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This entry was published on 2024-08-23
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Special Provisions Relating to Liquor
Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) CHAPTER 3-B

Section 60. Kinds of licenses.

61. Distiller's licenses.

61-a. Combined craft manufacturing license.

61-b. Importer's license.

62. Wholesaler's liquor license.

63. Seven day license to sell liquor at retail for consumption

off the premises.

63-a. Liquor tasting.

64. License to sell liquor at retail for consumption on the


64-a. Special license to sell liquor at retail for consumption

on the premises.

64-b. License to sell liquor on premises commonly known as a

bottle club.

64-c. License to manufacture and sell alcoholic beverages in a

premises commonly known as a restaurant-brewer.

64-d. License to sell liquor on premises commonly known as a


64-e. License to sell liquor at retail as an off-premises

catering establishment.

65. Prohibited sales.

65-a. Procuring alcoholic beverages for persons under the age of

twenty-one years.

65-b. Offense for one under age of twenty-one years to purchase

or attempt to purchase an alcoholic beverage through

fraudulent means.

65-c. Unlawful possession of an alcoholic beverage with the

intent to consume by persons under the age of twenty-one


65-d. Posting of signs.

65-e. Posting of signs relating to human trafficking.

66. License fees.

67. License fees, duration of licenses; fee for part of year.

68. Direct interstate liquor shipments.

69. Direct intrastate liquor shipments.