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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Bridges and Tunnels New York/New Jersey 47/31 (BAT) CHAPTER ROOT
§ 4. The port authority shall, so far as it deems it practicable,
treat as a single unified operation the construction, maintenance and
operation of the said Midtown Hudson tunnel, the said Holland tunnel,
the two vehicular bridges over the Arthur Kill, the vehicular bridge
over the Kill van Kull, the vehicular bridge over the Hudson river at
Fort Lee, and any other vehicular bridges or tunnels which it may
construct or operate, raising moneys for the construction thereof and
for the making of additions and improvements thereto in whole or in part
upon its own obligations, and establishing and levying such tolls and
other charges as it may deem necessary to secure from all of such
bridges and tunnels as a group, at least sufficient revenue to meet the
expenses of the construction, maintenance and operation of such bridges
and tunnels as a group, and to provide for the payment of the interest
upon and amortization and retirement of and the fulfillment of the terms
of all bonds and other securities and obligations which it may have
issued or incurred in connection therewith.

The additions and improvements to bridges and tunnels constructed or
operated by it which the port authority is hereby authorized to
effectuate shall include but not be limited to parking facilities, by
which is meant transportation facilities consisting of one or more
areas, buildings, structures, improvements, or other accommodations or
appurtenances necessary, convenient or desirable in the opinion of the
port authority for the parking or storage of motor vehicles of users of
such bridges and tunnels and other members of the general public and for
the transfer of the operators and passengers of such motor vehicles to
and from omnibuses and other motor vehicles operated by carriers over or
through such bridges or tunnels, and for purposes incidental thereto.

Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to prevent the port authority
from establishing, levying and collecting tolls and other charges in
connection with any parking facility in addition to and other than the
tolls or charges established, levied and collected in connection with
the bridge or tunnel to which such parking facility is an addition and
improvement or any other bridge or tunnel.

The port authority shall not proceed with the construction of any
parking facility as an addition and improvement to any bridge or tunnel
other than a parking facility in the township of North Bergen in the
state of New Jersey at or in the vicinity of the Midtown Hudson tunnel
and its approaches and connections, except as heretofore or hereafter
expressly authorized.