
Senate budget resolution in response to the 2025-2026 Executive Budget submission

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Senate Resolution No. 488


RESOLUTION in response to the 2025-2026 Executive
Budget submission (Legislative Bills S.3000-A,
S.3001, S.3002, S.3003-A, S.3004-A, S.3005-A,
S.3006-A, S.3007-A, S.3008-A, S.3009-A) to be
adopted as legislation expressing the position of
the New York State Senate relating to the 2025-2026
New York State Budget

WHEREAS, It is the intent of the Senate to effectuate the timely
passage of a State Budget; and

WHEREAS, It is the intent of the Senate to engage in the Budget
Conference Committee process, which promotes increased participation by
the members of the Legislature and the public; and

WHEREAS, The Senate Finance Committee has conducted an extensive study
and review of the Governor's 2025-2026 Executive Budget submission and
has recommended proposed amendments to such Budget submission in the
above referenced Legislative Bills and Report on the Executive Budget;

WHEREAS, Article VII of the New York State Constitution provides the
framework under which the New York State Budget is submitted, amended
and enacted. The New York State Courts have limited the Legislature in
how it may change the appropriations bills submitted by the Governor.
The Legislature can delete or reduce items of appropriation contained in
the several appropriation bills submitted by the Governor in conjunction
with the Executive Budget, and it can add additional items of
appropriation to those bills provided that such additions are stated
separately and distinctly from the original items of the bill and refer
each to a single object or purpose; and

WHEREAS, An extensive study and review of the Governor's 2025-2026
Executive Budget submission has revealed that the construction of the
budget bills submitted to the Legislature by the Governor constrains the
Legislature in its ability to fully effectuate its intent in amending
the Governor's budget submission; and

WHEREAS, The Senate has amended the Governor's 2025-2026 Executive
Budget submission to the fullest extent possible within the authority
provided to it pursuant to Section 4 of Article VII of the New York
State Constitution; and

WHEREAS, The Senate, in addition to the Governor's 2025-2026 Executive
Budget submission bills as amended by the Senate in the above referenced
legislative bills, does hereby provide its recommendations as to
provisions in the Governor's 2025-2026 Executive Budget submission which
reflect those items the Senate is constrained from effectuating as
amendments to the 2025-2026 Executive Budget appended hereto; and

WHEREAS, It is the intent of the Senate that upon the passage of the
Governor's 2025-2026 Executive Budget submission as amended by the

Senate, the incorporated Report on the Amended Executive Budget may
provide a basis for both houses of the Legislature to convene Committees
on Conference pursuant to Joint Rule III of the Senate and Assembly for
the purpose of reconciling any differences between the amendments to the
Governor's budget as proposed by each house of the Legislature; now,
therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the above referenced legislative bills (Legislative
Bills S.3000-B, S.3001, S.3002, S.3003-B, S.3004-B, S.3005-B, S.3006-B,
S.3007-B, S.3008-B, S.3009-B) be and are incorporated as part of this
resolution and are hereby adopted as the New York State Senate's budget
proposal for the 2025-2026 New York State Budget.



Adirondack Park Agency

State Operations (S.3000-B)

* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$8.2 million, a $1.6 million or 23.5 percent increase, from SFY
2024-25 levels.

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)

* The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $10 million for
the Adirondack Park Agency headquarters by eliminating their capital

Addiction Services and Supports, Office of

State Operations (S.3000-B)

* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$190 million, an increase of $17 million or ten percent compared to
SFY 2024-25.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)

* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendations of $964
million, an increase of $31 million for a total of $995 million as

o The Senate adds $20 million for Addiction Services legislative

o The Senate adds $11.1 million for jail-based Medication Assisted
Treatment (MAT) Programs, for a total of $20 million.

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)

* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$95 million, an increase of $2 million or 2.4 percent compared to
SFY 2024-25.

Article VII Proposals (S.3007-B)

* NEW PART PP - The Senate proposes language to expand Medicaid
coverage for certified recovery peer advocate services to include
services provided in inpatient facilities or programs certified,
licensed, or otherwise authorized by OASAS (S.1796).
* NEW PART (DDD) - The Senate proposes language that requires OASAS to
report on funds received pursuant to the New York Opioid Settlement
Agreement and the Opioid Stewardship Fund (S.4639).

Aging, Office for the

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$16.6 million, unchanged from SFY 2024-25.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $407
million, and increases by $33.8 million for a total of $440.7
million as follows:
o The Senate adds $10 million for Unmet needs services, providing
a total of $63 million.
o The Senate adds $8.8 million for the Long Term Care Ombudsman
Program (LTCOP), providing a total of $15 million.
o The Senate adds $5 million for legislative grants.
o The Senate adds $5 million for Project Guardianship Hotline
program, which includes $1 million restoration.
o The Senate adds $2 million for the Holocaust Survivor
Initiative, which includes a restoration of $1.4 million
providing a total of $3 million.
o The Senate adds $2 million for Naturally Occurring Retirement
Communities, providing for a total of $10.1 million.
o The Senate adds $1 million for the Managed Care Consumer
Assistance Program (MCCAP) to assist individuals with Medicare

Agriculture and Markets, Department of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$209.2 million, a $24.1 million increase or 13 percent from SFY
2024-25 levels.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $73.4
million and increases by $13.6 million for a total of $97 million as
o Restores $3.1 million for the following:
-$1 million for Beginning Farmers Grant Program
-$1 million for Socially/Economically Disadvantaged Farmers
Grant Program
-$300,000 for Cornell Hops Research
-$250,000 for Cornell Pro-Livestock Program
-$100,000 for Black Farmers United
-$100,000 for Cannabis Farmers Alliance
-$75,000 for Cornell Vegetable Research
-$50,000 for Cornell Geneva Experiment Station Barley Testing
-$50,000 for Cornell Concord Grape Research
-$50,000 for Maple Producers Association

-$49,000 for Corn and Soybean Growers Association
-$41,500 for NYS Cider Association
-$20,000 for Cornell Onion Research
o Adds $10.5 million for the following:
-$2 million for New York Farm Viability Institute
-$1 million for Cornell CALS Center for AgriVoltaics Research
& Development
-$981,000 for New York State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
at Cornell
-$950,000 for Grow NYC
-$882,650 for New York State Apple Growers Association
-$770,000 for American Farmland Trust Farmland for a New
-$590,000 for Agri-Business Child Development Program
-$537,000 for Cornell CALS Pro-Dairy Climate Specialist
-$500,000 for Sanitary Retail Food Store Grant (S.4041)
-$375,000 for Future Farmers of America
-$272,500 for NYS Wine & Grape Foundation
-$250,000 for Northeast Organic Farmers Association New York
-$250,000 for John May Farmer Safety Fund
-$250,000 for Turfgrass Environmental Stewardship Fund
-$220,000 for Hudson Valley AgriBusiness Development
-$150,000 for Cornell AgriMed Workforce Development
-$126,000 for Cornell Dairy Profit Teams
-$110,000 for Hop Growers of New York
-$74,000 for NYS Brewers Association
-$60,000 for Harvest New York
-$50,500 for Apple Research & Development
-$50,000 for NYS Association of Agricultural Fairs Premium
-$49,000 for NYS Distillers
-$6,000 for Empire Sheep Producers

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $81.6
million and increases by $55 million for a total of $138.6 million
as follows:
o Restores $5 million for the following:
-$5 million for Cornell Hemp Processing Initiative
o Adds $50 million for the following:
-$35 million for Central New York Regional Market
-$5 million for Companion Animal Capital Fund
-$5 million for NYS Meat Processing Expansion Grants
-$5 million for NYS Association of Agricultural Fairs
Infrastructure Grants (Local Fairs)

Article VII Proposals (S.3008-B)
* PART OO - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to increase
state assistance thresholds for counties, municipalities and New
York City for farmland protection plans, by providing for larger
maximum grants.
* NEW PART CCC - The Senate advances language to regulate the
advertising of food or food products by prohibiting false or
misleading advertising, with special consideration for advertising
targeted to children (S.397).

* NEW PART DDD - The Senate advances language to establish a grant
program to assist food stores serving food deserts that struggle to
pass food safety inspections (S.4041).

Alcoholic Beverage Control, Division of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$89.5 million, an increase of $9.9 million or 12.4 percent from SFY
2024-25 levels.
o The Senate recommends that a significant share of new hires in
the Office of Cannabis Management be directed towards
enforcement activities.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $5
million and adds $5 million for a total of $10 million.
o The Senate adds $5 million for Track and Trace software for
cannabis cultivators.

Article VII Proposals (S.3005-B)
* PART Q - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to extend
temporary retail permit authorization for a year.
* NEW PART HHH - The Senate advances language to allow restaurants and
bars to make limited purchases at liquor stores (S.409).
* NEW PART III - The Senate advances language to have the State cover
the cost of track and trace software for cannabis cultivators.

Arts, Council on the

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of $8
million, an increase of $2 million, or 34 percent from SFY 2024-25.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $64
million, and adds $61 million, for a total of $125 million as
o Adds $36 million for general operating grants.
o Adds $25 million for operating funding to be distributed via

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $40
million, and adds $35 million, for a total of $75 million as
o Restores $10 million for general capital funding.
o Adds $25 million for operating funding to be distributed via

Article VII Proposals (S.3008-B)
* PART BBB - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to create a
commission tasked with selecting a design for a statue of Harriet
Tubman and assisting with its installment in National Statuary Hall
in the United States Capitol.

Audit and Control, Department of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $598.7
million and adds $5 million for a total of $603.7 million as
o The Senate adds $5.03 million in fiduciary funding to increase
PICM staff compensation to be able to recruit and maintain
qualified staff.

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation and adds
$17 million for a total of $17 million as follows:
o The Senate adds $17 million for the following:
-$13.8 million for information technology upgrades to various
large systems for State Payroll, Statewide Financial System
and Local Retirement System as part of a five year plan.
-$3.2 million to redesign and expand the Rensselaer Tech Park,
which houses the Department's primary data center and
enterprise printing and mailing operations.

Budget, Division of the

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $50.5
million and increases by $620,000 for a total of $51.1 million as
o The Senate restores $620,000 for membership dues to the Council
of State Governments, the National Conference of Insurance
Legislators, and the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Children and Family Services, Office of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $589
million, and decreases by $1 million for a total of $588 million as
o The Senate rejects the Executive proposal to provide $1 million
to establish the New York Coalition for Child Care.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $5.04
billion and increases by $719.3 million for a total of $5.76 billion
as follows:
o The Senate restores $26.6 million for the following:
-$10 million for the Youth Sports Grant Program.
-$2.8 million in funding for 2-1-1 United Way.
-$1.9 million in additional support for the Kinship Care
Program, for a total of $2.2 million.
-$5 million for the Facilitated Enrollment Pilot Program for
episodic workers and undocumented up to 400% FPL - New York
-$5 million for the Facilitated Enrollment Pilot Program for
episodic workers and undocumented up to 400% FPL - Rest of
-$1.25 million for the Child Care Facilitated Enrollment
program for families earning up to 85% SMI - New York City.
-$600,000 for the Child Care Facilitated Enrollment program
for families earning up to 85% SMI - Rest of State.
-$100,000 for Catholic Family Center of Rochester.

o The Senate adds $691.8 million for the following:
-$70.3 million in additional funding for the Learning and
Enrichment Afterschool Program Supports (LEAP), for a total
of $180 million. The Senate adds language to ensure this
additional support goes to fund programs that received a
score high enough to be eligible for funding under the 2024
RFP, but did not receive an award. The Senate also supports
the Executive exploring program eligibility changes to
ensure every district has an afterschool program with
priority given to program locations in high need areas. The
Senate also modifies the program to provide a one-year
extension to school districts that were previously awarded
empire state after school contracts.
-$35 million in additional funding to increase the State
reimbursement rate from 62 percent to 65 percent for Child
Welfare Services, for a total of $935.05 million.
-$5 million for the Settlement House Program.
-$4 million to establish the New York State Kinship Legal
-$2 million for New York State YMCA Foundation.
-$2 million for NYS Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs -
Nutrition Initiative and Mental Health Initiative.
-$1.8 million for Day One Learning.
-$1 million for Hispanic Federation.
-$1 million for Lucille & Jay Chazanoff Sunrise Day Camp.
-$500,000 for East River Development Alliance.
-$150,000 for YMCA Greater Rochester - Camp Gorham.
-$20 million to support legislative initiatives.
o Child Care
-$500 million for another round of funding for the Workforce
Retention Grant program to provide child care employees with
an annual salary enhancement.
-$25 million in additional support to increase the
availability of child care during non-traditional hours.
-$25 million in additional support to expand access to
childcare for eligible families regardless of the
caretaker's work hours - related to ELFA Part GG.
-The Senate would modify the Executive budget and require the
Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies to hire a
Diversity Equity Inclusion and Belonging officer within the
seven OCFS regions. The Agencies would be recommended to
rename the position.
o The Senate is interested in exploring pathways to achieving
universal coverage for afterschool programming.

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$161.7 million, an increase of $101.5 million or 168.6 percent from
SFY 2024-25 levels.

Article VII Proposals (S.3006-B)
* PART O - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to permanently
extend the current reimbursement structure for residential
placements of children with special needs outside of New York.
* PART P - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to establish a
substitute caregiver pool for child day care centers, group family
day care homes, family day care homes, and school-age child care
programs by eliminating the involvement of for-profit third parties

in the identification and placement of substitutes and having a
substitute pool program implemented and administered by the Early
Care & Learning Council.
* NEW PART GG - The Senate advances language to amend child care
assistance eligibility, ensuring that applicants who qualify through
the block grant are eligible for a full-time child care slot,
regardless of the caretaker's work hours or reasons for needing care
* NEW PART II - The Senate advances language to prohibit the Office of
Children and Family Services from imposing a minimum earnings
requirement for parents or caretakers who are otherwise eligible for
child care assistance (S.1994).
* NEW PART WW - The Senate advances language to establish a Youth
Justice Fund to support community-based programs for youth
development and prevent youth arrest and incarceration (S.643).

The Senate recognizes the recommendations made by the Child Care
Availability Task Force and the critical need for affordable and
accessible child care, as well as stability within the child care
workforce. The Senate remains committed to working towards a pathway to
universal child care.

City University of New York (CUNY)

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $3.7
billion, and adds $114 million, for a total of $3.8 billion as
o Restores $11.8 million for the following:
-$4 million for CUNY School of Medicine.
-$2.5 million for the School of Labor and Urban Studies.
-$1.7 million for CUNY SEEK.
-$1.2 million for the Black Male Initiative.
-$1 million for the expansion of Nursing Programs.
-$500,000 for the CUNY-Sponsored Midwifery Program.
-$500,000 for the Sexual and Reproductive Justice Hub at the
School of Public Health and Health Policy.
-$350,000 for the W. Haywood Burns Chair in Human and Civil
o Adds $102.2 million for the following:
-$40.3 million for Fringe Benefits.
-$34 million for additional flexible operating assistance.
-$20 million for Programmatic Support Initiatives.
-$3.6 million for the NY AFFIRMS Bilingual Educator Program at
Queens College.
-$1.5 million for Mental Health Services.
-$500,000 for the Asian American/Asian Research Institute.
-$300,000 Queens College, Center for Byzantine and Modern
Greek Studies.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $2
billion, and adds $4.9 million, for a total of $2 billion as
o Restores $81,000 for the Arthur O. Eve opportunity program.
o Adds an additional $4.8 million for operating assistance to
community colleges.

