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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Report of abandoned property
Abandoned Property (ABP) CHAPTER 1, ARTICLE 5
§ 503. Report of abandoned property. Each payment or delivery of
abandoned property pursuant to section five hundred two shall be
accompanied by a written report, affirmed as true and accurate under
penalty of perjury, in such form as the state comptroller shall
prescribe, setting forth:

(a) The name and last known address, if any, of the person appearing
to be entitled to such abandoned property;

(b) A description of such abandoned property;

(c) The number of shares represented or the face amount of the

(d) The amount of any principal, dividend, interest or other increment
due thereon;

(e) The date such amount was demandable or payable; and

(f) Such other identifying information as the state comptroller may