(d) the commissioner of the New York state department of transporta-
tion; and
(e) the chair of the Long Island regional planning council.
3. The foregoing representation of the participating units of govern-
ment is not intended to indicate a proportional or any other kind of
weighting for voting purposes and such representation shall remain in
effect only as long as committee decisions are reached by consensus as
defined in this act.
4. Advisory, non-voting membership on the committee shall include the
federal highway administration, urban mass transportation adminis-
tration, United States environmental protection agency, and the New York
state department of environmental conservation.
5. Members of the committee may be represented by designated substi-
tutes. Such designation shall be in writing to the secretary of the
§ 3. Officers. 1. Executives of each county shall serve as the perma-
nent co-chairs of the committee with functional responsibility for
committee operations.
2. The transportation coordinating committee shall elect officers
according to its bylaws or operating procedures, except that the New
York state department of transportation shall perform secretarial
services for the transportation coordinating committee.
§ 4. Voting by consensus. All actions taken by the Nassau-Suffolk
transportation coordinating committee shall be by majority vote.
§ 5. Central staff. To meet areawide transportation planning needs and
to provide centralized services to the transportation coordinating
committee a central staff, and a staff director appointed by the commit-
tee from a list provided by the permanent co-chair. The staff director
shall be accountable to the committee for results of that portion of the
transportation planning program assigned to the central staff, and for
the economy and efficiency of the central staff operation. Central
staff activities shall be limited to transportation and transportation
related matters and may include:
1. data collection, monitoring and analysis;
2. demographic analysis and forecasting;
3. strategic transportation planning;
4. regional transportation systems planning;
5. travel simulation and modelling and other technical planning and
planning services;
6. mapping services;
7. administrative services including contract administration; and
8. special studies of regional significance.
§ 6. Unified planning work program. 1. The committee shall establish
goals, objectives, criteria, and standards for the development of work
programs for the use of federal and other planning funds.
2. The unified planning work program shall comprise the following
major work elements:
(a) central staff;
(b) transportation coordinating committee staff;
(c) subregional pass through;
(d) transit operators planning program; and
(e) special studies.
3. (a) The work program of the central staff shall be determined annu-
ally by the committee.
(b) A method for distributing funds for special studies shall be
determined annually by the committee.
A. 5277 3
§ 7. Application for urban mass transportation funds. 1. The depart-
ment of transportation shall, on behalf of the committee, make applica-
tion annually to the urban mass transportation administration and to
other federal agencies as may be appropriate, for funds to support the
committee's planning program. The department shall make such funds, as
well as funds received from the federal highway administration, avail-
able to the committee for its decision on their use and distribution.
The department shall be the urban mass transportation administration
grant applicant for the central staff, transportation coordinating
committee staff, and subregional pass through work elements of the
unified planning work program. Applicants for urban mass transportation
administration grants to support the transit operators planning and
special studies work elements shall be determined annually in the
unified planning work program.
2. The committee shall authorize the department of transportation and
others as appropriate, to accept on behalf of the committee, the trans-
fer of current grants that have been awarded to the committee.
§ 8. Funding. 1. For the program year starting July 1, 2026, the allo-
cation of funds to be made for the above major program elements except
for special studies, shall be determined by the committee.
2. For the program year starting July 1, 2026 twenty-five, pass
through funds shall be made available to each county in proportion to
its 2020 population.
§ 9. Transportation plans. 1. The committee shall develop and review
annually areawide transportation goals and objectives, considering
federal and state policies and requirements.
2. The committee shall develop and review and update as necessary, a
transportation plan, consisting of long-range and short-range elements,
including transportation systems management components.
3. The committee shall examine and endorse the plan as meeting the
requirements of 23 CFR 450 and 49 CFR 613.
§ 10. Transportation improvement program. 1. The committee shall
develop and update annually a transportation improvement program in
cooperation with state and local officials, regional and local transit
operators, recipients authorized under section five of the Urban Mass
Transportation Act (49 USC 1604), and with input from other affected
transportation and regional and local planning and implementing agen-
cies. The transportation improvement program shall consist of improve-
ments recommended from the short-range and long-range elements of the
transportation plan developed under this act, and continuing or special
planning studies.
2. The committee shall incorporate the transportation improvement
program annually into an areawide transportation improvement program,
including projects of a regional nature recommended by the program,
finance, and administration committee as initiated pursuant to title IX
of chapter one of the United States code, and shall endorse the program
as meeting the requirements of 23 CFR 450 and 49 CFR 613.
§ 11. Program, finance and administration committee. 1. The committee
shall establish a program, finance and administration committee, to be
composed of staff representatives of the New York state department of
transportation, the metropolitan transportation authority, and one to be
appointed by each Suffolk and Nassau counties. The central staff direc-
tor shall serve as secretary to the committee.
2. The program, finance and administration committee shall be respon-
sible for overseeing day-to-day operations of the metropolitan planning
organization, including the following activities:
A. 5277 4
(a) monitoring and coordinating progress of the committee's unified
planning work program to assure adherence to budgets and consistency
with federal regulations and local, state and federal objectives, and
(b) minor revisions to budgets and other aspects of the work program,
as necessary during the program year.
3. The program, finance and administration committee shall, in cooper-
ation with the committee, develop annually a draft unified planning work
program consistent with the requirements of 23 CFR 450 and 49 CFR 613,
for recommendation for endorsement by the committee at its annual meet-
ing. The work program shall include central and subregional staff activ-
ities, committee member activities, and special studies.