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $497
million, and adds $5 billion, for a total of $5.5 billion as
o Adds $5 billion for the following and advance a five-year
capital commitment for CUNY:
-$4 billion for a five-year capital program, $1 billion of
which is to be made available on an annual basis beginning
in SFY 2026-27.
-$250 million for Baruch College.
-$220 million for Energy Conservation Projects.
-$150 million for a State of Good Repair.
-$150 million for the Allied Health and Sciences Building
Complex at Hostos Community College.
-$109 million for Information Technology Initiatives.
-$100 million for Brooklyn College.

Article VII Proposals (S.3006-B)
* PART F - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to establish the
New York Opportunity Promise Scholarship for community colleges by
extending it to all SUNY and CUNY schools with associate degree
* NEW PART RR - The Senate advances language to phase out graduate
student fees (S.3458).
* NEW PART SSS - The Senate advances language requiring CUNY and SUNY
to install at least one vending machine offering emergency
contraception at each school.

Civil Service, Department of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$123.3 million, an increase of 31.7 million, or 25.1 percent from
previous levels

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of $9
million, an increase of $7 million, or 350 percent from previous

Article VII Proposals (S.3005-B)
* PART C - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to eliminate
certain age and residency based recruitment limitations for police
officers and corrections officers.
* PART U - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
eliminate the State's reimbursement of the Income Related Monthly
Adjustment Amounts (IRMAA) to high-income State retirees and their
dependents enrolled in the New York State Health Insurance Program
* PART V - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to extend the
waiver of civil service exam fees for six months through June 30,
2026, by extending it until December 31, 2027.
* PART W - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
rescind the elimination of the lag payroll program.

Commission of Correction, State

State Operations (S.3000-B)

* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$7.1 million, an increase of $3 million or 73 percent from SFY

Article VII Proposals (S.3005-B)
* PART HH - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to require the
State Commission on Correction (SCOC) to annually inspect and
appraise the management of jails, juvenile detention facilities,
DOCCS facilities, and secure facilities operated by the Office of
Children and Family Services.

Corrections and Community Supervision, Department of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$3.3 billion, an increase of $121.2 million or 3.8 percent from SFY

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $40
million, by adding $1 million, for a total of $41 million as
o The Senate adds $1 million to support PPGG Part MM, which
establishes a transportation visitation program, consistent with

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$966 million, an increase of $402 million or 71 percent compared to
SFY 2024-25.

Article VII Proposals (S.3005-B)
* PART E - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to allow the
DOCCS Commissioner discretionary authority to designate additional
programs to Merit Time Allowance and the Limited Credit Time
* PART GG - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to require all
correction officers, security supervisors, and any civilian staff
designated by DOCCS to wear body-worn cameras powered on at all
times while on duty at every facility.
* PART II - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to authorize the
closure of up to five DOCCS correctional facilities within State
Fiscal Year 2025-26.
* NEW PART MM - The Senate advances language that requires DOCCS to
provide bimonthly transportation from New York, Rochester, Syracuse,
Buffalo, and Albany for visitors to correctional facilities across
the state (S.3830).
* NEW PART NN - The Senate advances language that directs the
Department of Motor Vehicles to create a process to provide
incarcerated individuals in local jails with a state ID prior to
release (S.4958).
* NEW PART PP - The Senate advances language that establishes a
uniform electronic medical records system for correctional
facilities statewide (S.5134).
* NEW PART QQ - The Senate advances language that authorizes the
Office of the Inspector General to receive and investigate
complaints of sexual assault in all correctional facilities (S.429).

Criminal Justice Services, Division of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $124.4
million, an increase of $4.5 million for a total of $128.9 million
as follows:
o The Senate shifts $4.5 million for the Office of Gun Violence
Prevention from the Department of Health to the Division of
Criminal Justice Services to support PPGG Part VV, which
codifies the Office of Gun Violence Prevention consistent with
-The Senate is committed to enhancing coordination between
state and local governments, and also between government and
community stakeholders, in order to improve the delivery of
gun violence prevention services across the State.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $728
million, by adding $83.6 million for a total of $811.6 million as
o The Senate modifies existing Executive appropriations to restore
the following:
-$5 million for the Community Violence Intervention.
-$1.4 million for the Legal Service Assistance Fund (LSAF).
-$300,000 for the Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grants
o The Senate adds $31 million to support additional funding which
will be suballocated to the Judiciary, Office of Court
Administration (OCA) to support the following:
-$20 million to support PPGG Part OO, establishes a pilot
program extending operational hours for Family Court in
select NYC counties (S.3170).
-$6 million to support statewide expansion of supervised
visitation programs.
-$5 million to support PPGG Part EEE, which enacts the
Challenging Wrongful Convictions Act (S.6319).
o The Senate adds $20 million for Public Safety-Community Safety &
Restorative Justice grants, which includes support for community
violence intervention, crime prevention, domestic violence,
legal services, and victim assistance.
o The Senate adds $15 million for Alternatives to Incarceration
(ATI) and Re-entry Program Grants.
o The Senate adds $4 million for the Sheriff's Transition and
Reentry Team (S.T.A.R.T.) Program.
o The Senate adds $4 million for Upstate Civil Legal Services
grants which includes a restoration of $3.5 million.
o The Senate adds $3.6 million for the District Attorney Loan
o The Senate adds $3 million for the Westchester County Policing
Program, which includes a restoration of $2.8 million.
o The Senate adds $2 million for SNUG/Gun Violence grants, which
includes a restoration of $1.5 million.
o The Senate adds $1 million for the Correctional Association of
New York (CANY).

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)

* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$95 million, an increase of $10 million or 11.7 percent compared to
SFY 2024-25.

Article VII Proposals (S.3005-B)
* PART A -- The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to extend the
authorization of various criminal justice programs and statutes for
an additional two years.
* PART B -- The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal on
criminal discovery reform but remains committed to collaborating
with the Executive and the Assembly throughout the budget process to
develop a balanced solution that ensures prosecutors fulfill their
discovery obligations while also preventing the dismissal of serious
cases for mere technicalities.
* PART D -- The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
create a Class A misdemeanor offense for Domestic Violence.
* PART F - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to eliminate the
criminal statute of limitations for sex trafficking cases and extend
the civil statute of limitations for sex trafficking offenses.
* PART L - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to expand the
criminal offense of Sexual Performance by a Child by including in
such offense any performance created or altered by digitization.
* PART M - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to expand the
Class B felony of Sex Trafficking to include cases where a person
intentionally advances or profits from the prostitution of
individuals who are mentally disabled.
* PART N - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
expand the existing transit ban.
* PART O - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
expand the definition of "building" in the Criminal Trespass and
Burglary statutes by including any structure used in transporting
* PART P - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
create the crime of "Aggravated Transportation Offense".
* NEW PART TT - The Senate advances language allowing for the
consideration of restoration of services in the psychological
evaluation of defendants when they have been deemed mentally
incapacitated to stand trial (S.1004).
* NEW PART UU - The Senate advances language to define the term "mass
shooting" for the purposes of accessing emergency funding and
resources (S.400).
* NEW PART VV - The Senate advances language authorizing the transfer
of the Office of Gun Violence Prevention and its Advisory Council
from the Department of Health to the Division of Criminal Justice
Services (S.1289).
* NEW PART EEE - The Senate advances language which enacts the
Challenging Wrongful Convictions Act (S.6319).

Deferred Compensation Board

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $1 million,
unchanged from previous levels.

Developmental Disabilities, Council on

State Operations (S.3000-B)

* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$6.3 million, an increase of $1.5 million, or 31.5 percent from SFY

Dormitory Authority of the State of New York

Article VII Proposals (S.8308-B)
* PART GG - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to extend the
Dormitory Authority's authorization to undertake design and
construction projects on behalf of the Department of Environmental
Conservation (DEC) and Office of Parks, Recreation, and History
Preservation by two years to April 1, 2027.
* PART II - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
expand DASNY's authorization to provide finance and construction
management services for certain libraries.
* PART JJ - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
expand DASNY's authorization to provide construction and development
services for municipalities and to administer grant programs for the
Department of Environmental Conservation.

Economic Development, Department of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$33.7 million, an increase of $509,000 or 1.5 percent compared to
SFY 2024-25.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $67.2
million and adds $24.2 million for a total of $91.5 million as
o The Senate adds $9.97 million for the Centers of Excellence
(COE) program, which includes a restoration of $1.9 million, for
a total of $23 million.
-Including $1 million to establish a new Center of Excellence
at SUNY Orange.
o The Senate adds $8.9 million for the Centers of Advanced
Technology (CAT), which includes a restoration of $1.5 million,
for a total of $22.5 million.
o The Senate adds $2.9 million for the Manufacturing Extension
Partnerships program for a total of $4.3 million.
o The Senate adds $2.5 million for the Tourism Matching Grants
program, which includes a restoration of $1 million, for a total
of $5 million.

Article VII Proposals (S.8308-B)
* PART HH - The Senate intentionally omits the proposal to extend the
authorization of the Private Activity Bond Allocation Act.

Education, Department of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $700.4
million, and adds $18.7 million, for a total of $719.1 million as
o Restores $5.4 million for the following:
-$4 million for the NYS English as a Second Language
Achievement Test.

-$1.2 million for the Summer School for the Arts.
-$150,000 for Rochester CSD fiscal consultant.
o Adds $13.3 million for the following:
-$12 million for the State Museum and Office of Cultural
-$554,000 for IT staff.
-$352,000 for underrepresented teachers convention.
-$250,000 for NOVEL NY.
-$150,000 for Hempstead UFSD fiscal consultant.
o Eliminates $2.5 million in unallocated funds.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $47.1
billion, and adds $1.2 billion on a Fiscal Year basis, and $1.3
billion on a School Year basis, for a total of $48.3 billion as
o Restores $43.1 million for the following:
-$14.5 million to be distributed via Senate resolution.
-$12 million for the Yonkers City School District.
-$1.9 million for Mandated Services Aid for nonpublic schools.
-$1.5 million for Consortium for Worker Education.
-$1.1 million for NYSUT's Many Threads, One Fabric Implicit
Bias training.
-$1.1 million for Liberty Partnerships program.
-$1 million for Lavelle School for the Blind.
-$1 million for vaccination recordkeeping at nonpublic
-$1 million for the Executive Leadership Institute.
-$903,000 for New York School for the Deaf.
-$903,000 for Henry Viscardi School for the Deaf.
-$903,000 for Lexington School for the Deaf.
-$750,000 for Independent Living Centers.
-$750,000 for Long Island Pre-K Initiative.
-$750,000 for Associated Medical Schools Dental Grants
-$650,000 for NYC Kids Rise.
-$500,000 for Cleary School for the Deaf.
-$500,000 for Mill Neck Manor School for the Deaf.
-$500,000 for SUNY Albany Center for Autism and Related
-$500,000 for Magellan Foundation.
-$500,000 for United Community Schools.
-$500,000 for Academic Intervention Services for nonpublic
-$500,000 for Adult Literacy Education.
-$350,000 for Latino U College Access.
-$300,000 for Rochester School for the Deaf.
-$250,000 for Townsend Harris High School Bridge Program.
-$250,000 for New York Medical College Center for Excellence
in Disaster Medicine.
-$225,000 for East Ramapo CSD Monitors.
-$200,000 for On Point for College.
-$175,000 for Wyandanch UFSD Monitor.
-$175,000 for Hempstead UFSD Monitor.
-$175,000 for Rochester CSD Monitor.
-$150,000 for St. Francis de Sales School for the Deaf.
-$150,000 for St. Mary's School for the Deaf.
-$125,000 for Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.

-$55,000 for Langston Hughes Community Library.
o Adds $1.2 billion for the following:
-$680 million for Foundation Aid.
-$150 million to expand Universal Pre-K.
-$105 million for Community Schools.
-$85.6 million to make New York City eligible for Charter
School Transitional Aid.
-$58.6 million for additional aid for school districts with
large charter school enrollments.
-$54 million to expand 30% farm to school reimbursement to
include breakfast and snacks.
-$21.4 million for teacher centers.
-$18.8 million for Bundy Aid.
-$18.6 million to fund the prior year aid queue.
-$14.2 million to increase Library Materials Aid.
-$11.9 million for Higher Education Opportunity Programs
-$10 million for 4201 teacher salaries.
-$8 million for aid to public radio.
-$6 million for school districts with tax certiorari and tax
levy irregularities.
-$5.3 million for Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP).
-$5 million for Excessive Teacher Turnover Prevention grants.
-$5 million for Direct Care Support Turnover grants.
-$5 million to combat anti-semitism, islamophobia and
anti-Asian hate in schools.
-$5 million for library operating aid.
-$4.5 million for nonpublic school STEM.
-$4 million for the Collegiate Science and Technology Entry
Program (CSTEP).
-$3.5 million for 4201 schools.
-$2.5 million for nonpublic school art and music programs.
-$2.5 million for postsecondary students with disabilities.
-$2.4 million for HEOP funding at St. Bonaventure University.
-$2.1 million for Foster Youth Initiative.
-$2 million to expand the Advanced Placement exam fee waiver.
-$2 million to establish a Mental Health Education Opportunity
-$1 million for a pilot program to hire social workers and
expand services at libraries.
-$1 million for the Manne Institute at the Bronx High School
of Science.
-$500,000 for Advanced Leadership Program for Assistant
-$500,000 for School Facilities Management Association.
-$175,000 for Mount Vernon CSD Monitor.
-$150,000 for Vocational Education and Extension Board of
Suffolk County.

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $159.2
million, and adds $105.7 million, for a total of $264.9 million, as
o $30 million for 853 Schools.
o $20 million for library construction projects.
o $20 million for nonpublic schools health and safety projects.
o $16.6 million to renovate the State Education Department

o $12.1 million for the Indigenous Nation Schools.
o $4.5 million for the State School for the Blind at Batavia.
o $2.5 million for K-12 laundry pilot program.

