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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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County administrator form
Alternative County Government (ACG) CHAPTER 11-B, ARTICLE 2
§ 50. County administrator form. A county which shall adopt the county
administrator form of government shall have a county executive to be
called "county administrator." The board of supervisors shall appoint
the county administrator to serve during the term of office for which
the members of such board then in office were elected. Successors shall
be appointed for like terms. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by
the board of supervisors for the remainder of the term of office for
which the members of such board then in office were elected. No member
of the board of supervisors, other than the chairman shall, during the
term for which he was elected, be eligible for appointment as county
administrator. The board of supervisors may appoint the chairman of the
board of supervisors as county administrator, who shall perform the
duties of county administrator concurrently with those of chairman but
without additional compensation. The county administrator may, when
authorized by local law, serve as the head of one or more departments
not administered by an elective official but without additional
compensation. The board of supervisors shall appoint a county auditor
who shall serve during the term of office for which the members of such
board then in office were elected. Successors shall be appointed for
like terms. In any county having an elective county auditor, the
incumbent of the office shall continue in office, unless a vacancy
otherwise occurs, until the expiration of the term of office for which
he was elected. Vacancies in the office of county auditor shall be
filled by appointment by the board of supervisors for the remainder of
the term of office for which the members of such board then in office
were elected. The county auditor shall audit all claims, accounts and
demands which are made county charges by law and which otherwise would
be audited by the board of supervisors. The county treasurer shall pay
the amounts audited and certified by such auditor as if the same had
been audited by the board of supervisors. The provisions of section
three hundred sixty-nine of the county law shall apply to the audit and
payment of claims against the county. The county administrator, subject
to confirmation by the board of supervisors, shall appoint a county
purchasing agent who shall serve during the term of office of the
administrator. Successors shall be appointed for like terms. Vacancies
in the office of county purchasing agent shall be filled by appointment
in like manner for the remainder of the term. The county purchasing
agent shall have and exercise all functions, powers and duties vested in
or imposed upon the office under article nine of this chapter or other
general law. The foregoing provisions of this section, together with
other applicable provisions of this chapter, including those provisions
which may be made applicable, shall constitute the structure of the
county administrator form of government authorized to be adopted by this