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Bridges and Tunnels New York/New Jersey 47/31 (BAT) CHAPTER ROOT
Chapter 47 of the laws of 1931 relating to

bridges and tunnels in New York and New Jersey.

Section 1. The state of New Jersey by appropriate legislation
concurring herein, the states of New York and New Jersey hereby declare
and agree that the vehicular traffic moving across the interstate waters
within the port of New York district, created by the compact of April
thirty, nineteen hundred twenty-one, between the said states, which said
phrase "interstate waters" as used in this act shall include the portion
of the Hudson river within the said port of New York district north of
the New Jersey state line, constitutes a general movement of traffic
which follows the most accessible and practicable routes, and that the
users of each bridge or tunnel over or under the said waters benefit by
the existence of every other bridge or tunnel since all such bridges and
tunnels as a group facilitate the movement of such traffic and relieve
congestion at each of the several bridges and tunnels. Accordingly the
two said states, in the interest of the users of such bridges and
tunnels and the general public, hereby agree that the construction,
maintenance, operation and control of all such bridges and tunnels,
heretofore or hereafter authorized by the two said states, shall be
unified under the port of New York authority (hereinafter called the
port authority), to the end that the tolls and other revenues therefrom
shall be applied so far as practicable to the costs of the construction,
maintenance and operation of said bridges and tunnels as a group and
economies in operation effected, it being the policy of the two said
states that such bridges and tunnels shall as a group be in all respects