Article VII Proposals (S.3006-B)
* PART A - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal related to
school aid:
o Accept the Contracts for Excellence extender for the 2025-26
school year.
o Modify the Foundation Aid formula by increasing the Regional
Cost Index for New York City and the Hudson Valley, and provides
for a minimum 3 percent increase.
o Increase the after four o'clock transportation aid growth factor
for New York City by two and a half times the Consumer Price
o Intentionally omit the proposed changes to the way revisions to
expenditures are calculated.
o Intentionally omit the proposed changes to the general aid
payment schedule.
o Increase the allocation for the Consortium for Worker Education
for the 2025-2026 school year to $13 million.
o Extend the special apportionment for public pension accruals by
five years until June 30, 2030.
o Change the baseline year to determine minimum library assistance
from 2001-02 to 2025-26.
* NEW PART A-1 - The Senate advances language to:
o Expand the Universal Pre-Kindergarten program by increasing the
per-pupil minimum, and expanding the number of seats allocated
to districts.
o Increase library materials aid per-pupil funding to $11.33
o Establish a fiscal monitor for the Mount Vernon School District,
and extend monitors for East Ramapo, Rochester, Hempstead, and
Wyandanch which would otherwise sunset in June 2025.
o Allow for reimbursement for school transportation below the
current 1.5-mile limit in Big 5 school districts.
o Increase the aidable salary for BOCES staff (S.528).
o Extend reimbursement for ninth graders in Special Services Aid
for non-component school districts and increase the per-pupil
cap (S.3143).
o Increase the maximum value of school construction projects that
may be reimbursed through State Building Aid as capital outlays
from $100,000 to $250,000 (S.2990).
o Require interim plus rates to include the annual growth amount
for rates approved in the current school year and annually
thereafter for Special Act School Districts, 853 schools, and
4410 schools.
o Authorize 4201 schools to establish a fiscal reserve fund.
o Provide a growth factor for 4410s, 853s, and Special Act schools
consistent with the Consumer Price Index.
o Extend Charter School Transitional Aid to New York City
o Enhance Charter School Transitional Aid for school districts
with extreme charter school saturation.
o Provide a spin up of lottery funds for the New Rochelle School
o Require the State Education Department to provide an analysis of
district mental health service fund expenditures.

o Expand community schools through the Community Schools Act.
o Extend authorization for the Roosevelt union free school
district to finance deficits by the issuance of serial bonds.
o Extend regional transportation pilot programs sunset.
o Modify the zero-emission school bus transition requirements to
provide additional flexibility for extensions and clarify the
extension process, require range certification of range claims
made by manufacturers, and make electrification plans eligible
for transportation aid.
o Require school districts not utilizing 100 percent of their UPK
funds to publish a report regarding the district's failure to
use their funds as well as a plan for the future of
pre-kindergarten services in the district.
* PART B - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal related to
universal free school meals by replacing it with the language of
S.594. The Senate further modifies the Executive proposal by
including language from S.591 to expand the qualifying types of food
purchases for the farm-to-school program to include breakfast and
snack program purchases.
* PART C - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to prohibit the
use of internet enabled devices during the school day by requiring
consultation of local representatives and families, allowing schools
to allow cell phone access during non-instruction time, and
prohibiting schools from suspending students for cell phone use
* PART AA - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to require a
State Museum operations report.
* NEW PART XX - The Senate advances language to repeal the endowment
cap on Bundy Aid.
* NEW PART MM - The Senate advances language to create a new Mental
Health Education Opportunity Program (S.2046).

Article VII Proposals (S.3007-B)
* PART V - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
make various modifications to the allowable tasks performed by
certified medication aides, medical assistants, pharmacist and
pharmacy technicians, and physician and specialist assistants, as
well as the transfer of oversight of physicians, physician
assistants, and specialist assistants from the Department of
Education to the Department of Health.
* PART W - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
enter New York State into the Nurse Interstate Licensure Compact.
* PART X - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
expand the practice of the dental profession.

The Senate calls on the Executive to provide additional local assistance
to districts to comply with the requirements of A.R. v. Connecticut
State Board of Education, which found that States must extend
eligibility for a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) to
students with disabilities until they turn age 22.

Elections, State Board of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $37.4
million and adds $150,000 for a total of $37.6 million as follows:
o The Senate adds $150,000 for New York to join the Electric
Registration Information Center (ERIC).

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $105
million, and adds $10 million for a total of $115 million.
o The Senate adds $10 million for local operating support to the
Board of Elections Commissioners.

Article VII Proposals (S.3005-B)
* NEW PART MMM - The Senate advances language to implement a secure
automatic voter registration system (S.88).

Empire State Development Corporation

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All funds recommendation of $321
million, reduces $9 million and adds $48.7 million for a total of
$360.7 million as follows:
o The Senate rejects $9 million for The CATALIST NY program due to
the rejection of REV Part G.
o The Senate adds $15 million to support Economic Development
legislative grants, including at least $3 million for Chambers
of Commerce.
o The Senate adds $15 million for the New York Fund for Innovation
in Research and Scientific Talent (NYFIRST).
o The Senate adds $10 million in operating support for the
Metropolitan Opera.
o The Senate adds $5 million for Alive! Downtowns LLC.
o The Senate adds $1.6 million in operating support for
Centerstate CEO.
o The Senate adds $1 million for the Minority and Women-Owned
Business Enterprise (MWBE) lending and development program which
includes $365,000 restoration, for a total of $1.6 million.
o The Senate adds $1 million for the Community Development
Financial Institutions (CDFIs) program, for a total of $2.5
o The Senate adds $125,000 for the Bronx Museum of Arts to
maintain free admission.

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All funds recommendation of $1.5
billion and adds $96.5 million for a total of $1.6 billion as
o The Senate adds $30 million to support Economic Development
legislative grants
o The Senate adds $15 million for Advanced Manufacturing and
Battery Innovation at SUNY Broome and SUNY Broome Community
o The Senate adds $10 million for the American Museum of Natural
o The Senate adds $10 million for the Kleiner Center Revival in
the Middletown Psychiatric Center
o The Senate adds $10 million for Children's Museum of Manhattan
o The Senate adds $8.5 million for the Queens Museum
o The Senate adds $7.5 million for the Brooklyn Conservatory of
o The Senate adds $5 million for the Museum of Modern Art for a
o The Senate adds $500,000 for the Harriman Campus/Wadsworth
Health Lab Capital Planning to support a new Article VII

proposal, which Directs Empire State Development, in conjunction
with Office of General Services, to create a plan to develop
mixed-use commercial and residential property on a certain
portion of the Harriman Campus (S.1613)
o The Senate modifies appropriation to include language which
requires the commissioner to provide a report on disbursement of
the Championing Albany project

Article VII Proposals (S.3008-B)
* PART EE - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to extend the
Urban Development Corporation's (UDC) authorization to administer
the Empire State Development Fund (EDF) for one year instead of the
proposed three years.
* PART FF - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to extend the
Urban Development Corporation's (UDC) general authorization to
administer loan programs for one year instead of the proposed three
* PART KK - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to extend the
MWBE program for two years.
* PART LL - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to expand the
Excelsior Linked Deposit Program from $560 million to $1 billion.
* PART MM - The Senate modifies the proposal to increase the
discretionary buying threshold for MWBEs and Service Disabled
Veteran-Owned Businesses to $1.5 million to require additional
reporting on discretionary buying, and limiting the public
authorities that would see an increase.
* NEW PART YYY - The Senate advances language requiring ESD to conduct
a study in conjunction with OGS to create a plan to develop the
Harriman Campus (S.1613).
* NEW PART CCCC - The Senate advances language strengthening
transparency requirements for the Empire AI program and removing the
sunset provision for financial oversight of the consortium.
* PART SSS - The Senate advances language to allow for reciprocity
agreements between the State and local MWBE programs (S.267).
* NEW PART XXX - The Senate advances language restoring transparency
and oversight to the public authority financing process (S.2459).
* NEW PART HHHH - The Senate advances language to create unified
economic development reports and standardized application and
metrics for economic development tax incentives across agencies, and
to require clawback provisions to be included in all economic
development contracts (based off of S.655).

Employee Relations, Office of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $16 million,
unchanged from previous levels.

Energy Research and Development Authority

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$25.8 million, unchanged from SFY 2024-25 levels.

Article VII Proposals (S.3008-B)
* PART VV - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to require an
evaluation of economic, public health, and environmental impacts for
any potential nuclear development master plan funded through

increases in the special assessment; any unspent revenues from the
increase will be directed to the Empower Plus Program.
* NEW PART PPP - The Senate advances language to create a $2,000
rebate for used zero emission vehicles similar to new zero emission
vehicles (S.2032).
* NEW PART QQQ - The Senate advances language to create an incentive
and education program for floating solar power projects by
municipalities and developers (S.4571-A).

Environmental Conservation, Department of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$627.9 million and increases by $1 million for a total of $628.9
million as follows:
o Adds $1 million for Climate Resilient NY Act (S.3590)

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $2.1
million and increases by $17.1 million for a total of $19.2 million
as follows:
o Restores $725,000 for the following:
-$250,000 for Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper
-$200,000 for Environmental Leaders of Color
-$120,000 for Adirondack Diversity Initiative
-$55,000 for Interstate Environmental Commission
-$50,000 for Catskill Center for Conservation and Development
-$50,000 for Catskill Mountainkeeper
o Adds $16.3 million for the following:
-$12.5 million for Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) monitoring and
prevention program (S.1833)
-$3 million for Beverage Container Assistance Program
-$300,000 for Save the Great South Bay Inc.
-$300,000 for Rebate for Smart Sprinklers on Long Island
-$175,000 for Long Island City Coalition

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $2
billion and increases by $300 million for a total of $2.3 billion, a
$353.9 million or 18.6 percent increase, from SFY 2024-25 levels.
Modifications are as follows:
o Modifies language in the Clean Water Infrastructure Act (CWIA)
to allocate $15 million of the $500 million appropriation for
Reimbursement for PFAS Treatment Systems for Private Wells
o Adds $300 million for the following:
-$100 million for the Environmental Protection Fund (EPF),
including member priority adds.
-$100 million for Clean Water Infrastructure Act (CWIA) Lead
Service Lines
-$100 million for Safe Water Infrastructure Action Program
(SWAP) (S.1850)

Article VII Proposals (S.3008-B)
* PART PP - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to extend the
waste tire management program by five years and eliminate certain

exceptions to payment of the waste tire fee by limiting the program
extension to two years.
* PART QQ - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to extend the
youth hunting program by five years by making the program permanent.
* PART RR - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to extend and
reform the Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Site (State Superfund)
program, including by: narrowing the municipal liability exemption;
prioritizing on-site restoration of natural resource damages; adding
flexibility for use of State Superfund moneys to finance response
costs; adding limited additional protections with respect to the
proposed abatement action authority; providing limited relief from
environmental lien provisions for volunteers in the Brownfield
Program; and rejecting the 30-Day Amendments to extend abatement
action authority to Class 2 sites.
* PART SS - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to clarify
recall obligations with respect to PFAS-containing firefighting foam
and ban PFAS in firefighter personal protective equipment (PPE) by
incorporating elements of (S.3659) to ensure the safe disposal of
o SUBPART A - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to remove
the requirement that the Attorney General review title for
conservation easement transactions and provide the Department of
Environmental Conservation with authority to direct the Attorney
General to accept title insurance for such transactions by
authorizing the Attorney General to use title insurance, in a
manner similar to S.4403.
o SUBPART B - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to exempt
certain land conservation acquisitions from the mansion tax by
correcting a section reference.
* PART UU - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to reauthorize
the State's authority to manage crab fisheries for five years by
replacing it with a reauthorization for two years and a prohibition
on horseshoe crab harvesting (S.4289).
* PART ZZ - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to permit the
limited disclosure of fossil fuel company tax return information for
purposes of implementing the Climate Leadership and Community
Protection Act.
* NEW PART FFF - The Senate advances language to establish the Office
of Climate Resilience to coordinate State responses to climate
threats (S.3590).
* NEW PART GGG - The Senate advances language to require that
brownfield project host communities always receive technical
assistance grants if a brownfield constitutes a significant threat
to public health or the environment, or is located adjacent to a
school or daycare (S.4263).
* NEW PART HHH - The Senate advances language to direct revenue from
penalties for environmental violations currently deposited in the
General Fund to a new environmental enforcement account, and to
increase penalties for environmental violations that can be
dedicated to the Environmental Protection Fund and for enforcement
of environmental laws (S.4033-A).
* NEW PART III - The Senate advances language to establish a harmful
algal bloom monitoring program, promulgate regulations for harmful
algal bloom monitoring, prevention, and mitigation, and establish a
grant program to fund projects to combat harmful algal blooms,
similar to S.1833.

* NEW PART JJJ - The Senate advances language to provide financial
incentives for residential well treatment equipment to address PFAS
contamination (S.3972).
* NEW PART KKK - The Senate advances language to require companies
with over $1 billion in annual revenue, at least $1 million of which
is within the State, to disclose greenhouse gas emissions for which
they are responsible (S.3456).
* NEW PART LLL - The Senate advances language to fund replacement and
rehabilitation of local public drinking water, stormwater, and
sanitary sewer systems, including in New York City, and to
distribute such funding based on a variety of factors including
length and width of pipes, infrastructure age, the nature of other
water system assets, and socioeconomic factors, similar to S.1850.
* NEW PART NNN - The Senate advances language to create a rebate
program for residences and businesses for water-saving smart devices
for watering and irrigation on Long Island, similar to S.4988.
* NEW PART OOO - The Senate advances language to provide additional
flexibility for municipalities to participate in the Environmental
Restoration Program by relaxing eligibility requirements, providing
for PFAS remediation, and augmenting the criteria for the Department
of Environmental Conservation to consider when evaluating potential
projects, similar to S.672-A.
* NEW PART DDDD - The Senate advances language to provide assistance
to returnable container redemption centers by increasing the
handling fee redemption centers receive, establishing a grant
program for struggling redemption centers, expanding the types of
containers covered, enhancing State controls against fraud, and
allowing distributors to retain a greater share of unclaimed

The Senate calls on the Executive to immediately issue all draft
regulations necessary to implement a cap-and-invest program under the
Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, finalize such
regulations as expeditiously as possible, and begin emissions allowance
auctions as soon as is feasible thereafter.

Ethics and Lobbying in Government, Commission on

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$8.3 million, an increase of $250,000 or 3.1 percent compared to SFY

Article VII Proposals (S.3005-B)
* PART JJ - The Senate advances language increasing the registration
threshold for lobbying expenses by nonprofit entities from $5,000 to
$10,000 and making registration biennial for nonprofit entities

Executive Chamber

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All funds recommendation of
$24.8 million an increase of $1.5 million or 6.4 percent from SFY
2024-25 levels.

Financial Control Board

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $3.5
million, unchanged from SFY 2024-25 levels.

Financial Services, Department of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$471.1 million, an increase of $13.9 million, or 3 percent from SFY
2024-25 levels.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $73.8
million, and adds $1 million for a total of $74.8 million as
o The Senate adds $1 million for the following:
-$500,000 in additional support for the Education Debt
Consumer Assistance Program, for a total of $3.5 million
-$500,000 for a study on the feasibility of establishing a
state-run public bank, related to TEDE Part WWW.

Article VII Proposals (S.3008-B)
* PART S - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to extend the
Assistance Demonstration Project for Displaced Workers for an
additional year.
* PART Y - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to license
buy-now, pay-later lenders to make technical changes and strengthen
consumer protections.
* PART Z - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to require
Pharmacy Benefit Managers to publish an annual report on their
websites outlining the details of pharmaceutical rebate program
contracts with drug manufacturers.
* PART AA - The Senate rejects without prejudice the Executive
proposal authorizing financial institutions to impose transactional
holds in instances of suspected financial exploitation of vulnerable
* PART BB - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
remove the floor on for-hire vehicles eligible to participate in
group insurance policies.
* PART CC - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
provide for flexible rate increases on for-hire vehicle policies
without prior approval, while recognizing the importance of both
strengthening the for-hire vehicle insurance market and maintaining
plan affordability.
* PART DD - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
require for-hire vehicle insurers to submit new rates and rating
plans at least every three years, while recognizing the importance
of both strengthening the for-hire vehicle insurance market and
maintaining plan affordability.
* PART WWW - The Senate advances language to study the feasibility of
establishing a state-run public bank.
* NEW PART UUU - The Senate proposes language to require commercial
insurance plans to cap the patient share of asthma inhalers at $35
* NEW PART ZZZ - The Senate advances language requiring DFS to create
a captive insurance program for commuter vans and various other
for-hire vehicles (S.4809).

Gaming Commission

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$119.2 million, an increase of $7.9 million, or 7.1 percent, from
SFY 2024-25 levels.

Aid to Localities (S. 8003-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$318.8 million, an increase of $56.8 million, or 21.7 percent, from
SFY 2024-25 levels.

