Agriculture & Markets
AN ACT in relation to agriculture and markets, constituting chapter
sixty-nine of the consolidated laws.
Became a law February 27, 1922, with the approval of the Governor.
Passed, three-fifths being present.
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:
Article 1. Short title; definitions; matters of public interest
(§§ 1-3).
2. Department of agriculture and markets; jurisdiction;
general powers and duties (§§ 4-28).
2-A. Division of the New York State Fair (§§ 31--31-c).
2-C. Community gardens (§§ 31-g--31-i).
3. Investigation; practice and procedure; violations;
penalties (§§ 32--45-c).
4. Dairy products (§§ 46-71).
4-A. Frozen desserts (§§ 71-a--71-k).
4-B. Milk sanitation (§§ 71-l--71-o).
4-C. Foreign dairy products (§§ 71-u--71-x).
4-D. Liability for canned, perishable food or farm products
distributed free of charge (§§ 71-y--71-z).
5. Diseases of domestic animals; calves and veal; pure
bred stock; certificates of registry (§§ 72-96).
5-A. Licensing of slaughterhouses (§§ 96-a--96-f).
5-B. Sale of meat (§§ 96-g--96-w).
5-C. Licensing of rendering plants (§§ 96-x--96-z-12).
5-D. Sale of poultry and poultry products
(§§ 96-z-21--96-z-36).
6-A. Indemnification for rabies (§§ 105-c--105-j).
7. Licensing, identification and control of dogs
(§§ 106-125).
7-A. Mink and ranch fox farming (§§ 127-a--127-b).
8. Manufacture and distribution of commercial feed
(§§ 128--135-g).
9. Inspection and sale of seeds (§§ 136--142-b).
9-A. Sale of agricultural liming materials
(§§ 142-aa--142-hh).
10. Sale and analysis of commercial fertilizer
(§§ 143--146-f).
10-A. Prevention of fraud in sale of soil and plant
inoculants (§§ 147-a--147-i).
11. Integrated pest management program (§§ 148-149).
11-A. Agricultural environmental management
(§§ 150--151-j).
11-B. Soil health and climate resiliency (§§ 151-l--151-o).
12. Adulteration and sale of turpentine and linseed oil
(§§ 152-156).
12-A. Grading of farm products (§§ 156-c--156-i).
13. (Enacted without Article heading) (§§ 157-160).
13-A. (Enacted without Article heading) (§§ 160-a--160-e).
13-B. (Enacted without Article heading) (§§ 160-h--160-k).
13-C. Lettuce (§§ 160-p--160-t).
13-D. Manufacture, distribution and sale of maple syrup and
sugar (§ 160-u).
13-E. Prohibition of dumping certain agricultural products
(§ 160-v).
14. Prevention and control of disease in trees and plants;
insect pests; sale of fruit-bearing trees
(§§ 161--169-c).
14-A. Sale and distribution of lye and other caustic
substances (§§ 170--172-e).
15. Bee diseases (§§ 173--175-b).
15-A. Sales of baby chicks (§§ 175-m--175-r).
16. Weights and measures (§§ 176--197-b).
17. Adulteration, packing, and branding of food and food
products (§§ 198--214-o).
17-A. Enrichment of certain foods (§§ 215--215-c).
17-B. Licensing of food salvagers (§§ 216-222).
18. Wood products development (§ 225).
18-A. Natural fiber textile development (§ 226).
19. Refrigerated warehouses and locker plants
(§§ 230-243).
20. Licensing of farm products dealers (§§ 244--250-k)
20-C. Licensing of food processing establishments
(§§ 251-z-1--25l-z-13).
21. Milk control (§§ 252--258-r).
21-AA. Dairy promotion act (§ 258-aa).
21-B. Dry milk powder control (§§ 258-bb--258-ii).
21-C. Northeast Interstate Dairy Compact
(§§ 258-kk--258-nn).
22. Farmers' markets (§§ 259-263).
23. Direct marketing (§§ 281--284-a).
24. Promotion of agriculture and domestic arts;
agricultural societies (§§ 286-290).
25-A. Food and agricultural industry development
(§§ 296-297)
25-AA. Agricultural districts (§§ 300-310).
25-AAA. Agricultural and farmland protection programs
(§§ 321-326).
25-AAAA. Farmland Viability Program (§§ 327-330).
25-B. Abandoned animals (§§ 331-332).
26. Animals (§§ 350-386).
26-A. Care of animals by pet dealers (§§ 400-408).
26-B. Emergency response services for animals (§§ 410-411).
26-C. Regulation of animal shelters (§§ 420-434).
27. Nourish New York (§§ 450-452).
28. Special powers and duties of the department with
respect to retail food stores, food service
establishments and food warehouses (§ 500).
29. Growth of hemp (§§ 505-521).
30. Saving clauses; laws repealed; when to take effect
(§§ 550-555).
