineer or licensed registered architect hired by any tenant or tenant association representing tenants of a multiple dwelling of six units or more for the purpose of conducting an inspection of a major capital improvement for which an application for a maximum rent adjustment has been filed by the landlord; provides that such inspection shall be conducted after notice to the landlord and during normal business hours; provides for the filing of such inspection report by such tenants with the New York city rent agency or the state division of housing and community renewal for consideration in such application's determination.

2023-S6852A (ACTIVE) - Sponsor Memo

2023-S6852A (ACTIVE) - Bill Text download pdf

                     S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
     Cal. No. 498
                        2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                             I N  S E N A T E
                               May 11, 2023
 Introduced by Sens. PARKER, JACKSON, SEPULVEDA -- read twice and ordered
   printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Housing,
   Construction and Community Development -- recommitted to the Committee
   on  Housing, Construction and Community Development in accordance with
   Senate Rule 6, sec. 8  --  reported  favorably  from  said  committee,
   ordered  to  first  and  second  report,  ordered  to a third reading,
   amended and ordered reprinted, retaining its place  in  the  order  of
   third reading
 AN  ACT  to  amend  the administrative code of the city of New York, the
   emergency tenant protection act of nineteen seventy-four and the emer-
   gency housing rent control law, in relation  to  inspection  of  major
   capital  improvements  for  which  rent increases are requested and in
   relation to extending the provisions of the rent stabilization law
   Section 1. Subparagraph (g) of paragraph 1 of subdivision g of section
 26-405 of the administrative code of the city of New York, as amended by
 section  27  of  part Q of chapter 39 of the laws of 2019, is amended to
 read as follows:
   (g) There has been since July first, nineteen hundred seventy, a major
 capital improvement essential for the  preservation  energy  efficiency,
 functionality,  or infrastructure of the entire building, improvement of
 the structure including heating, windows, plumbing and roofing but shall
 not be for operational costs or unnecessary cosmetic  improvements.  The
 temporary  increase  based  upon  a major capital improvement under this
 subparagraph for any order of the commissioner issued after [the  effec-
 tive  date  of  the  chapter  of  the laws of two thousand nineteen that
 amended this subparagraph] JUNE 14, 2019 shall be in  an  amount  suffi-
 cient to amortize the cost of the improvements pursuant to this subpara-
 graph  [(g)] over a twelve-year period for buildings with thirty-five or
 fewer units or a twelve and one-half year period for buildings with more
  EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                       [ ] is old law to be omitted.


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