Article VII Proposals (S.3009-B)
* PART FF - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to amend and
simplify the pari-mutuel tax rate structure to extend the current
pari-mutuel tax structure for one year and will study the impact of
simplifying the tax structure.
* PART GG - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to temporarily
extend the lowered casino slot tax rates to extend rates for five
additional years.
* PART HH - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to extend
authorized use of capital funds by a certain off-track betting
corporation for an additional year.
* PART II - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to conduct a
study of thoroughbred fetlock joint injury detection through
advanced imaging.
* NEW PART YY - The Senate advances language requiring two percent of
Mobile Sports Tax revenue to be used for problem gambling.
* NEW PART AAA - The Senate advances language allowing for lottery
winners to choose to maintain their anonymity.
* NEW PART BBB - The Senate advances language allowing for season-long
proposition bets, with discretion to the Gaming Commission to ensure

General Services, Office of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $1.2
billion, and reduces by $5 million for a total of $1.19 billion, as
o The Senate reduces $5 million in contractual services under the
Executive Direction Program.

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $508.9
million, an increase of $249.3 million or 96 percent from SFY
2024-25 levels.
o The Senate modifies the Executive proposal of $224.5 million for
major energy related renovations to the Empire State Plaza by
adding language requiring accountability measures to be put in
place to ensure timely completion of projects without
significant cost overruns.

Article VII Proposals (S.3005-B)
* PART Y - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
expand alternative procurement methods. The Senate will work with
the Executive to find ways to deliver capital projects on time and
on budget.

* PART WW - The Senate advances language that requires the Empire
State Plaza complex to utilize renewable energy for heating and
cooling (S.4842).

General State Charges

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $8.75
million, and increases by $217.5 million for a total of $8.53
million as follows:
o The Senate adds $2.5 million for the rejection of PPGG Part T.
o The Senate adds $12.3 million for the rejection of PPGG Part U.
o The Senate adds $76.9 million to provide a 20 year retirement
plan for forest rangers, park police, SUNY officers, and
environmental conservation officers (S.8472-A of 2024).
o The Senate adds $2.45 million to provide a 25 year retirement
plan for Division of Military and Naval Affairs firefighters
o The Senate adds $289,000 for a payment in lieu of taxes for the
state-owned lands within the city of Kingston.
o The Senate adds $33,000 for a payment in lieu of taxes for the
state-owned lands within the county of Ulster.
o The Senate adds $36,000 for a payment in lieu of taxes for the
state-owned lands within the Town of Lloyd.

Article VII Proposals (S.3005-B)
* PART FF - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
allow the New York City Retirement Systems to reset the Unfunded
Accrued Liabilities (UAL) for the New York City Employees'
Retirement System, the New York City Teachers' Retirement System,
and the New York City Board of Education Retirement System over a
20-year period when a plan becomes overfunded.
* NEW PART ZZ - The Senate advances language to modify the in-service
death benefit for retirement eligible New York City Transit
Authority members (S.7224-B of 2024).
* NEW PART KKK - The Senate advances language to increase the current
earnings limitation for public service retirees who return to work
in the public sector from $35,000 to $65,000.
* NEW PART LLL - The Senate advances language to establish a 20-year
retirement plan, and to provide additional benefits for members who
serve for 25-years, for New York State Forest Rangers, Park Police,
State University of New York (SUNY) Police, and Environmental
Conservation Officers (Amended S.8472-A of 2024).
* NEW PART NNN - The Senate advances language to allow Deputy Sheriffs
to retain their service credits if they transfer from the New York
State and Local Retirement System to the New York State Police and
Fire Retirement System (S.5289-B of 2024).
* NEW PART AAA - The Senate advances language to remove eligibility or
receipt of primary social security disability benefits as a
condition for ordinary disability retirement for certain New York
City fire department members (S.4580).
* NEW PART BBB - The Senate advances language to establish a
presumption that a New York City Police Pension Fund member, who
filed a timely Notice of Participation, is deemed to have
participated in the rescue and clean-up operations at the World
Trade Center, unless proven otherwise by their employer (S.4554).
* NEW PART CCC - The Senate advances language to increase the
applicable salary used for computing pension benefits for Tier 2 and

3 NYPD members who retire as a Detective, Sergeant, or Lieutenant
with at least 25 years of service (S.4262).
* NEW PART DDD - The Senate advances language to establish a 20-year
retirement plan for New York City Police Department (NYPD) Tier 3
members of the New York City Police Pension Fund (S.2710).
* NEW PART FFF - The Senate advances language to establish a 25-year
retirement plan for Division of Military & Naval Affairs
firefighters (S.3655).
* NEW PART GGG - The Senate advances language to modify the in-service
death benefit for retirement eligible state-paid judges or justices
of the Unified Court System and housing judges of the Civil Court of
the City of New York (S.5083).
* NEW PART OOO - The Senate advances language to extend the income cap
waiver for retirees working in a school setting for two years,
through June 30, 2027.

Green Thumb

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive Budget All Funds
recommendation of $6.2 million, a $437,000 or 7.6 percent increase,
from SFY 2024-25 levels.

Greenway Heritage Conservancy of the Hudson River Valley

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive Budget All Funds
recommendation of $546,000, a $280,000, or 105.3 percent increase,
from SFY 2024-25 levels.

Health, Department of

State Operations (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $3.8
billion, and decreases by $8.8 million, for a total increase of $3.8
billion, as follows:
o The Senate shifts $4.5 million for the Office of Gun Violence
Prevention from the Department of Health to the Division of
Criminal Justice Services
o The Senate removes $4 million for COVID Durable Medical
o The Senate adds $250,000 to support HMH Part TT, which
establishes the Medical Indemnity Fund (MIF) Ombudsman.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $129
billion by adding $1.5 billion in State-Share spending as follows:
o Public Health:
-The Senate adds $68 million for the Medical Indemnity Fund
(MIF), providing a total of $120 million.
-The Senate adds $39.2 million to support intentionally
omitting Article VII HMH PART G Physician Excess Medical
Malpractice Coverage.
-The Senate adds $20 million for Nourish NY, providing a total
of $75 million.
-The Senate adds $20 million for Public Health legislative

-The Senate adds $17.2 million for the Hunger Prevention and
Nutrition Assistance Program (HPNAP), providing a total of
$75 million.
-The Senate adds $11.5 million to support the modification of
HMH Part N Expand the Scope of Spinal Cord Injury Research
-The Senate adds $11 million to support intentionally omitting
HMH Part H discontinuing public health Programs.
-The Senate adds $10.4 million for the Occupational Health
Clinic Network (OHCN), providing a total of $20 million.
-The Senate adds $10 million for the Reproductive Freedom and
Equity Grant Program, providing a total of $35 million.
-The Senate adds $10 million for Doctors Across NY (DANY),
providing a total of $25.8 million to support HMH Part YY.
-The Senate adds $6.5 million for American Indian Health
-The Senate adds $5.2 million to support the modification of
Article VII HMH Part R access to Emergency Medical Services.
-The Senate adds $5 million to support HMH Part NN, New York
State Abortion Clinical Training Program (S.1438-A).
-The Senate adds $5 million to support a new Article VII
proposal for Sickle Cell Disease Centers of Excellence
-The Senate adds $3.8 million for School Based Health Centers.
-The Senate adds $3 million for Special Needs Assisted Living
Residence (SNALR).
-The Senate adds $2 million for the Diversity in Medicine
Scholarship program, providing a total of $5.6 million.
-The Senate adds $2 million to support a new HMH Part QQ,
which establishes a Drug Checking Program (S.56-A).
-The Senate adds $2 million for Nurses Across New York,
providing a total of $5 million.
-The Senate adds $1.7 million for Nurse-Family Partnership,
providing for a total of $4.7 million.
-The Senate adds $1.5 million for Community Health Advocates
-The Senate adds $500,000 for Area Health Education Centers
(AHEC), providing a total of $2.7 million.
-The Senate adds $400,000 to support HMH Part XX, extending
the Adult Cystic Fibrosis Program (S.3320).
-The Senate adds $300,000 to support HMH Part CCC, Community
Doula Expansion Grant program (S.7779-B).
-The Senate adds $250,000 to support HMH Part RR, Early
Intervention Assessment Program (S.1222-A).
-The Senate adds $250,000 to support HMH Part OO, Primary Care
Investment Act (S.1634).
-The Senate adds $250,000 to support HMH Part AAA, requiring
DOH to publish tick-borne illness reports Research (S.1786).
o Medicaid:
-The Senate rejects the $500 million transfer of Medicaid
Global Cap spending to the Healthcare Stability Fund (HSF)
and reinvests the $500 million in HSF savings to support
total investments as follows:
* $355 million for Hospital investments
* $300 million for Safety-Net Transformation program
* $245 million for Nursing Homes, and Hospice Investments
* $70 million for ten percent Capital Add-on rate increase
for Hospitals and Nursing Homes

* $50 million for Federally Qualified Health Centers
(FQHCs) and Non-FQHCs
* $50 million for Physician Fee Schedule Investments
* $50 million for Managed Care Quality Pool Investments
* $45 million for Early Intervention Rate Increase
* $15 million for Assisted Living Programs (ALPs)
* $15 million for Certified Home Health Agencies (CHHAs)
* $10 million for Emergency Medical Service providers
* $10 million for Dental Care
-The Senate restores $500 million in operating funding for
Financially Distressed Hospitals (FDH), providing a total of
$1.5 billion.
-The Senate adds $100 million for New York City Health and
-The Senate adds $57 million to support the modification of
HMH Part D Hospital Payments.
-The Senate adds $20.1 million to support the modification of
HMH Part E Medicaid Managed Care Reforms.
-The Senate adds $18.2 million to reject the cap on the
Nursing Home Transition and Diversion Medicaid Waiver
-The Senate adds $15 million to support HMH Part GGG,
expanding the Nursing Home Demonstration program (CINERGY)
to Upstate New York.
-The Senate adds $12.4 million to support intentionally
omitting HMH Part C pharmacy related proposals.
-The Senate adds $10 million to support HMH Part UU, for
Telehealth Parity (S.3359)
-The Senate adds $9.6 million to reject the Applied Behavior
Analysis reforms.
-The Senate adds $2.7 million to support HMH Part EEE, related
to Nursing Home Safe Staffing (S.4883)
-The Senate adds $2 million to support HMH Part SS,
Authorizing Licensed Creative Art Therapists (LCATs) to bill
Medicaid (S.8715 of 2024).

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $1.5
billion by adding $202 million for a total of $1.7 billion as
o The Senate adds $200 million to support Capital grants for
healthcare facilities, including nursing homes, and hospitals,
specifying that independent hospitals are also eligible for
purposes of general upgrades.
o The Senate adds $2 million to support Health Outreach &
Prevention Excellence (HOPE).

Article VII Proposals (S.3007-B)
* PART A - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to extend the
Medicaid Global Cap through SFY 2026 to permanently repeal the cap
* PART B - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to extend and
make permanent various provisions of law to extend, for two years,
provisions that the Executive proposed to make permanent. The Senate
also rejects the Executive proposal to delay the Department of
Health Assisted Living Program Needs Methodology, which is currently
set to start on April 1, for one year.

* PART C - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
eliminate the ability of prescribers to overrule Medicaid denials of
coverage for prescription drugs when the prescriber's choice of the
drug is not clinically supported.
* PART D -The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to reduce
supplemental hospital payments by including language to make these
changes contingent on Federal approval of additional hospital funds.
* PART E - The Senate modifies the Executive Proposal to intentionally
omit the proposal to exclude Medicaid Managed Care (MMC) from the
Independent Dispute Resolution process. The Senate accepts the
Executive proposal to shift long-term nursing home stays from MMC to
Medicaid Fee for Service, aligning coverage with the Medicaid Long
Term Care Partial Capitation Program. The Senate modifies the
Executive proposal authorizing DOH to impose penalties on Managed
Care Organizations (MCOs) that violate state and federal laws and
regulations or the Medicaid model contract by adding provisions
ensuring due process.
* PART F - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to codify the
Managed Care Organization (MCO) tax and authorize health provider
investments to conform with the additional investments in
appropriations. It also adds language updating the federally
qualified health center rate methodology (S.4589), reducing nursing
home and hospital capital rate cuts by 10%, and modifying nursing
home rate increases to create an equitable geographical
* PART G - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to extend the
Excess Physician's Medical Malpractice Program to June 30, 2026 and
require physicians to buy their own coverage and the Department of
Financial Services (DFS) would reimburse them later. The Senate
accepts the extension and intentionally omits the other changes.
* PART H - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
discontinue certain public health programs.
* PART I - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to remove the
electronic death registration system (EDRS) fee.
* PART J - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to change the
deadline for DOH to make awards under the third and fourth rounds of
the Statewide Health Care Facility Transformation Program (SHCFTP)
from December 31, 2022 to February 28, 2023.
* PART K - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to update the
Hospital Temporary Operator statute to make clarifying changes.
* PART L - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
modify the requirement that patients consent to pay for health care
treatment after receiving the services.
* PART M - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to require
general hospitals to report their community benefit spending by
including language to require hospitals to disclose specific local
investments in the report and to share it with the New York State
Attorney General.
* PART N - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to expand the
scope of the Spinal Cord Injury Research Program to increase the
funding cap.
* PART O - The Senate modifies the Executive's opioid-related
proposals to include S.1814-A, which allows emergency medical
technician-paramedics to administer controlled substances for
emergency treatment and replaces "addict" with "a person with with
substance use disorder" in Public Health law; S.3416-B, which allows
providers to initiate maintenance treatment by dispensing
buprenorphine while arranging a referral to an authorized

maintenance program; and intentionally omit the provision adding new
substances to the State Controlled Substances Schedule.
* PART P - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to ensure
appropriate care for pregnant individuals in hospital emergency
departments to strengthen protections related to medical screenings,
refusal to consent to treatment, transfers to other facilities, and
delayed treatment. The Senate intentionally omits the Executive
proposal allowing practitioners to replace their name with the name
of the practice on prescription drug labels when prescribing
abortion medication. Chapter 7 of the laws of 2025 (S.36-A) contains
similar provisions.
* PART Q - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal requiring
Medicaid coverage for fertility preservation services for
individuals with infertility caused by medical treatments to expand
coverage to include infertility caused by underlying medical
conditions and invitro fertilization (IVF). The Senate further
modifies the Executive proposal creating a grant program to support
health care providers improve and expand access to infertility care
to clarify that IVF is a covered service. The Senate also advances
language to reimburse Federally Qualified Health Centers for
injectable fertility drugs.
* PART R - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to declare
general ambulance services an essential service, establish special
districts to finance and operate general ambulance services, and
provide for a statewide comprehensive emergency medical system plan
to mirror the provisions of S.4020-C of 2024. The Senate
intentionally omits the provisions requiring the Regional Emergency
Services Councils to consider additional factors when determining
the need for additional services in a region; creating an Emergency
Medical Community Assessment Program to evaluate EMS service;
creating various EMS demonstration programs to facilitate innovation
in EMS care delivery; and creating licensure standards for EMS
* PART S - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to require
health care entities to disclose more information on proposed and
closed material transactions to include language that expands the
proposal to any financial agreement, instead of limiting it to real
estate transactions.
* PART T - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal requiring all
hospitals to make sexual assault forensic (SAFE) examiners available
to provide funding to support hospitals, allowing professionals
training as SAFE examiners to satisfy the requirements, and
permitting hospitals additional time to comply.
* PART U - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
eliminate the DOH's duty to maintain all registered physical birth
and death indices, authorize DOH to determine how certain
genealogical records can be released, and raise or impose additional
* PART Y - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to allow general
hospitals to provide acute medical care within the home without
securing a home care agency license by adding a two-year sunset.
* NEW PART ZZ - The Senate proposes language that increases the
Medicaid savings exemption to $300,000 for individuals who are Aged,
Blind, and Disabled (S.3554).
* NEW PART QQ - The Senate advances language to create an enhanced
drug checking program and public health surveillance of the
unregulated drug supply (S.56-A).