4. Upon the initiation by any committee member of a project of region-
wide significance, or changes to such projects, which must receive
metropolitan planning organization endorsement during the interval
between committee meetings, the program, finance and administration
committee shall be authorized to act for the committee to include such
project or make such changes with respect thereto in the committee's
transportation improvement program. To the extent possible such trans-
portation improvement program changes shall be recommended by the
program, finance and administration committee to the committee at its
next meeting.
5. Upon the endorsement by the committee of a change in its transpor-
tation improvement program, which change must for some reason be incor-
porated in the transportation program during the interval between the
committee's annual meetings, the program, finance and administration
committee shall be authorized to act for the committee to make such
incorporation and shall make such incorporation, provided that the
change is consistent with plans adopted by the committee.
6. Upon the request of any committee member of a change in the commit-
tee's unified planning work program, including the program budget or
budgets, which for some reason must receive metropolitan planning organ-
ization endorsement during the interval between committee meetings, the
program, finance and administration committee shall be authorized to act
for the committee to make such a change. All actions taken by the
program, finance and administration committee concerning the unified
planning work program shall be reported to all committee members within
five working days. Such actions shall be effective unless a negative
response is received from a committee member within ten working days.
§ 12. Coordination with adjacent metropolitan planning organizations.
Within six months from the effective date of this act, the committee
shall develop procedures for coordinating its plans and programs, and
its planning and programming processes, with adjacent metropolitan plan-
ning organizations in the states of New York, New Jersey, and Connecti-
cut. The committee shall appoint a representative to work with these
metropolitan planning organizations and to report back to the committee
with recommendations on this matter as soon as possible.
§ 13. Meetings and agendas. 1. The committee shall have an annual
meeting, held each year between January fifteenth and February
fifteenth. Its business agenda shall include:
(a) Election of chairperson;
(b) Endorsement of a transportation improvement program with an annual
(c) Endorsement of a committee transportation plan;
(d) Other business items requested by any member.
A. 5277 5
2. Special committee meetings may be called at the request of any
member of the committee at any time, upon written request to the secre-
tary of the committee.
3. The secretary shall be responsible for scheduling all meetings.
4. A quorum for any committee meeting shall be two-thirds of its
voting members.
§ 14. Central staff operation. 1. The department of transportation
shall provide for the financial operations of the central staff and
ensure that the central staff activities are in compliance with applica-
ble laws and regulations. The relative responsibilities of the committee
and the department for the central staff are detailed below. In all
cases the responsibilities of the committee for the central staff shall
be carried out on a day-to-day basis by the program, finance and admin-
istration committee.
2. The committee shall be responsible for:
(a) Program results:
(i) Assuring that the desired results or benefits of the central
staff's work are being achieved, including that the unified planning
work program activities are on schedule, of proper quality, and are
documented and reported on in an appropriate manner.
(ii) Assuring that the urban transportation planning objectives estab-
lished by the federal regulations and the committee itself are being
met, including that the unified planning work program elements are
responsive to federal planning requirements and area transportation
issues and problems.
(b) Economy and efficiency of central staff operation:
(i) Assuring that desired results are achieved at lowest cost, includ-
ing that central staff size, salary levels and other costs are appropri-
ate and planning methods well chosen.
(ii) Assuring that the central staff is managing or utilizing its
resources (personnel, property, space, etc.) in an economical and effi-
cient manner, including that management information systems, administra-
tive procedures, organizational structures and other management tools
are adequate.
(c) Selecting consultants to perform activities in the central staff
work program as provided for in the approved unified planning work
program and negotiating professional services agreements, except that
the department shall be entitled to have a representative in all
consultant selection decisions and fee negotiations that affect
contracts held by the department on behalf of the committee;
(d) Approving all required task work programs (task amplifications)
and preparing those required for central staff activities;
(e) Providing funds for a central staff director and directing such
person to:
(i) Manage central staff planning activity to ensure continued compli-
ance with federal and state regulations;
(ii) Prepare and maintain work budgets for all central staff planning
activities and cash flow budgets for central staff operations;
(iii) Assist the department in establishing acceptable ledgers and
accounting procedures to maintain complete and accurate records pertain-
ing to revenues, expenses, work performed, and cash on hand;
(iv) Assist the department in preparing appropriate documentation of
payrolls, time records, grant charges, invoices, vouchers, purchases,
and other expenses in accordance with state and federal requirements;
(v) Assist the department with the establishment and maintenance of
central staff-related accounting records and bookkeeping procedures;
A. 5277 6
3. The department of transportation shall be responsible for:
(a) Prefinancing the central staff operation for the committee prior
to reimbursement;
(b) Employing central staff and paying central staff salaries and
fringe benefits;
(c) Paying central staff operating expenses and program costs in
accordance with the approved unified planning work program;
(d) Controlling central staff revenues, expenditures, assets, and
liabilities to the extent necessary to meet the department's obligations
with respect to the state funds involved;
(e) Purchasing, receiving, accounts payable, payroll and billings;
(f) Assuring that the central staff operation is in full compliance
with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations,
including that all central staff activities are eligible for reimburse-
ment and that all matching requirements are met.
4. The state shall provide the non-federal share of central staff
financing as detailed in the unified planning work programs.
§ 15. This act shall take effect immediately.