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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Bridges and Tunnels New York/New Jersey 47/31 (BAT) CHAPTER ROOT
§ 10. The plans of the connections with state or municipal highways of
any vehicular bridge or tunnel which the port authority may hereafter
construct (including the plans of any additional connections of existing
bridges or tunnels with state or municipal highways), shall be subject
to the approval of the governor of the state in which such connections
shall be located. Either state may require by appropriate legislation
that such connections shall be subject to the approval of the
municipality of that state in which they shall be located; and in such
event, the approval of such municipality shall be given as provided in
article twelve of the said compact of April thirty, nineteen hundred
twenty-one. Except as limited herein, the port authority shall determine
all matters pertaining to such bridges and tunnels.