* NEW PART RR - The Senate advances language that directs DOH to
conduct a comprehensive assessment of the existing methodology used
to determine payment for early intervention screenings, evaluations,
services, and service coordination (S.1222).
* NEW PART OO - The Senate advances language that requires all health
plans and payers to report on their overall primary care services
spending. If these entities report primary care spending of less
than 12.5%, they must submit a plan to increase it by 1% each year
* NEW PART VV - The Senate advances making the carve-out of school
based health centers from Medicaid managed care permanent (S.1224).
* NEW PART YY - The Senate advances language that expands the Doctors
Across New York Program to include dentists (S.5091).
* NEW PART GG - The Senate advances language to require DOH to review
claims for expenditures for services under the Early And Periodic
Screening, Diagnosis And Treatment benefit for students who do not
have an Individualized Education Plan or Individualized Family
Service Plan (S.999).
* NEW PART NN - The Senate advances language to create a program
within DOH to train health care practitioners throughout the state
in providing abortion care and other reproductive health care
services (S.1438-A).
* NEW PART JJ - The Senate advances language to create five Sickle
Cell Centers for Excellence and ten Sickle Cell Outpatient Treatment
Centers across the state based on the concentration of sickle cell
patients (S.1578-A).
* NEW PART AAA - The Senate advances language to require the
Department of Health to publish an annual tick-borne illness
incidence report (S.1786).
* NEW PART MM - The Senate advances language to modernize pregnancy
loss reporting (S.3173).
* NEW PART KK - The Senate advances language to establish a
presumption against pay-for-delay agreements compensating generic
drugs manufacturers for delaying market entry (S.3203).
* NEW PART XX - The Senate advances language to extend the Adult
Cystic Fibrosis Assistance Program for an additional 5 years
* NEW PART UU- The Senate advances language to extend telehealth
reimbursement parity to Federally Qualified Health Centers and
mental hygiene clinics (S.3359).
* NEW PART TT - The Senate advances language to create the Office of
the Medical Indemnity Fund Ombudsman for the purposes of receiving
and resolving complaints related to the State's Medical Indemnity
* NEW PART II - The Senate advances language to require hospital
disclosure of information on non-clinical criteria, rules, or
policies that may restrict medical personnel from providing specific
types of care (S.3486).
* NEW PART WW - The Senate advances language to require Medicaid
coverage of certain dental appliances and procedures when a
qualified dentist authorizes the procedures (S.3566).
* NEW PART CCC - The Senate advances language to create a community
doula expansion grant program (S.7779-B of 2024).
* NEW PART EEE - The Senate advances language related to minimum
direct resident care spending by residential health care facilities
* NEW PART FFF - The Senate advances language to repeal the Managed
Long-Term Care enrollment cap.

* NEW PART SS - The Senate advances language to authorize Licensed
Creative Arts Therapists (LCATs) to bill medicaid for services.
* NEW PART GGG - The Senate advances language to create the Upstate
CINERGY demonstration program.

Higher Education Facilities Capital Matching Grants Program (HECap)

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds Recommendation of zero
by adding $50 million.

Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC)

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$58 million, an increase of $1 million, or 2 percent from SFY

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $1
billion, and adds $11.1 million, for a total of $1 billion as
o Restores $1.1 million for the following:
-$1 million for the Senator Patricia K. McGee Nursing
-$50,000 for the New York Young Farmers Loan Forgiveness
Incentive Program.
o Adds $10 million for a Mental Health Loan Forgiveness program.

Article VII Proposals (S.3006-B)
* PART D - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to streamline
part time financial aid programs.
* PART E - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to streamline
excelsior scholarship payments.
* NEW PART NN - The Senate advances language to classify all homeless
students as dependent for the purpose of calculating TAP benefits
* NEW PART OO - The Senate advances language to expand loan
forgiveness for certain attorneys to include indigent legal service
attorneys (S.161).
* NEW PART PP - The Senate advances language to establish a mental
health loan repayment program for youth mental health practitioners
* NEW PART QQ - The Senate advances language to allow students to use
TAP for transition programs (S.3369).
* NEW PART SS - The Senate advances language to allow TAP to be used
for winter and summer programs (S.5447).
* NEW PART TT - The Senate advances language to extend TAP from four
to five years of eligibility (S.4963 of 2024)

Homeland Security and Emergency Services, Division of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$165 million, an increase of $2.6 million or 1.6 percent from SFY

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)

* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $8.9
billion, by adding $6 million for a total of $8.9 billion as
o The Senate adds $5 million for the American Red Cross, which
includes a restoration of $1.5 million.
o The Senate adds $800,000 for the New York State Professional
Fire Fighters Association (NYSPFFA), which includes a
restoration of $750,000.
o The Senate restores $250,000 for the Firemen's Association of
the State of New York (FASNY).

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $28
million, by adding $10 million for a total of $38 million as
o The Senate adds $10 million for Volunteer Fire Infrastructure
Response Equipment (V-FIRE) Capital grants.

Homes and Community Renewal

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $151.5 million
by adding $5 million for a total of $156.5 million to provide
funding for the following:
o The Senate provides $5 million for the operational costs of a
new Housing Supply Reporting Dashboard.

Aid To Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $201.9 million
by adding $270.5 million for a total of $472.4 million to provide
funding for the following:
o Restores:
-$10 million for operational support for Land Banks.
-$2 million in funding for Fair Housing Testing.
-$1 million for Senate Legislative Priorities and adds $1
million for a total of $2 million.
-$250,000 for the Association for Neighborhood Housing and
Development (ANHD).
o The Senate provides $250 million for the Housing Access Voucher
o The Senate recommends an increase of $5 million for the F&D
Housing Development Fund Program for the purposes of a
Farmworker Housing Program, for a total of $20 million, and
recommends an amendment to increase allowable loan amounts from
$200,000 to $400,000 per project.
o The Senate provides $500,000 for the New York Land Opportunity
Program (NYLOP).
o The Senate provides $500,000 to conduct a Captive Insurance
o The Senate provides $250,000 for JustFix.

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $1.83 billion by
adding $351.4 million for a total of $2.18 billion to provide
funding for the following:
o Restores:
-$75 million for Public Housing Authorities outside of the
City of New York.

-$40 million for the Block by Block Infill Housing Program and
adds $10 million for a total of $50 million.
-$40 million for the Vacant Apartment Repair and
Rehabilitation Program for units outside of the City of New
York and adds $10 million for a total of $50 million.
-$40 million in capital support for Land Banks.
-$30 million for the Mitchell-Lama Preservation and
Homeownership Program outside of the City of New York.
-$10 million for USDA 515 Rental Properties Preservation.
-$7 million for the Small Rental Development Initiative and
adds $3 million for a total of $10 million.
-$3 million for the Access to Home Program for a total of $4
o $40 million for an Affordable Housing Relief Fund outside of New
York City.
o The Senate recommends an addition of $30 million for a new
Statewide Senior Housing Program to develop senior housing
outside of the City of New York.
o The Senate recommends an increase of $5 million for the
Manufactured Home Advantage Program, for a total of $10 million.
o The Senate recommends an increase of $800,000 for the Main
Street Program, for a total of $5 million.
o The Senate recommends an increase of $2.6 million for the
Housing Opportunities Program for the Elderly (RESTORE), for a
total of $4 million.
o The Senate recommends an addition of $4 million for a new Safer
Homes for Seniors Program for household repairs and improvements
for low and moderate income seniors.
o The Senate recommends an addition of $1 million for the
Children's Village Housing Development in Peekskill.

The Senate recommends amending the Executive proposal to provide $1.025
billion to the City of New York through the City of Yes for Housing
Opportunity program by making $525 million available explicitly to the
New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA), and dividing up the remaining
$500 million as follows:
* $150 million reserved for new construction of rental housing in the
City of New York.
* $80 million reserved for a mixed-income revolving loan fund program
to fund the development of mixed-income housing in the City of New
* $60 million reserved for initiatives to promote homeownership among
families of low-and-moderate income residing in the City of New
* $50 million reserved for the rehabilitation of site-specific
multi-family rental housing in the City of New York.
* $50 million reserved for a Mitchell-Lama preservation program to
preserve and improve Mitchell-Lama properties in the City of New
* $40 million reserved for an affordable housing relief fund in the
City of New York.
* $30 million reserved for a senior housing program in the City of New
* $20 million reserved for capital projects and other improvements to
preserve supportive housing for the elderly regulated under Section
202 of the Housing Act of 1959 or other supportive housing for
seniors in the City of New York.

* $20 million reserved for a lead abatement program in the City of New

Article VII Proposals (S.3006-B)
* PART G - The Senate modifies the Executive Proposal to make
discrimination based on protected classes unlawful in real estate
appraisals and to expand eligible uses of the Anti-Discrimination in
Housing Fund to codify the Fair Housing Testing Program and to add
reporting requirements.
* PART H - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
prohibit the facilitation of coordinated agreements aimed at
avoiding competition in the rental market, and to adjust rental
prices, lease terms, or occupancy levels based on the recommendation
of an algorithmic device. The Senate intends to address the issue
outside of the budget process.
* PART I - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to extend
protections currently afforded to non-rent stabilized tenants to
those in rent-stabilized dwellings by replacing it with similar bill
language from S.952-A which maintains provisions related to
liability and tenant rights.
* PART J - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to expand the
conditions under which municipalities can make a finding that a
property is vacant or abandoned, allowing them to acquire the
* PART K - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to create an
opt-in tax exemption for municipalities to incentivize the creation
of low-income rental and ownership housing to increase the eligible
assessed value to up to 75% (similar to S.1718-A).
* PART L - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to increase the
tax exemption for Mitchell-Lama developments in New York City, with
the ability for local opt-in for Mitchell-Lama developments located
in the rest of the state. The Senate includes language that, in the
City of New York, any savings that are generated by a reduction in
local and municipal taxes from ten percent to five percent of the
carrying charges are to be utilized to improve the financial
condition and the physical condition of the Mitchell-Lama
* PART M - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to allow all
municipalities to opt in to a tax exemption for improvements to
certain blighted properties and to expand the existing credit to
allow one to four unit properties and owner-or-tenant occupied
properties to receive the exemption.
* PART N - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to increase
funding for the Rural Preservation Program from $5.36 million to
$8.05 million and increase the funding for the Neighborhood
Preservation Program funding from $12.83 million to $18.8 million.
Such increases include funding carve-outs of $250,000 each for Rural
Preservation Coalitions and Neighborhood Preservation Coalitions.
* NEW PART UU - The Senate advances language to lower the threshold
for condominium conversions in New York City where the development
is preserving expiring affordable units (S.1354).
* NEW PART YY - The Senate advances language to codify the Small
Rental Development Initiative (S.595).
* NEW PART ZZ - The Senate advances language to establish the Mobile
and Manufactured Home Replacement Program (S.2721).
* NEW PART AAA - The Senate advances language to increase the
Farmworker Housing borrowing cap from $200,000 to $400,000.

* NEW PART BBB - The Senate advances language to create a pre-purchase
grant program for first time homebuyers (S.3150).
* NEW PART CCC - The Senate advances language to create the Housing
Access Voucher Program to provide rental assistance in the form of
vouchers to individuals who are homeless or facing imminent risk of
becoming homeless (S.72).
* NEW PART JJJ - The Senate advances language to extend the
eligibility of the opt-in parent and grandparent living quarters
property tax exemption to structures built at any time (S.2291).
* NEW PART KKK - The Senate advances language to codify the Homeowner
Protection Program (S.2627).
* NEW PART LLL - The Senate advances a proposal to codify the Vacant
Rental Improvement Program that provides grants for owners of five
or fewer units to bring dilapidated apartments up to code as
affordable rentals throughout the state outside of New York City
(amended version of S.1399).
* NEW PART MMM - The Senate advances a proposal to codify the Block by
Block program that provides capital financing for the construction
of one-to-two family infill homes in Buffalo, Albany, Syracuse,
Rochester, and Binghamton (amended version of S.1398).
* NEW PART PPP - The Senate advances language to study the risks and
feasibility of creating and using insurance captives for affordable
* NEW PART QQQ - The Senate advances language to require the Division
of Housing and Community Renewal to create an annual report and
provide data on a publicly available interactive dashboard on the
state's affordable and supportive housing production.
* NEW PART RRR - The Senate advances language establishing the Green
Affordable Pre-Electrification (GAP) Fund to assist homeowners and
tenants to bring their homes up to existing building codes so that
they can become eligible for additional state and federal
electrification, energy efficiency and weatherization programs
(similar to S.3315).

* The Senate recognizes the need to ensure that individuals at risk of
losing housing have access to civil representation and is open to
further discussion of the concepts put forward in the establishment
of the Office of Civil Representation (amended version of S.2721).
* The Senate recognizes the need to further increase the state's
housing supply and is open to further discussion of concepts put
forward in the Faith-Based Affordable Housing Act (S.3397).

Hudson River Park Trust

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$85 million appropriation, an $85 million increase from SFY 2024-25

Hudson River Valley Greenway Communities Council

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$245,000, unchanged from SFY 2024-25 levels.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$245,000, unchanged from SFY 2024-25 levels.

Human Rights, Division of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $39.9
million, an increase of $11 million or 38.1 percent from SFY 2024-25

Article VII Proposals (S.3006-B)
* PART Z - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to establish a
trust and agency fund to compensate complainants for acts of
unlawful discrimination.

Indigent Legal Services, Office of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$8.5 million, an increase of $520,000 or 6.5 percent compared to SFY

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $476.3
million by adding $30.5 million for a total of $507 million as
o The Senate adds $30.5 million for Parental Representation
Statewide Expansion.
o The Senate rejects the $234 million sweep of the Indigent Legal
Services Fund to the General Fund and modifies appropriations to
support 18-B assigned counsel expenses under the ILS Fund rather
than the General Fund.

Information Technology Services, Office of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $1.1
billion, an increase of $174.1 million, or 18.8 percent from SFY
2024-25 levels.
o The Senate adds language requiring the office to submit a plan
to the legislature detailing which IT systems are being
modernized or updated, as well as provide the status of any
current or proposed projects before any funding can be

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$130.7 million, which is consistent with SFY 2024-25 levels.

Article VII Proposals (S.3005-B)
* PART X - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to require
cybersecurity awareness training for State and local employees by
adding language to enact the "Secure Our Data Act" to require state
agencies to set up data protection standards, vulnerability
assessments, data and information inventories, and recovery
procedures (S.1961).
* PART YY - The Senate advances language to establish the position of
Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer within the Office of
Information Technology Services (S.933).

Inspector General, Office of the State

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $12
million and adds $1 million for a total of $13 million as follows:
o The Senate adds $1 million to support investigations of
complaints of sexual assaults in correctional facilities.

Interest on Lawyer Account Fund

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$3.4 million, an increase of $444,000 or 15 percent compared to SFY

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$77.5 million in funding, a net decrease of $39.5 million or 34
percent compared to SFY 2024-25.


