No title
Bridges and Tunnels New York/New Jersey 47/31 (BAT) CHAPTER ROOT
ยง 2. In furtherance of the aforesaid policy, and in partial
effectuation of the comprehensive plan heretofore adopted by the two
said states for the development of the said port of New York district,
the control, operation, tolls and other revenues of the vehicular
tunnel, known as the Holland tunnel, under the Hudson river between the
city of Jersey City and the city of New York, shall be vested in the
port authority as hereinafter provided; and the port authority is hereby
authorized and empowered to construct, own, maintain and operate an
interstate vehicular crossing under the Hudson river to consist of three
tubes (hereinafter called the Midtown Hudson tunnel), together with such
approaches thereto and connections with highways as the port authority
may deem necessary or desirable.
The port authority shall from time to time make studies, surveys and
investigations to determine the necessity and practicability of
vehicular bridges and tunnels over or under interstate waters within the
said port of New York district, in addition to the said Midtown Hudson
tunnel and Holland tunnel and to the George Washington bridge, Goethals
bridge, Outerbridge Crossing and Bayonne bridge, and report to the
governors and legislatures of the two states thereon. The port authority
shall not proceed with the construction of any such additional vehicular
bridges and tunnels over or under said interstate waters until hereafter
expressly authorized by the two said states, but the second deck of the
George Washington bridge shall be considered an addition and improvement
to the said bridge and not such an additional vehicular bridge, and the
port authority's power and authorization to construct, own, maintain and
operate said second deck for highway vehicular or rail rapid transit
traffic or both is hereby acknowledged and confirmed.
Except as may be agreed upon between the port authority and the
municipality in which they shall be located, the approaches to the
George Washington bridge hereafter constructed on the New York side
shall be located as follows: between Amsterdam avenue and Pinehurst
avenue, the approaches shall be located between west One hundred
seventy-eighth street and west One hundred seventy-ninth street; between
Pinehurst avenue and Cabrini boulevard, the approaches shall be between
west One hundred seventy-eighth street and west One hundred eightieth
street; between Cabrini boulevard and Haven avenue, the approaches shall
be between west One hundred seventy-seventh street and the line parallel
to the northerly side of west One hundred eightieth street and one
hundred twenty-five feet north of the building line on the north side
thereof; between Haven avenue and Service street north of the George
Washington bridge, the approaches shall be between the bridge and an
extension of the building line on the northerly side of west One hundred
eightieth street. Except as so limited, the port authority may
effectuate such approaches, connections, highway extensions or highway
improvements as it shall deem necessary or desirable in relation to the
George Washington bridge, located in or extending across the counties in
which such bridge is located, and, in its discretion, may do so by
agreement with any other public agency; such agreement may provide for
the construction, ownership, maintenance or operation of such
approaches, connections or highway extensions or highway improvements by
such other public agency.
effectuation of the comprehensive plan heretofore adopted by the two
said states for the development of the said port of New York district,
the control, operation, tolls and other revenues of the vehicular
tunnel, known as the Holland tunnel, under the Hudson river between the
city of Jersey City and the city of New York, shall be vested in the
port authority as hereinafter provided; and the port authority is hereby
authorized and empowered to construct, own, maintain and operate an
interstate vehicular crossing under the Hudson river to consist of three
tubes (hereinafter called the Midtown Hudson tunnel), together with such
approaches thereto and connections with highways as the port authority
may deem necessary or desirable.
The port authority shall from time to time make studies, surveys and
investigations to determine the necessity and practicability of
vehicular bridges and tunnels over or under interstate waters within the
said port of New York district, in addition to the said Midtown Hudson
tunnel and Holland tunnel and to the George Washington bridge, Goethals
bridge, Outerbridge Crossing and Bayonne bridge, and report to the
governors and legislatures of the two states thereon. The port authority
shall not proceed with the construction of any such additional vehicular
bridges and tunnels over or under said interstate waters until hereafter
expressly authorized by the two said states, but the second deck of the
George Washington bridge shall be considered an addition and improvement
to the said bridge and not such an additional vehicular bridge, and the
port authority's power and authorization to construct, own, maintain and
operate said second deck for highway vehicular or rail rapid transit
traffic or both is hereby acknowledged and confirmed.
Except as may be agreed upon between the port authority and the
municipality in which they shall be located, the approaches to the
George Washington bridge hereafter constructed on the New York side
shall be located as follows: between Amsterdam avenue and Pinehurst
avenue, the approaches shall be located between west One hundred
seventy-eighth street and west One hundred seventy-ninth street; between
Pinehurst avenue and Cabrini boulevard, the approaches shall be between
west One hundred seventy-eighth street and west One hundred eightieth
street; between Cabrini boulevard and Haven avenue, the approaches shall
be between west One hundred seventy-seventh street and the line parallel
to the northerly side of west One hundred eightieth street and one
hundred twenty-five feet north of the building line on the north side
thereof; between Haven avenue and Service street north of the George
Washington bridge, the approaches shall be between the bridge and an
extension of the building line on the northerly side of west One hundred
eightieth street. Except as so limited, the port authority may
effectuate such approaches, connections, highway extensions or highway
improvements as it shall deem necessary or desirable in relation to the
George Washington bridge, located in or extending across the counties in
which such bridge is located, and, in its discretion, may do so by
agreement with any other public agency; such agreement may provide for
the construction, ownership, maintenance or operation of such
approaches, connections or highway extensions or highway improvements by
such other public agency.