AN ACT in relation to agriculture and markets, constituting chapter
sixty-nine of the consolidated laws.
Became a law February 27, 1922, with the approval of the Governor.
Passed, three-fifths being present.
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:
Article 1. Short title; definitions; matters of public interest
(§§ 1-3).
2. Department of agriculture and markets; jurisdiction;
general powers and duties (§§ 4-28).
2-A. Division of the New York State Fair (§§ 31--31-c).
2-C. Community gardens (§§ 31-g--31-i).
3. Investigation; practice and procedure; violations;
penalties (§§ 32--45-c).
4. Dairy products (§§ 46-71).
4-A. Frozen desserts (§§ 71-a--71-k).
4-B. Milk sanitation (§§ 71-l--71-o).
4-C. Foreign dairy products (§§ 71-u--71-x).
4-D. Liability for canned, perishable food or farm products
distributed free of charge (§§ 71-y--71-z).
5. Diseases of domestic animals; calves and veal; pure
bred stock; certificates of registry (§§ 72-96).
5-A. Licensing of slaughterhouses (§§ 96-a--96-f).
5-B. Sale of meat (§§ 96-g--96-w).
5-C. Licensing of rendering plants (§§ 96-x--96-z-12).
5-D. Sale of poultry and poultry products
(§§ 96-z-21--96-z-36).
6-A. Indemnification for rabies (§§ 105-c--105-j).
7. Licensing, identification and control of dogs
(§§ 106-125).
7-A. Mink and ranch fox farming (§§ 127-a--127-b).
8. Manufacture and distribution of commercial feed
(§§ 128--135-g).
9. Inspection and sale of seeds (§§ 136--142-b).
9-A. Sale of agricultural liming materials
(§§ 142-aa--142-hh).
10. Sale and analysis of commercial fertilizer
(§§ 143--146-f).
10-A. Prevention of fraud in sale of soil and plant
inoculants (§§ 147-a--147-i).
11. Integrated pest management program (§§ 148-149).
11-A. Agricultural environmental management
(§§ 150--151-j).
11-B. Soil health and climate resiliency (§§ 151-l--151-o).
12. Adulteration and sale of turpentine and linseed oil
(§§ 152-156).
12-A. Grading of farm products (§§ 156-c--156-i).
13. (Enacted without Article heading) (§§ 157-160).
13-A. (Enacted without Article heading) (§§ 160-a--160-e).
13-B. (Enacted without Article heading) (§§ 160-h--160-k).
13-C. Lettuce (§§ 160-p--160-t).
13-D. Manufacture, distribution and sale of maple syrup and
sugar (§ 160-u).
13-E. Prohibition of dumping certain agricultural products
(§ 160-v).
14. Prevention and control of disease in trees and plants;
insect pests; sale of fruit-bearing trees
(§§ 161--169-c).
14-A. Sale and distribution of lye and other caustic
substances (§§ 170--172-e).
15. Bee diseases (§§ 173--175-b).
15-A. Sales of baby chicks (§§ 175-m--175-r).
16. Weights and measures (§§ 176--197-b).
17. Adulteration, packing, and branding of food and food
products (§§ 198--214-o).
17-A. Enrichment of certain foods (§§ 215--215-c).
17-B. Licensing of food salvagers (§§ 216-222).
18. Wood products development (§ 225).
18-A. Natural fiber textile development (§ 226).
19. Refrigerated warehouses and locker plants
(§§ 230-243).
20. Licensing of farm products dealers (§§ 244--250-k)
20-C. Licensing of food processing establishments
(§§ 251-z-1--25l-z-13).
21. Milk control (§§ 252--258-r).
21-AA. Dairy promotion act (§ 258-aa).
21-B. Dry milk powder control (§§ 258-bb--258-ii).
21-C. Northeast Interstate Dairy Compact
(§§ 258-kk--258-nn).
22. Farmers' markets (§§ 259-263).
23. Direct marketing (§§ 281--284-a).
24. Promotion of agriculture and domestic arts;
agricultural societies (§§ 286-290).
25-A. Food and agricultural industry development
(§§ 296-297)
25-AA. Agricultural districts (§§ 300-310).
25-AAA. Agricultural and farmland protection programs
(§§ 321-326).
25-AAAA. Farmland Viability Program (§§ 327-330).
25-B. Abandoned animals (§§ 331-332).
26. Animals (§§ 350-386).
26-A. Care of animals by pet dealers (§§ 400-408).
26-B. Emergency response services for animals (§§ 410-411).
26-C. Regulation of animal shelters (§§ 420-434).
27. Nourish New York (§§ 450-452).
28. Special powers and duties of the department with
respect to retail food stores, food service
establishments and food warehouses (§ 500).
29. Growth of hemp (§§ 505-521).
30. Saving clauses; laws repealed; when to take effect
(§§ 550-555).