Legislature and Judiciary (S.3001)
* The Senate modifies the Office of Court Administration All Funds
recommendation of $4.1 billion, by adding $31 million for a total of
$4.13 billion as follows:
o The Senate adds $31 million, which will be suballocated from
Division of Criminal Justice Services to the Judiciary:
-$20 million to support PPGG Part OO, establishes a pilot
program extending operational hours for Family Court in
select NYC counties (S.3170).
-$6 million to support statewide expansion of supervised
visitation programs.
-$5 million to support PPGG Part EEE, which enacts the
Challenging Wrongful Convictions Act (S.6319).

Article VII Proposals (S.3005-B)
* PART T - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
apply a variable, market-based interest rate to court judgments.
* NEW PART LL - The Senate advances language to increase juror daily
pay from $40 to $72 (S.4998-A).
* NEW PART OO - The Senate advances language to establish a pilot
program which requires Family Court to remain open until midnight in
select NYC counties (S.3170).
* NEW PART RR - The Senate advances language to expand the power and
independence of the State Commission on Judicial Conduct by, among
other things, expanding the Commission's jurisdiction over retired
judges and limiting the Executive's ability to modify the
Commission's annual budget request (S.4859).
* NEW PART SS - The Senate advances language to permit audio-visual
coverage of judicial proceedings by the media (S.462-A).

Judicial Conduct, Commission on

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$9.3 million, an increase of $430,000 or 4.8 percent as compared to
SFY 2024-25.

Judicial Nomination, Commission on

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$30,000 unchanged from SFY 2024-25.

Judicial Screening Committee

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$38,000 unchanged from SFY 2024-25.

Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$62.3 million, an increase of $278,000 or less than one percent
compared to SFY 2024-25.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of $1
million, unchanged compared to SFY 2024-25.

Labor, Department of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$1.04 billion.

Aid To Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $6.29 billion by
adding $33.87 million for a total of $6.32 billion to provide
funding for the following:
o Restores:
-Senate legislative adds totaling $25.1 million.
o Adds $2 million for the Cornell ILR Climate Jobs Institute.
o Adds $2 million for the Cornell ILR Cannabis Workforce
o Adds $2 million for New Jewish Home.
o Adds $150,000 for the New York Coalition for Occupational Safety
and Health (NYCOSH).
o Adds $3.3 million for additional Senate legislative additions.

The Senate recognizes the importance of promoting high-demand career
pathways for underserved individuals, and commits to supporting
technology training providers approved by the Department of Labor that
train and secure employment for low wage and disadvantaged workers.

Article VII Proposals (S.300X-B)
* PART T - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal related to the
Healthy Terminals Act to expand coverage to include part-time
workers and Stewart International Airport.
* PART U - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
limit recovery of liquidated damages.
* PART V - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to expand the
Department of Labor's enforcement powers to allow workers to seek an
order of attachment against defendants on wage theft claims and to
allow workers to hold shareholders of non-publicly traded
corporations personally liable for wage theft (S.4611).

* PART W - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to increase
penalties for violations relating to the employment of minors to
remove provisions providing the Commissioner of Labor discretion to
reduce employer penalties for violations.
* PART X - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to establish a
database for the employment of minors to remove the language
requiring a fee to access such database.
* NEW PART FFF - The Senate advances language to establish a
dedicated, recurring revenue stream for Department of Labor wage
enforcement purposes by utilizing resources the agency recovers from
penalties imposed on employers found in violation of wage theft
provisions of the labor law (S.2455).
* NEW PART GGG - The Senate advances language to require public
employers to develop and implement programs to prevent abusive
conduct and bullying in the workplace (S.4925).
* NEW PART HHH - The Senate advances language to reduce the period
from which striking workers are eligible to receive unemployment
insurance benefits as a result of a labor dispute from two weeks to
one week (S.4476).
* NEW PART NNN - The Senate advances language to strengthen the
standard of reasonable assurance that must be met for unemployment
insurance purposes (S.5623).
* NEW PART OOO - The Senate advances language to amend the project
cost threshold for prevailing wage requirements applicable to
construction projects performed under private contract by reducing
the public fund threshold from 30 percent to 20 percent. The Senate
further advances language to repeal the Public Subsidy Board,
transferring its enforcement authority to the Department of Labor,
and to establish a new certification process for public entities to
certify the amount and usage of public funds provided.

Labor Management Committees

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $51.7
million, a 5.9 percent increase from previous levels.

Law, Department of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $392
million by adding $7.3 million for a total of $399 million as
o The Senate adds $7.3 million to support an additional 95 FTEs
for implementation and enforcement operations.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$96 million, a $96 million increase compared to SFY 2024-25.

Lieutenant Governor, Office of the

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$1.2 million, which is consistent with SFY 2024-25 levels.

Local Government Assistance

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$2.5 million for the Financial Restructuring Board, unchanged from
SFY 2024-25 levels.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $877.3
million and increases by $533,000, for a total of $877.8 million, as
o The Senate provides $250,000 to establish a New York State Aid
and Incentives for Municipalities (AIM) Redesign Task Force. The
task force would also make recommendations related to allocating
AIM Funding to the City of New York.
o The Senate adds $300,000 in Miscellaneous Financial Assistance
for the Village of New Paltz for police and fire services.
o The Senate adds $200,000 in Miscellaneous Financial Assistance
to the City of Auburn's Equal Rights Heritage Center.
o The Senate rejects the Executive's proposal to provide $217,000
in Small Government Assistance to offset reduced tax revenues in
certain counties with State-owned forest properties.

Article VII Proposals (S.3005-B)
* PART K - The Senate modifies the Executive's proposal requiring
local governments to report cybersecurity incidents to the
Commissioner of Homeland Security and Emergency Services within 72
hours to include public authorities in the requirement. For
incidents involving ransom payments, the Commissioner must be
notified within 24 hours explaining the ransom demand. If a ransom
payment was paid, a detailed report must be sent to the Commissioner
within 30 days of the payment. Additionally, the Senate further
modifies the Executive's proposal to include notification
requirements to be submitted to the New York State Authorities
Budget Office (ABO).
* PART R- The Senate accepts the Executive's proposal to increase the
bonding limit for the New York City Transitional Finance Authority
by $3 billion; from $27.5 billion to $30.5 billion beginning July 1,
* PART S- The Senate modifies the Executive's proposal to amend the
New York City Industrial and Commercial Abatement Program (ICAP) to
include warehouses to the list of projects ineligible for ICAP
* PART Z- The Senate accepts the Executive's proposal to expand the
New York City Public Works Investment Act.
* NEW PART QQQ- The Senate advances language to modify the Citizens
Empowerment Tax Credits (CETC) to increase CETC annual tax credits
for cities, towns, or villages that consolidate or dissolve from 15
percent to 30 percent of the newly combined local government's tax
levy; and to increase the maximum award amount from $1 million to $3
* NEW PART TTT- The Senate advances language to make the state lands
of Sojourner Truth State Park and Franny Reese State Park subject to
local taxation.
* NEW PART VVV- The Senate advances language to prohibit Industrial
Development Agency (IDA) financial incentives for e-commerce
projects (Based on S.4658).
* NEW PART UUU- The Senate advances language to expand permanent
authority to allow user charges for emergency medical services (EMS)
provided by fire departments and fire companies (S.4930).

* NEW PART PPP- The Senate advances language to establish a New York
Aid and Incentives for Municipalities (AIM) redesign task force,
similar to S.3269. The task force would also make recommendations on
the expansion of AIM funding to the City of New York.
* NEW PART RRR - The Senate advances language to amend the
organization of industrial development agencies by requiring at
least one member of such IDA be from a local labor organization and
a local school district (S.4464).
* NEW PART SSS - The Senate advances language to authorize Onondaga
County to use design-build and best value for the Oak Orchard
Wastewater project.

Medicaid Inspector General, Office of the

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $59.2
million, and increase $1 million for a total of $60.2 million as
o The Senate adds $1 million to support HMH Part HH, reforms OMIG
audit procedures (S.4955).

Article VII Proposals (S.3007-B)
* NEW PART HH - The Senate advances language to establish audit
procedures and reform practices and standards for the adjustment or
recovery of medical assistance payments from recipients (S.4955).

Mental Health, Office of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$2.4 billion, an increase of $82 million or 3.5 percent compared to
SFY 2024-25.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $3.3
billion by adding $267 million for a total of $3.5 billion as
o The Senate adds $200 million ($100 million State-share) for the
Medicaid Rate Increase for Children's Behavioral Health.
o The Senate adds $22 million to support HMH Part LL, enacting
"Daniel's Law" (S.3670).
o The Senate adds $20 million for Mental Health legislative
o The Senate adds $15 million for Assertive Community Treatment
(ACT) teams.
o The Senate adds $10 million for Supportive Housing.

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$604 million, an increase of $8 million or 1.3 percent compared to
SFY 2024-25.

Article VII Proposals (S.3007-B)
* HMH PART EE - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal related to
involuntary commitment and assisted outpatient treatment to
intentionally omit provisions that expand the standard to
involuntarily commit individuals and amends assisted outpatient
treatment. The Senate accepts the Executive proposal on care

coordination, including changes to discharge planning and requiring
hospitals and Comprehensive Psychiatric Emergency Programs (CPEPs)
to notify mental health practitioners when their patients are
admitted to or discharged from programs. The Senate remains
committed to collaborating with the Executive and the Assembly to
develop a balanced solution that helps people experiencing mental
health challenges access the care they need, promotes public safety,
and safeguards civil liberties.
* NEW PART LL - The Senate advances "Daniel's Law" to require local
governments to create peer-focused crisis services plans as part of
the local services plans to assist individuals experiencing mental
health or substance use crises that increase access to care and
reduce law enforcement involvement; create the Statewide Emergency
and Crisis Response Council to assist in the review and approval of
such plans; and establish a statewide behavioral services technical
assistance center (S.3670). The Senate is committed to providing
continued support for Daniel's Law on a recurring basis.

Mental Hygiene, Department of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$600 million, unchanged from SFY 2024-25.

Article VII Proposals (S.3007-B)
* PART AA - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal permanently
authorizing the Office of Mental Health (OMH), Office of Addiction
Services and Supports (OASAS), and Office for People With
Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) to utilize time-limited
demonstration programs by extending this authority for two years.
* PART BB - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal authorizing OMH
and OPWDD to appoint temporary operators by adding a two-year sunset
to evaluate the program.
* PART DD - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal allowing
homeless youth to legally consent to behavioral health treatment by
clarifying that these individuals may also consent to substance use
disorder treatment.

Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Aid to Localities (S.4003-C)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$858.9 million, a decrease of $14.1 million or 1.6 percent from SFY
2024-25 levels.

Capital Projects
* The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $3 billion, and
increases by $100,000, for a total of $3 billion as follows:
o $100,000 for a Queens Link local match.
o The Senate recommends the MTA put forth solutions to the
Nostrand Junction bottleneck as well as station improvements at
74th Street and Jamaica - 179th Street stations in Queens and
the East New York - LIRR station in Brooklyn.

The Senate recognizes the importance of a fully funded MTA capital
program to the tri-state region and correspondingly to the national
economy, and fully supports identifying and mobilizing financial
resources to properly fund the 2025-2029 MTA Capital Plan in partnership

with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, City of New York, the
New York State Assembly, and the Governor of the State of New York. The
Senate also recognizes the importance of the MTA using its resources
efficiently and transparently, so that it can instill confidence in the
taxpayers and riders who rely on the system.

Military and Naval Affairs, Division of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$191.2 million, an increase of $45 million or 30.8 percent compared
to SFY 2024-25.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $5.5
million by adding $400,000 for a total of $5.9 million as follows:
o The Senate adds $400,000 to support a Junior Reserve Officer
Training Corps (J-ROTC) Academy program at Multicultural High

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$249 million in funding, an increase of $130 million or 108.3
percent compared to SFY 2024-25.

Article VII Proposals (S.3008-B)
* PART I - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to extend
tax-increment financing authority for ten years by extending this
authority for one year and advances legislation to reform the way
the MTA delivers its capital projects. This includes enhancements to
the Capital Program Dashboard (S.4475) and additional updates on
capital project timelines, state of good repair, and expanded
benchmarking analysis.
* PART J - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to extend the
MTA's use of compulsory arbitration with labor representatives.
* PART K - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to extend the
property valuation agreement authorization between the MTA and City
of New York to align the types of covered projects with the
programmatic intent.
* PART L - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
extend the reimbursement rate shifting paratransit costs from the
MTA to the City.
* PART M - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to codify the
State's and City's commitments to contribute at least $3 billion
each to the 2025-29 MTA Capital Program.
* PART O - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to expand the
MTA's camera enforcement program to allow for automated camera
enforcement against obstructing traffic at intersections (otherwise
known as "blocking the box"). The Senate will work with the MTA to
improve the ABLE program to ensure that mobile camera enforcement is
equitable in areas where buses bunch up.
* PART BBBB - The Senate advances legislation to expand and revive the
fare-free bus program (based off a portion of S.4421)
* NEW PART AAAA - The Senate advances the FARES ACT, which:
o Expands the Fair Fares program to an additional universe of
eligible individuals to receive a corresponding discount on
intracity commuter rail trips. (Based off of S.3887)

o Directs MTA to develop weekly and monthly City Tickets,
including transfers between the commuter rails and subways and
buses. (Based off of S.4411)
o Directs MTA to create a lower cost intracity combination ticket
allowing discounted peak and off-peak transfers. (One Metro NY
Combo Ticket) (Based off of S.4412)

Mortgage Agency (SONYMA)

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$76.8 million, unchanged from SFY 2024-25 levels.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$110.8 million, unchanged from SFY 2024-25 levels.

Motor Vehicles, Department of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate One-House concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$133.59 million, an increase of $8.37 million, or 6.7 percent from
SFY 2024-25.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate One-House concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$24.9 million, unchanged from last year.

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate One-House concurs with the Executive recommendation of
$336.47 million, a decrease of $178.46 million, or 34.7 percent from
SFY 2024-25.

Article VII Proposals (S.3008-B)
* PART C - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to extend the
online pre-licensing course for five years by adding safety-related
* PART E - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
modify the drugged driving laws without prejudice, and is working to
address this pressing issue.
* PART AAA - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal directing DMV
to create a Gold Star family distinctive license plate with
technical amendments.
* PART FFFF - The Senate advances language adding an educational
component to the five-hour pre-licensing course and to the defensive
driving course with respect to interactions with law enforcement
during traffic stops (S.1284).

The Senate recognizes the continuing issues facing the school bus camera
enforcement program, particularly with respect to adjudication and
overlapping jurisdictions, and will work to address them.

National And Community Service

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$31.5 million, an increase of $1 million or 3.3 percent from SFY
2024-25 levels.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$489,000, which is consistent with SFY 2024-25 levels.

Olympic Regional Development Authority

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$14.1 million, unchanged from SFY 2024-25 levels.

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $110
million and decreases by $27.5 million for a total of $82.5 million
as follows:
o Reduces $27.5 million for the following:
-$15 million in modernization funding for ORDA's
-$12.5 million for maintenance of ORDA's Olympic and Ski

Article VII Proposals (S.3008-B)
* PART T - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to expand the
Olympic Regional Development Authority's contracting authority to
enter into certain reciprocal ski pass arrangements with other ski

Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $397.1
million and increases by $18 million for a total of $415.1 million
as follows:
o Adds $18 million for the 250th Commemoration Commission.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $26.6
million and increases by $200,000 for a total of $26.8 million as
o Restores $200,000 for the Queens Botanical Garden.

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $591.4
million and increases by $110 million for a total of $701.4 million
as follows:
o Designates $2.5 million for Harlem Valley Rail Trail within
existing funds for the Capital Projects Fund.
o Restores $110 million for the following:
-$100 million for New York statewide investment in more
swimming (NY SWIMS).
-$10 million for zoos, botanical gardens, and aquaria (ZBGA).

People with Developmental Disabilities, Office for

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$2.4 billion, an increase of $7.8 million, or less than one percent
compared to SFY 2024-25.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $7.48
billion by adding $146 million for a total of $7.62 billion as
o The Senate adds $145 million to support HMH Part BBB which
provides a wage enhancement for direct support providers
consistent with S.4837.
o The Senate adds $1 million for OPWDD legislative grants.

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $266.7
million, and adds $15 million for a total of $281.7 million as
o The Senate adds $15 million for Residential Facilities for the
IDD Community to support Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
compliance projects.

Article VII Proposals (S.3007-B)
* PART Z - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to make
permanent the 2022 amendments to the State's Preferred Source
program, which exempt entities that provide employment to
individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities from
competitive procurement procedures, by adding a two-year sunset to
evaluate the program.
* PART CC - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal extending the
statutes authorizing Medicaid managed long-term care plans for
individuals receiving services through OPWDD to December 31, 2027.
* NEW PART BBB - The Senate advances language to provide a wage
enhancement for direct support providers and others who provide
treatment in OPWDD licensed, funded, approved, and/or certified
facilities making less than $125,000 a year (S.4837).

Power Authority, New York

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$52.5 million, a decrease of $1.5 million or 2.8 percent, from SFY
2024-25 levels.

Prevention of Domestic Violence, Office for the

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of $7
million, an increase of $975,000 or 16 percent compared to SFY

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $12.3
million by adding $6 million for a total of $18.3 million as
o The Senate adds $6 million to support Domestic Violence
assistance grants.

Article VII Proposals (S.3005-B)
* PART I - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to modify the
process for victims of domestic violence by allowing them to receive
waivers of certain eligibility requirements when seeking public

* PART J - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to designate OPDV
to create a model gender-based violence and the workplace policy and
to prohibit competitive State contracts to be awarded to vendors who
do not have their own written policy on gender-based violence and
the workplace.

Prosecutorial Conduct, Commission on

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of $3
million, an increase of $1.3 million or 71 percent compared to SFY

Public Employment Relations Board

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $6.7
million, a increase of $726,000 or 12.3 percent from previous

Public Service, Department of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$149.3 million, a $7.6 million or 5.4 percent increase, from SFY
2024-25 levels.

Aid To Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $5.8 million and
increases by $205 million for a total of $210.8 million as follows:
o Adds $205 million for the following:
-$200 million for the Energy Affordability Program (EAP).
-$5 million for the creation of a Utility Intervenor Funding

Article VII Proposals (S.3008-B)
* PART WW - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to require
energy services companies (ESCOs) to send unclaimed deposits to the
abandoned property fund, bringing them in line with similar
requirements placed on utilities.
* PART YY - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to increase
penalties associated with the "Call Before You Dig" program by
dedicating the proceeds to the Energy Affordability Program
administered by DPS instead of Environmental Protection Fund.
* PART XX - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to extend
assessments charged to cable television companies and public
utilities to cover expenses pertinent to utility regulation and
public management of various agencies for five years to instead
extend it by one year, and to advance language that directs the
Public Service Commission to establish limits on executive
compensation and legal fees that can be recovered from ratepayers
* NEW PART EEE - The Senate advances language enacting NY Home Energy
Affordable Transition (HEAT) Act that aligns the Public Service Law
and state utility regulations with the CLCPA, updates gas supply
infrastructure capital planning requirements, and targets to limit
energy burden not to exceed six percent of household income

* NEW PART MMM - The Senate advances language creating a utility
intervenor funding program to support parties representing
consumers' interests in rate cases (S.2477).
* NEW PART GGGG - The Senate advances language which requires a study
of competitive options to phase-out and replace state's oldest and
most-polluting fossil fueled generation facilities by 2030 (S.5111).
* NEW PART RRR - The Senate advances language that requires the Public
Service Commission ("PSC") to evaluate grid enhancing technologies
whenever utilities petition for additional transmission or
distribution projects (S.2708).
* NEW PART TTT - The Senate advances language that directs the PSC to
annually evaluate and update standard methodology for calculating
reasonable return on equity for the purposes of rate setting for
electric, gas, steam, and water services (S.1896).

State, Department of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $220.6
million, and decreases by $530,000 for a total of $220.1 million, as
o The Senate removes $1.5 million for the Office of Faith and
Non-Profit Development Services.
o The Senate adds $1 million to establish the Office of Native
American Affairs.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $268.9
million, and increases by $76.13 million for a total of $345.03
million as follows:
o The Senate restores $30 million for Asian American Pacific
Islanders (AAPI) for combating biased based crimes, crisis
intervention services, and an AAPI Community Development Fund.
o The Senate add $46.13 million for the following:
-$30.8 million in additional support for the Office for New
Americans, for a total of $75 million.
-$5 million for the New York State Community Commission on
Reparations Remedies.
-$3.25 million for the Public Utility Law Project (PULP).
-$3 million for the New York State Immigration Coalition.
-$75,000 for the New York Legal Assistance Group.
-$7.5 million to support Legislative Initiatives.
o The Senate removes $3.5 million for the Office of Faith and
Non-Profit Development Services.

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$202 million, a decrease of $10 million or 4.7 percent from SFY
2024-25 levels.

Article VII Proposals (S.3005-B)
* PART U - Senate modifies the Executive proposal to require
Artificial Intelligence (AI) companion applications to implement a
protocol for addressing potential user suicidal ideation or
self-harm by including provisions to address inaccurate and
inappropriate outputs (S.934). The Senate further intends to address
the issue of liability for harm caused by entities using inaccurate

or malicious AI chatbots outside the budget through pending
legislation (S.5668).
* PART V - The Senate rejects without prejudice the Executive proposal
to change requirements on large retailers relating to return policy
for goods sold.
* PART W - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to update
regulations for offers and automatic renewal of subscriptions and
continuing services by making technical changes and removing certain
* PART X - The Senate modifies Executive proposal requiring notices
and restricting use of class identifiers in personalized pricing by
making technical changes and advancing language to add restrictions
on dynamic pricing.
* PART KK - The Senate advances language to continue the Law Revision
Commission (S.4657).
* PART XX - The Senate advances language establishing the Office of
Native American Affairs to act as a centralized office for Native
American nations to access information on State programs that are
applicable to Native Americans (S.2602).
* NEW PART JJJ - The Senate advances language extending the due date
on the report examining the legacy of slavery and subsequent
discrimination by one year.

State Police, Division of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$1.1 billion, an increase of $9.8 million or less than one percent
compared to SFY 2024-25.

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$145 million, unchanged from SFY 2024-25.

State University of New York (SUNY)

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $12.7
billion, and adds $74.3 million, for a total of $12.8 billion as
o Restores $5.4 million for the following:
-$2 million for the Maritime Appointments Program Scholarships
at SUNY Maritime.
-$1 million for Mental Health Services.
-$1 million for High Need Program for Expansion of Nursing
-$500,000 for Public Interest State Law Program at the
University at Buffalo School of Law.
-$350,000 for the Black Leadership Institute.
-$350,000 for Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander
(AANHPI) Leadership Institute.
-$150,000 for the Benjamin Center at SUNY New Paltz.
o Adds $68.9 million for the following:
-$55.7 million for hospital debt service.
-$6.4 million for Educational Opportunity Programs (EOP).
-$3.2 million for the NY AFFIRMS Bilingual Educator Program at
SUNY Buffalo.
-$2.1 million for SUNY ESF Timbuctoo pipeline.

-$1 million for summer programs at the College of
Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY ESF).
-$500,000 for food pantries.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $474.1
million, and adds $9.8 million, for a total of $486.5 million as
o Restores $300,000 for Housing and Food Insecurity Support at
Dutchess Community College.
o Adds $9.45 million for the following:
-$7.2 million in general operating assistance for community
-$2 million for Cornell County Cooperative Extension
Association Grant Program.
-$250,000 for the Center for Career Support Services at
Tompkins Cortland Community College.

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $2.1
billion, and adds $6.5 billion, for a total of $8.6 billion as
o Adds $6.5 billion for the following and advances a five-year
capital commitment for SUNY:
-$6 billion for a five-year capital program, $1.5 billion of
which is to be made available on an annual basis beginning
in SFY 2026-27.
-$250 million for revitalization at SUNY Downstate Hospital.
-$250 million for revitalization at SUNY Upstate Hospital.
-$50 million for an underground thermal energy network at SUNY

Article VII Proposals (S.3006-B)
* PART F - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to establish the
New York Opportunity Promise Scholarship for community colleges by
extending it to all SUNY and CUNY schools with associate degree
* NEW PART JJ - The Senate advances language to extend the SUNY
Downstate Advisory Board's deadline for releasing its
recommendations to June 1, 2025, and clarify that its meetings are
subject to Open Meetings Laws.
* NEW PART RR - The Senate advances language to phase out graduate
student fees (S.3458).
* NEW PART SSS - The Senate advances language requiring CUNY and SUNY
to install at least one vending machine offering emergency
contraception at each school.

Statewide Financial System

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$35 million, an increase of $3 million or 9.4 percent from SFY
2024-25 levels.

Sustainable Futures Fund

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)

* The Executive All Funds recommendation for a new $1 billion
appropriation; the Senate modifies the appropriation language with
the following conditions:
o All funding shall flow through the Climate Investment Account of
the Climate Action Fund and be subject to all provisions
applicable to such account.

Tax Appeals, Division of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$4.5 million, an increase of $458,000, or 11.3 percent, from SFY
2024-25 levels.

Taxation and Finance, Department of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$517.3 million, an increase of $18.3 million, or 3.6 percent, from
SFY 2024-25 levels.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$7.9 million, which is consistent with SFY 2024-25 levels.

Article VII Proposals (S.3009-B)
* PART A - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to Enact a
One-Time Inflation Refund to instead focus relief for seniors, and
would deliver a refund for three years.
* PART B - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to provide a
middle-class tax cut and extend the temporary Personal Income Tax
(PIT) High Income Surcharge for five years by increasing the two top
rates by 0.5 percent, based on S.4437.
* PART C - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to enhance the
Empire State Child Credit for three years by replacing the proposal
with the Working Families Tax Credit proposal (S.2082) and adding
language increasing the Earned Income Tax Credit for single adults.
* PART D - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to extend and
double the State Low-Income Housing Credits.
* PART E - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to Amend the
State Historic Property Tax Credits by replacing the transferability
language with language already passed by the Senate (S.2124) while
keeping language that expands the use of the credit for affordable
* PART F - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to impose a
waiting period restriction and limit deductions on institutional
real estate investors by including language clarifying that mortgage
lenders are not captured by this proposal.
* PART G - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
establish the CATALIST NY Program.
* PART H - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to extend and
amend the Excelsior Jobs Programs as follows: shortens the length
of the extension to five years, requires a jobs plan for the new
semiconductor research program and expands training and reporting
requirements, and extends the credit period for businesses using the
Jobs Retention Tax Credit Program.
* PART I - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to extend and
amend the Film Tax Credit, by rejecting changes regarding loan-out

companies, rejecting including above-the line expenses in the
post-production program, accepting a new program for independent
films but limiting it to actually independent productions, and
includes language to encourage the use of New York musicians in
scoring films.
* PART J - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
make changes to the Newspaper and Broadcast Media Jobs Program.
* PART K - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to amend the
Digital Gaming Media Production Credit Program by including language
that changes the eligibility criteria of the credit to increase
* PART L - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to extend the
New York City Musical and Theatrical Production Credit for two years
to add language to ensure that it focuses on smaller independent
* PART M - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to clarify
taxpayer notification and protest rights.
* PART N - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to modify the tax
warrant process.
* PART O - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to simplify the
STAR income Definition.
* PART P - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
eliminate the IDA sales tax exemption reporting requirement.
* PART Q - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
enact pass-through entity tax flexibility.
* PART R - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to increase the
Article 9-A estimated tax threshold.
* PART S - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to establish a
tax credit for organ donation.
* PART T - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to make
permanent the Estate Tax three-year gift addback rule to include
language to make add-backs deductible as debt for federal estate
* PART U - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to expand the
credit for employment of persons with disabilities.
* PART V - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
increase reporting of federal partnership adjustments to DTF.
* PART W - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to eliminate the
New York City PIT for certain filers.
* PART X - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
amend the New York City Relocation and Employment Assistance
* PART Y - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to extend the
clean heating fuel credit for three years.
* PART Z - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to extend the
alternative fuels and electric vehicle recharging property credit
for three years.
* PART AA - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to extend the
sales tax vending machine exemption for one additional year.
* PART BB - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to extend the
Workers with Disabilities Tax Credit for three years.
* PART CC - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to extend the
Hire a Vet Credit for three years.
* PART DD - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to extend the
Musical and Theatrical Production Credit for four years.
* PART EE - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to Extend the
Financial Institution Data Match System.

* NEW PART JJ - The Senate advances language to extend the duration of
certain brownfield development and remediation tax credits (S.858).
* NEW PART KK - The Senate advances language increasing the maximum
amount of the Geothermal Tax Credit from $5,000 to $10,000 (S.4882).
* NEW PART LL- The Senate advances language ending the sales tax
exemption of boats valued above $230,000 (S.3874).
* NEW PART MM - The Senate advances language increasing the maximum
amount of the Residential Solar Tax Credit from $5,000 to $10,000
* NEW PART NN - The Senate advances language to decouple the State
from the Opportunity Zones tax program (S.3340).
* NEW PART OO - The Senate advances language to allow the Department
of Taxation and Finance to enforce the ban on flavored vape products
similar to the enforcement of untaxed cigarettes (S.4527).
* NEW PART PP - The Senate advances language to add a tax on
non-essential helicopter rides in New York City (S.1140).
* NEW PART QQ - The Senate advances language to create a State match
for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit funded at $5 million per year
* NEW PART RR - The Senate advances language to amend the State
Historic Homeowner Tax Credit to include certain homes that were
previously eligible in census tracts that are no longer eligible for
the credit (S.405).
* NEW PART SS - The Senate advances language to raise the corporate
franchise tax rate for businesses with over $5 million in income to
9 percent for five years, based on S.3943.
* NEW PART TT - The Senate advances language imposing a tax on
single-family homes owned by institutional investors (S.1572).
* NEW PART UU- The Senate advances language to allow professional
employer organizations to claim the farm employer overtime tax
credit (S.3961).
* NEW PART VV - The Senate advances language to extend the Farm
Workforce Employee Retention Tax Credit for an additional five
* NEW PART WW- The Senate advances language to establish an
Unemployment Insurance tax credit for businesses with fifty or fewer
employees for their additional per employee costs due to the unpaid
Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund debt in the form of a tax credit
equal to $215 per employee.
* NEW PART XX - The Senate advances language ending a variety of tax
breaks for fossil fuel companies (S.3606-A).
* NEW PART ZZ - The Senate advances language to allow farms to claim
the Investment Tax Credit for expenses of building farmworker
* NEW PART CCC- The Senate advances language to establish a $1,000
deduction for educator expenses.

Temporary and Disability Assistance, Office of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$532.6 million, an increase of $20.3 million or 3.97 percent from
SFY 2024-25 levels.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $7.1
billion and increases it by $559.9 million for a total of $7.7
billion as follows:

o The Senate restores $13.4 million for the following:
-$5 million in additional support for the Refugee Resettlement
Program, for a total of $7 million.
-$4.1 million in TANF for ATTAIN.
-$2 million in additional support for the Nutritional Outreach
and Education Program (NOEP), for a total of $5.5 million.
-$1.5 million in additional support for the Disability
Advocacy Program (DAP), for a total of $6.75 million.
-$800,000 in TANF for the Welfare to Careers Program.
o The Senate adds $546.5 million for the following:
-$239 million in additional support for the Baby Bucks
Allowance pilot program - related to ELFA Part Q.
-$75 million for a statewide thirty percent cap on rent
contributions for HIV-positive individuals and
implementation of ELFA Part CC.
-$50 million for the Cooling Cash Assistance Program.
-$50 million for the Shelter Arrears Eviction Forestallment
(SAEF) pilot program for counties outside of NYC - related
to ELFA Part III.
-$48.5 million in additional support for the Summer Youth
Employment Program (SYEP), for a total of $100 million, to
support additional slots for youths.
-$16.25 million to establish the NYS SNAP Minimum-Benefits
program, ensuring families receive a minimum benefit of $50
per month - related to ELFA Part LL.
-$14.2 million in additional support for the NYSSHP program to
increase reimbursement rates, for a total of $85.58 million.
-$13.2 million for Legal Service Representation for Evictions
in NYC.
-$11.5 million to provide a quarterly diaper allowance to
eligible families, related to ELFA Part EE.
-$6.8 million in additional support for Legal Service
Representation for Evictions outside of New York City, for a
total of $41.8 million.
-$6.5 million for the New York Healthy Incentive Program -
related to ELFA Part KK.
-$3 million for the Double Up Food Bucks program.
-$2 million for National Diaper Banks.
-$10 million to support legislative initiatives.
o The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to provide $18
million to expand the number of NYC Department of Homeless
Services Welcome Centers and require that the Office of the
State Comptroller conduct audits on the implementation of the
o The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to provide $3 million
for the Monroe County Ladders Program and provides an additional
$500,000 for the implementation of ELFA Part FF to conduct a
Statewide study on the "Benefits Cliff".
o The Senate carves out $25 million from the $250 million for
Raise the Age appropriation and uses those funds to establish
the Youth Justice Fund - related to ELFA Part WW.

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $153
million and increases by $103 million for a total of $256 million as
o $103 million in additional support for the Homeless Housing
Assistance Program, for a total of $219 million. This additional

funding will support the rehabilitation of existing supportive
housing units under the New York State Supportive Housing

Article VII Proposals (S.3006-B)
* PART Q -The Senate modifies the Executive proposal establishing a
one-time benefit for pregnant public assistance recipients at
childbirth and to expand the existing allowance by replacing it with
the Baby Bucks Allowance pilot program which will provide cash
allowances to 15,000 participants during the last three months of
pregnancy, continuing until the child reaches eighteen months of age
* PART R - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to raise the
Personal Needs Allowance and standard of monthly need for
determining eligibility for Public Assistance and a number of
additional state payments.
* PART S - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to extend the
Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance's authority to appoint
temporary operators for emergency homeless shelters until March 31,
* NEW PART CC - The Senate advances language to require all local
social services districts in New York State to provide a thirty
percent rental contribution cap for all individuals that are
HIV-positive and living on public assistance (S.442).
* NEW PART DD - The Senate advances language to increase the monthly
allowance for individuals and families living in shelters that
provide at least three meals a day (S.113).
* NEW PART EE - The Senate advances language to permit local social
services districts to administer quarterly allowances for the cost
of diapers to eligible families with children two years or younger
* NEW PART FF - The Senate advances language to establish a task force
to study fiscal cliffs in New York State's Public Assistance program
and make recommendations to reduce and eliminate such fiscal cliffs
* NEW PART HH - The Senate advances language to increase the income
threshold to 400 percent of the Federal Poverty Level for the
one-time, six-month earned income disregard for public assistance
recipients who enter a job after completing an employment training
program (S.182).
* NEW PART KK - The Senate advances language to direct the Office of
Temporary and Disability Assistance to establish the New York
Healthy Incentive Program which will provide earned dollars for
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program beneficiaries to spend on
local healthy food (S.1281).
* NEW PART LL - The Senate advances language establishing a state SNAP
minimum benefit program to provide the difference in a household's
federal SNAP benefit and $50.00 (amended version of S.665).
* NEW PART III - The Senate advances language to codify the Shelter
Arrears Eviction Forestallment (SAEF) program (similar to S.4446).

Thruway Authority

Aid to Localities (S. 3003-B)
* The Senate supports the expansion of the Governor Cuomo/Tappan Zee
Bridge Resident Discount Program to include Orange County residents.
o The Senate recommends an addition of $3 million for the Orange
County resident discount for the Harriman Thruway toll.

o The Senate recommends an addition of $2.9 million for the
Governor Cuomo/Tappan Zee Bridge Resident Discount Program.

The Senate recognizes the continuing issues with E-ZPass billing and
Toll By Mail adjudication, and will continue to work on addressing these

Transportation, Department of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation of $512.68
million, an increase of $11.79 million, or 2.4 percent from SFY

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $5.49 billion,
and increases by $224.9 million, for a total of $5.71 billion as
o The Senate adds $82 million in additional support for STOA
funding to non-MTA transit systems to provide a 15% increase,
for a total of $5.2 billion.
o $50 million for the purpose of implementing a weekly and monthly
City-ticket with discounted transfers between subways and buses.
o $45 million for the costs of providing free bus fares on 15
routes in the City of New York.
o $40 million to expand Fair Fares to 200% of the federal poverty
level and to expand commuter rail.
o The Senate adds $10 million for a Transit Equity Pilot Program
which will fund efforts by transit agencies to provide people
with direct routes to large employers. $1 million will be
provided to the regional transportation providers in each of the
Department of Transportation regions outside of New York City.
o The Senate recommends repurposing $1 million for a study on the
creation of a Mid-Hudson Valley Transportation Authority.
o The Senate adds $200,000 for the costs associated with expanding
Chester Park and Ride.
o The Senate adds $200,000 for the Hudson-Chatham shuttle-bus
dial-a-ride service.
o The Senate eliminates $2.5 million in funding for the Ogdensburg
Bridge and Port Authority.

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $8.32 billion,
and increases by $788.9 million, for a total of $9.11 billion as
o Provides $131.3 million in additional support for core highway
funding, for a total of $3.61 billion. To compensate for past
underfunding, $100 million of the additional support will go to
region 8, and $31.3 million will go to region 10.
o The Senate increases the Consolidated Highway CHIPS by $125
million, for a total of $723.1 million.
o The Senate adds $250 million for the third round of the Airport
Competition Fund.
o The Senate increases Non-MTA Capital by $50 million, for a total
of $250 million, and supports the creation of a new five-year
capital plan for non-MTA transit systems.
o The Senate increases BRIDGE NY by $25 million, for a total of
$225 million.

o The Senate increases PAVE NY by $25 million, for a total of $175
o The Senate increases State Touring Routes by $30 million, for a
total of $170 million.
o The Senate increases Extreme Winter Recovery by $25 million, for
a total of $125 million.
o The Senate restores $26 million in capital support for the
second year of the NFTA's capital program, totalling $130
o The Senate increases Marchiselli funding by $10.3 million, for a
total of $50 million.
o The Senate increases the Airport Capital Grant Program by $12.5
million, for a total of $25 million.
o The Senate adds $25 million for the Inner Loop Transformation
Project to address additional project elements that have been
identified during scoping.
o The Senate adds $20 million to the Syracuse Hancock Regional
Airport Authority for the design of a new parking deck and
associated land improvement.
o The Senate adds $20 million to renovate Brookville Road.
o The Senate provides additional language requiring the Gateway
Development Commission as part of the Hudson River Casing
Project to move forward with the Secaucus Loop project, and adds
$10 million for ten percent preliminary design.
o The Senate adds $3 million for a planning study on Carlton
Avenue in Central Islip.
o The Senate adds $500,000 for a Corridor ID study evaluating
whether Thruway land can be used for high-speed rail.
o The Senate adds $250,000 to the Regional Transit Service in
Monroe County to begin a study on a Bus Rapid Transit Corridor
on Lake Ave.
o The Senate supports providing a commitment letter for the state
share of costs associated with the Amherst Light Rail Expansion.
o The Senate supports retaining funding for the Kensington
Expressway project in Buffalo, while the project continues
progressing through the community input process.

Article VII Proposals (S.3008-B)
* PART B - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to allow Cortland
County to join Centro.
* PART Q - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to expand the
automated work zone speed camera program to make a variety of
changes to expand and improve the program, including adjudication
improvements, ensuring correct revenue dedication, and expanding
DOT's and the Thruway's programs.
* PART R - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to expand
enhanced criminal assault penalties over additional transportation
workers by including additional ferry workers and highway inspectors
in the protections.
* PART VVV - The Senate advances language allowing transit providers
to piggyback off of other providers' contracts for purposes of
streamlining zero-emission bus purchases and reducing costs.
* PART EEEE - The Senate advances language requiring DOT and the
Thruway Authority to implement a signage program notifying motorists
of nearby zero emission vehicle charging stations.

Veterans' Services, Department of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$14.2 million, which is consistent with SFY 2024-25 levels.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive All Funds recommendation of $14.3
million and increases by $4.45 million for a total of $18.75 million
as follows:
o The Senate restores $1.55 million for the following:
-$500,000 for the New York State Defenders Associations
Veteran Defense Program (VDP).
-$405,000 for Legal Services of the Hudson Valleys -- Veteran
and Military Families.
-$300,000 for New York Helmets to Hardhats.
-$220,000 for the New York State Defenders Associations
Veteran Defense Program (VDP) - Long Island Expansion.
-$125,000 for Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of New York
o The Senate adds $2.9 million for the following:
-$400,000 for SAGE.
-$500,000 for a searchable database of veteran-owned
businesses in New York related to ELFA Part VV.
-$2 million to support legislative initiatives.

Capital Projects (S.3004-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of $4
million, which is consistent with SFY 2024-25 levels.

Article VII Proposals (S.3006-B)
* PART Y - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to expand
eligibility for the Gold Star Annuity program to spouses and minor
children of a service member who died while on active duty.
* NEW PART BB - The Senate advances language allowing municipalities
to adopt an exemption for veterans with a 100 percent
service-connected disability rating from all real property taxes on
their primary residence (S.1183).
* NEW PART VV - The Senate advances language establishing a searchable
database of veteran-owned businesses in New York, including a
special mark for service-disabled veteran-owned businesses (S.4597).

Victim Services, Office of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$26.3 million, an increase of $300,000 or one percent compared to
SFY 2024-25.

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$325.8 million, a decrease of $10.9 million or 3.2 percent compared
to SFY 2024-25.

Article VII Proposals (S.3005-B)
* PART G - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to expand victim
support services.
* PART H - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to increase
healthcare providers' reimbursement rates to match DOH's Medicaid

reimbursement rates for the cost of a sexual assault survivor's

Waterfront Commission

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$4.97 million, unchanged from SFY 2024-25.

Article VII Proposals (S.3008-B)
* PART A - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to amend the
Commission's enacting statute.

Workers' Compensation Board

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate modifies the Executive recommendation of $232.01 million,
an increase of $4.7 million from SFY 2024-25 levels, by adding $124
million for a total of $356.01 million to include the following:
o $114 million to support the implementation of S.2234/Ramos
o $10 million to support the implementation of S.172/Ramos

Article VII Proposals (S.3006-B)
* PART AA - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to allow medical
and surgical residents and fellows to treat workers' compensation
* PART BB - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
allow any licensed provider in good standing to treat workers'
compensation patients. The Senate is committed to addressing
workers' concerns with the workers compensation system that create
barriers to receiving care.
* PART CC - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to allow
workers' compensation payers to pay for medical treatment and care
without accepting liability for one year.
* PART DD - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
require health insurance plans to pay for treatment in the interim
when workers' compensation treatment is being contested. The Senate
is committed to addressing workers' concerns with the workers
compensation system that create barriers to receiving care.
* NEW PART DDD - The Senate advances language to increase short-term
disability leave benefits, phased in over a four-year period, and to
provide coverage for stillbirth, allow for intermittent daily leave,
and to exempt workers and employers covered by a current collective
bargaining agreement until the expiration of such agreement (S.172).
* NEW PART EEE - The Senate advances language to allow either party to
a Workers' Compensation claim to request a hearing, establish a
timeline for such hearing process, and require a record of all
hearings held (S.2234).

Welfare Inspector General, Office of

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate concurs with the Executive All Funds recommendation of
$1.4 million, which is consistent with SFY 2024-25 levels.

Miscellaneous Appropriations, Emergency Response

State Operations (S.3000-B)

* The Senate concurs with the Executive recommendation for emergency
appropriations as follows:
o $7 billion for Special Federal Emergency in State Operations
funding, unchanged compared to SFY 2024-25.
o $2 billion for Special Emergency in State Operations funding,
unchanged compared to SFY 2024-25.
o $500 million for Public Security & Emergency Response in State
Operations funding, unchanged compared to SFY 2024-25.

Miscellaneous Appropriations, Targeted Inflationary Increase

Aid to Localities (S.3003-B)
* The Senate adds $576 million State-share to support a 7.8 percent
Targeted Inflationary Increase (TII).
o The Senate includes appropriation language to sub-allocate
funding to any relevant state agency responsible for
administering the 7.8 percent TII as proposed in HMH Part FF.

Article VII Proposals (S.3007-B)
* PART FF - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to provide a
Targeted Inflationary Increase (TII) for certain OMH, OASAS, OPWDD,
Office for Temporary and Disability Assistance, OCFS, and the New
York State Office for the Aging providers to increase the TII to 7.8
percent, include previously excluded programs, and include a
targeted salary increase of 4 percent for direct care workers.

Miscellaneous Items

State Operations (S.3000-B)
* The Senate adds $1 million to support the Law Review Commission.
* The Senate adds $12,000 to support the Legislative Rural Resource

Article VII Proposals (S.3005-B)
* PART EE - The Senate modifies the Executive's proposal regarding
sweeps and transfers to account for spending changes and
intentionally omits the Executive proposal to make permanent the
authority to issue up to $3 billion in short-term personal income
tax notes.

Article VII Proposals (S.3008-B)
* PART D - The Senate accepts the Executive proposal to amend the
abandoned vehicle threshold.
* PART F - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
prohibit parking on street corners near New York City schools
without prejudice, and will work with State and City partners on a
comprehensive solution to improve safety around intersections,
including making infrastructure and legal improvements as necessary.
* PART G - The Senate modifies the Executive proposal to reclassify
Class 3 e-bikes as mopeds to replace it with requirements to improve
regulation of moped sales and increase penalties for unregistered
dealing (S.1164).
* PART H - The Senate intentionally omits the Executive proposal to
specify that New York City can impose additional speed limits in
bike lanes.
* PART P - The Senate rejects without prejudice the Executive proposal
authorizing, or alternatively mandating, New York City to impose a
surcharge on construction-related permits.


  • 11 / Mar / 2025
  • 13 / Mar / 2025

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Senate


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